I don't understand how we Americans accept transgenders into society. Why is everyone so caught up in their "moral obligation" that they can't see how unhealthy these people are. Why do we call them brave instead of getting them mental help. It's the most coward thing to do. Throwing your identity away because you felt rejected or ugly, or because you were born "wrong"?? How stupid is that. When did putting on women's clothing become a normal solution to these problems. Why have we accepted something like this.
Everything about it is fucked up. You can see it by just looking at them. They're not normal people. Especially if you know how they acted before. Like that one Zelda speedrunner. The behavior is very analogous to some mental disorders.
Also, why do gays associate themselves with trans. It hurts your own causes when you want me to accept these freaks. These people are actual freaks. We laughed at them in circuses not long ago but now we're jacking off to them on message boards? Idk what's wrong with country anymore. Idk how this mindset was spread. All of it just makes me sick. Well I think that's all I gotta say.
I don't understand how we Americans accept transgenders into society...
Other urls found in this thread:
because USA loves new stupid movements, see feminism, blm, etc.
You should voice your opinions on a public forum so the people you know know where you stand, and not on an anonymous imageboard where everyone just thinks you're a giant retard except the 5 Sup Forumsbots that troll this board at any time
Do you think these people are actually healthy? lying to themselves to make them feel better? how long is that gonna last...
happy*, not healthy.
How sad your life must be to somehow propose to know so well what goes on in others' lives.
My take on it is this.
It's a free country. If you want to be a freak and it's not harming anyone but you. Have at it!
well the main concern is from how we view these people. if we keep treating it likes its normal then we're hurting people.
I have a friend who is transgender. Was a huge memer, but always came off as... Not very genuine. Was religious as fuck too. Eventually he came out. I asked him (now a her) about it, and she said it got to the point where if she didn't come out she probably would have killed herself.
I don't know what causes it, but I think it's a real thing. I don't think it's worth shitting on someone. If somebody wants to cut their dick off and take estrogen, it's a free country. So long as they leave my dick alone.
As for jacking off to them, nope. I can't jerk off to anything that wasn't fully born a female. But some people can. It's whatever.
I just remember that in the end, humans are just really smart apes. We like to think of ourselves as better than other animals, but we're not. We're still just animals. And being biological creatures, sometimes there are errors, deformities, mental disorders, etc. If we were to disown every human being with a problem we'd have to probably nuke the Earth.
OP is a faggot
the more mentally ill there is the less competition there will be OP
let go of your love for humanity and care for yourself
Most of America is conservative Christians that either hate or just don't fucking pay attention to stupid shit like this, they are just either busy doing other shit to care, plainly don't give a fuck, or just ignore it. The Midwest is a big place OP.
It's called psychology, sociology, and statistical analysis. Try harder transfaggot enabler.
you do bring a perspective of the issue that i kinda get, but if cutting your dick in half is a solution then how come we don't accept self-injury people as an identity?
I feel the same way brother. I don't know why trannies even fucking exist, they should eliminate out of this world as well as gays. What is ironical is that Sup Forumstards fapping to traps and thinking is not "gay" to fap to this queer shit. Traps are pretty much the same as transgenders, they're worthless mentally ill faggots who should just die. Reason why Americans "accept" transgenders is because the media shoving down people throats and pushing the trans agenda.
True, they just love joining these stupid libtards movements.
frankin fag
what does that even mean? As soon as someone bends from whatever status quo that for some reason you seem to want the power to set you get to strip the humanity from people?
Why not just treat people nice and with the right to exist exactly as you would want to be treated? or do you not want to be treated nicely and with the right to exist?
