Its my birthday, can you say something nice to me?

its my birthday, can you say something nice to me?

It's nice to see your skeleton

kill yourself.

Happy Birthday and have a wonderful day!

i've thinking about it

thank you

Turn up the fucking boombox and go praty, bitch:
Yes even you can party.

What do you mean you cant, yeah you can. i bet you can, go user, go!

Have a nice day user!

thank you guys
you all are my friends

I wish you nothing but the best, user.

Happy birthday scurb

Happy Birthday, fren!

Happy birthday, how old are you user?

i wish you the same good user

thank you anons
im 22

Give yourself a birthday gift and buy yourself some free weights. Get swole then you