>meanwhile you're not allowed to escort your infant daughter in the womans washroom
>but these psychopaths are allowed to enter
when did the media decide catering towards delusions of the clinically insane as something we should all accept?
live n let live, but stop restricting ones freedom of speech or silencing opinions just because some nancyboi faggot will have his feelings hurt.
the truth hurts more often than not.
fuck these faggots using subversion tactics to completely fuck up any sense of morality within western society. fuck em to death i say.
this shit was literally outlined by KGB defectors decades ago. but this generation is just too fucking stupid to grasp basic principles.
also psychopaths use it as a means to get rich
>more whores to whore out, even fake girls get paid more to whore than gay fags
>more dumb bimbos buying makeup, generating more money for these psychopaths trying to get rich off the suffering off of the mentally ill
>more dumbfucks willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery
none of which does anything to help them (proven by the fact that they're just as likely to kill themselves even after embracing their mental illness and living their disgusting lifestyle)
but eh, what do i care right? shitty people being shit and preying on the weak as always.
how about all of your stupid religious movements. Fucking retarded religious Americans. In my country it's mostly muslims that wants to restrict freedom, but in the US the christians themselves are massive fucking retards. Religion is a bigger cancer than BLM and feminism combined.
It's not about being nice people. You can't just ignore all the issues with a mental disorder just so you can be as pc as possible. if you think its just a status then you're really blind on whats going on.
oh i see, you want a monarchy, where you are king.
please tell me about the issues of their mental disorder. tell me how it impacts me, my ability to live and pursue happiness. because i just dont think it does. let people do what they want, unless it harms other people.
Okay, so we've heard the core message— trans people this, trans people that, blah blah blah cancer + a speck of as/b/estos.
riddle me this, what happens if you just dont let things which have zero ramifications on your personal life bother you? Woah, watch out, the big rational bogeyman might just come get you and shatter your little babby fantasies!
I mean, I have seem to have the god-given right to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, own a gun and preach stupidity (which I do all of the above quite often), I think it's fair to allow other people their freedom of expression in exchange for that.
I may not agree with it but I'll defend both sides' right to their opinion.
P.S. Causally speaking, in the case of transgenders theyll either be happy or theyll realize that they fucked up in which case everyone else gets a laugh out of it. I don't see the relationship in which transgender people end up (excuse me but I have to say it) triggering you.
why do you care so much about what other people do? is your life that boring that you have to resort to talking about other groups of people all the time?
>skipped over the part that says live and let live
although being king and making you my bitch does sound nice.
wouldnt it be better for him to have understood that he had an illness, instead of forcing unnatural hormones into his body to make him appear feminine? because he is still male, as long as he has xy chromosomes
Im with you man what ever happend to be happy with the way your are.
They don't bother me so I default to not caring. If they're cool about shit and just act like a normal person, I'll respect their desire to be called he or she. I draw the line at any demanding special treatment. Nope. I have a simple philosophy. I support whatever makes someone happy as long as it doesn't infringe upon my liberties or the liberties of others. Live like that and you'll be happy with a lot less shit bothering you.
no one is restricting your free speech. does no one in america understand how the first amendment works? you cannot be arrested or tried with a crime for any opinion you have. you can say whatever the fuck you want about whatever group of people you decide to dehumanize that day, but you won't be arrested for it (unless you constitute a threatening statement, not just an opinion). people are still absolutely free to call you a piece of shit and blacklist your entire existence for your opinions though.
Are you a psychologist?
If only more murricans could be like this.
My question is....what the fuck does it matter? How does this directly affect you? And why do you care?
Most are. You just get a higher percentage of asshole trying to act like more of an asshole online because there's a degree of separation to what you say and who hears it. True for every country.
>no one is restricting your free speech
tell that to bigbrother libcuck canada.
>people are still absolutely free to call you a piece of shit and blacklist your entire existence for your opinions though.
also illegal under anti bullying canadian laws :^)
feel free to proceed to behave like a disgusting sack of shit because someone exposed your disgusting society killing psy op campaign though.
It's caring about the future of the country where me and all of my future family will live. Also, I'd rather not be surrounded by mentally ill people. what happens after transgenders fully integrate into our society, what kind of fucked up "identity" do we accept next. I feel like we're going in a fucked up direction. and like the user earlier said, some of these psychopaths are abusing these rights to do fucked stuff like go in girls' bathrooms.
>people giving money/power to psychopaths who perpetuate this shit soley to benefit off the mentally ill
wont affect you or your community at all, no way!
god forbid you actually want to grow and have a family. or your little girl is traumatized after seeing some dudes dick in the girls bathroom, or worse.
might as well let in a bunch of iraqis into your neighbourhood while you're at it.
it wont affect you at all
until it does, and you're crying yourself to sleep every night bcos you're not limbless bcos your spineless government decided to let the same people they bombed for nearly two decades straight into your community.
Why does it bother you so much?
This was me: I have a real moral issue here. I have zero problem with a male to female trans girl I knew using the ladies room. But, she passed quite well as female and, as I knew her, was quite certain she just needed to piss. And, at the same time, I am just as certain there's people out there who will use this trans-rights-thing to claim to be trans just to go into a female bathroom to get their jollies... or worse. It comes down to the fact there is no way to legislate what's in a person's mind or heart.
The heart of the problem is there's fakers and what's known as "trans-trenders" The latter being people who claim to be trans just because it serves their attention whoring desires.
I don't have an answer and I don't think there is one.
> your little girl is traumatized after seeing some dudes dick in the girls bathroom, or worse.
that's on bad parenting. plus that law changed nothing, it always has been illegal to do anything other than go to the bathroom in a bathroom.
my psy op campaign? lel. who cares what canada does, they arnt america, where we have a bill of rights. as soon as they start to try and abolish the 1st amendment dont worry, you'll hear my outcry
Not the guy you were replying to, but what the fuck are you talking about? Also, my doctor is from Iraq, and he's a fucking bro.
It's a pretty big issue yeah. These freaks are telling children that they can just change their gender and a list of other fucked up shit. It adds to the reasons as to why I'll never bring a kid into this world.
explain to me why you believe catering towards someones delusions is at all healthy in your mind.
explain what makes you believe people should be allowed to lie to the community about who/what they are
and tell me, would you cater towards the delusions of someone with schizophrenia?
even if it was proven time and time again that mutilating their bodies (in an attempt to cater towards their delusion) is ineffective at treating said mental illnes..
>your little girl is traumatized after seeing some dudes dick in the girls bathroom, or worse.
I'm a guy and have been going to the men's room my entire life and I've never seen a dude's dick. I feel like you're less likely to see a dick in the lady's room since it only has stalls.
I've also been in quite a few establishments that had a unisex bathroom and guess what, nobody gave a shit because everyone realized they were just there to take a piss or shit and leave and it wasn't a big deal.
It's the latest move by the Crab People.
Queer Eye didn't work so now we get this.
>Taste like crab
>talk like people.
tell that to all the terrorist attacks happening across europe.
all i'm saying is it's a pretty shitty thing to destroy someones home and city and country. then do whatever you can to profit off their suffering of said destruction, as your goonies wreck havock across the country..
then expect nothing bad to happen when these people whos lives have been destroyed enter the same place which went so far out of its way to destroy your place..
Does Sup Forums care?
Sup Forums does not care
>explain to me why you believe catering towards someones delusions is at all healthy in your mind.
if someone has a lifelong gender identity illusion, it's not an illusion.
>explain what makes you believe people should be allowed to lie to the community about who/what they are
you want to make lying illegal? also a gender isnt a community.
>and tell me, would you cater towards the delusions of someone with schizophrenia?
no, but that's a different thing altogether. schizophrenic brains have different neural structures than non schizophrenic brains. there is a physical difference.
>even if it was proven time and time again that mutilating their bodies (in an attempt to cater towards their delusion) is ineffective at treating said mental illnes..
yea i dont think a handful of examples of actual special snowflake attention whores regretting their surgery speaks for the thousands of SRS recipients who have benefited off their surgery.
Try asking these ppl about abuse
Some traps I knew in skool were
Sexually abused
Physically abused
Broken families
And eventuly turned into addicts and/or became homeless and/or prostitutes. And all this kids were from the suburbs.
Their lives were not any easier and they were not any happier in my experience.
Being a real trans is hell. Depending upon which psychiatric book you read, it's either gender dysphoria with depression as a symptom or depression with the dysphoria as a symptom. Regardless, it is mental illness. For some, transitioning is a valid treatment and let's them live what's closer to a normal life. For others, the end result wasn't what they needed at all and now it's worse.
The rate of suicide of pre-op trans people is off the charts. The rate of suicide of post-op trans people is even higher.
I don't want to add to their shit. They have a plateful already. They don't bother me, I give normal respect. If they're a person who has to inform you immediately they're transgender... they're probably not. A trans-trender. Fuck those assholes. They're the ones causing the problems.
And, believe it or not, you've probably met someone who was trans and never knew it. The real ones are like a true martial arts expert. They don't talk about it. They're very quiet and humble over the matter.
they cant get children so its a 2010 hype which will not last long
>yea i dont think a handful of examples of actual special snowflake attention whores regretting their surgery speaks for the thousands of SRS recipients who have benefited off their surgery.
suicide rates are exactly the same, you clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about, but you're still trying to justify and perpetuate this shit (i'm left to assume) because you're some sick psychopath with something to gain off their delusions/mental illness
>no, but that's a different thing altogether. schizophrenic brains have different neural structures than non schizophrenic brains. there is a physical difference.
delusions are delusions, everyones (even healthy normal productive members of society!) brain is "wired" differently dumbass. we do not pocess the technology to actually view someones synapsis and the effects their connections have on someone. dumbass.
>explain what makes you believe people should be allowed to lie to the community about who/what they are
>you want to make lying illegal? also a gender isnt a community.
lol what? are you really this fucking stupid? not even going to bother pointing out how you're a fucking dumbass on this one.
>explain to me why you believe catering towards someones delusions is at all healthy in your mind.
>if someone has a lifelong gender identity illusion, it's not an illusion.
see kids, this is what's called a deflection, it's done by usually less intelligent individuals who cannot argue a point.
you're right though it's not an illusion, it's a delusion. are you going to start telling me the air we inhale is mostly oxygene while you're pointing out other obvious facts?
Not him, but I'm libertarianish like him. I'm still not seeing how all that shit is any of my business.
if you're as decent as you try to come across, you should be standing up and fighting against these sacks of shit who are trying to normalize and force feed us this bullshit.
how many people do you think wouldn't have bothered with this faggotry had they not even heard about it in the first place?
how many attention whores decided wasting time, money, mental stress and mutilation of their body just because of the attention someone can get from it
assmad my way my way my way guy
because many millenials put tolerance over all else.
hey man live and let live
but peoples freedoms are being restricted because of it, people are perpetuating something that is clearly detrimental to society as a whole and obviously the individuals suffering from this illness.
and sadly this >you must tolerate muh degeneracy at the cost of your freedom of speech, opinion etc.
why the fuck are drugs illegal, but you're allowed to mutilate your organs because of a mental illness/delusions...
The fact that anyone can justify cutting off your dick as normal behavior is beyond stupid.
Because America is 60% liberal and the media is a complete illegal monopoly owned by 6 corporations that have a leftward bias.
Americans don't accept this, it's why we got Trump elected.
The media and California does.
It's a new custom we're trying to introduce to Americans - called minding your own business.
"Most of the trouble in the world has been caused by folks who can't mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has." Wm. S. Burroughs
i wonder how you'd feel about this when you try to go out and get trapped
or about the sex trade selling little boys as girls
or psychopaths having more money and power at their disposal because of this shit
here's another quote, a much better one i might add:
"the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
I'm pretty old by internet standards. By a lot of standards, I guess. A lot older than the internet itself. And I can tell you with great confidence, trans people have been around for many decades. They're not the bad people. They just want to live their lives and be left alone. Maybe make a friend or so along the way. They're not the people you see on the streets with signs. They're not the people you see on YouTube. Those are trans-trenders and the real trans people are mortified with what's become the face of transgender people. They do NOT want this attention.
>implying fag parades aren't pushing an agenda
Not when you're dealing with mentally ill people. How have times do we have to repeat that. It's a larger issue than personal disgust. It's not okay that this type of thought is being spread. I don't want kids growing up thinking it's okay to cut your dick off. Shit, we already have parents forcing their kids into dresses. Everything about this is fucked up and can't be ignored.
trannies are not the same thing as cross dressers.
which i personally have no problem with at all considering they keep it as a fetish and to themselves
there's even a month dedicated to faggotry these days
>implying you have to go to a fag parade
>implying they are often
great phrase. completely agree with your post
do you think it's ok to have other mental illnesses? why do you put such a stigma on mental illness?
Trans-trenders are not crossdressers. Trans-trenders are the fucktards you see screencaps of from Tumblr. The ones claiming to be non-binary, queerkin, what the fuck evers. They're the one's like Riley Dennis and Milo Stewart on YouTube that claim to be trans for clicks and ad revenue. Trans-trenders are the real problem with everything in this thread... along with general perverts I guess who just want to put on a wig and sneak into the girl's room.
>OP's madposting
because who seriously gives a fuck
like who cares mate
nobody is making you get a sex change
why do you care if someone else does
its a free country supposedly, don't you want people to have the freedom to be whoever they want to be? or do you only like freedom when it pertains to you?
i'm not a fan of trans people but they aren't hurting anyone so I don't care and neither should you
I doubt trannies are detrimental to society as a whole. I mean, unless you're a commie who dreams of a planned society/economy. Or otherwise a follower of one of those sandnigger religions.
What freedoms are being restricted? That's on your shitty country if they are. Maybe you shouldn't live in a place where free speech isn't sacrosanct.
Do you read the things you write? Since it's a mental illness then it needs to get treated like one. The fact that it isn't is the problem.
u r all racists
You obviously don't know an example of a problem when you see one.
>I doubt trannies are detrimental to society as a whole
they are, because there are "straight" dudes out there who fuck them and think it makes them alpha, and then they go out and fuck some real girl. nature aint pretty, its cruel and disgusting.
the treatment for gender dysphoria is SRS and hormone treatment.
>they are, because there are "straight" dudes out there who fuck them and think it makes them alpha, and then they go out and fuck some real girl. nature aint pretty, its cruel and disgusting.
you sound like one of those "straight" dudes.
again, why do you care what other people do. right now theres probably a gay couple buttfucking within a mile of you, who gives a fuck
I agree. Trans and dykes are disgusting and need to be shut the fuck down. Burn them at the stake.
Kek u r all just sexually repressed virgins who r shit scared u might be attracted to hot trannie and catch 'the gay' and end up getting your dick cut off and put in the Salad bowl.
Stupid people contemplate stupid questions. Sorry OP, but your IQ is so low, I could kill myself jumping down to it from your ego. You waste your life pondering stupid shit like this. You betray your intellect making a fuss over stupid shit like this. Live and let live you fucking moron.
what exactly is the problem?
Strengthening the illness is a treatment now?
more like catching aids and then having to deal with the stigma of some faggot spreading around the fact that you took some faggot home with you
to the sociopaths who are making mad bank off this fad, they claim so.
And? How's that detrimental again? Plenty of straight dudes/girls fuck multiple partners.
>but now were jerking off to them on message boards
10/10 would read again
You also accept fat people, terrorriat , people who should have no rights in your country(illigal inigrants), your children being forced to read kuran, anyone can send death threats to your president but trolling a gurl online is a punishable crime.
I am 5'11 and I could prolly walk into a home and rape your daughter or wife in front of you and then bitch slap you while your wife scteams and barates you about "mah equality" and I would not have any legal action cause I am a indian whos gender is a pony planant black queer. If you do say anything you are a homophobic racist and will be sent to jail.
STDs are running rampant throughout western society...
You cannot be this goddamn dense. You know exactly what the problem is.
no i really don't see a problem with letting a group of people parade once a year. especially when im not forced to go.
>nature ain't pretty
exactly, heterosexual is just one of the many sexual orientations in our world, get over it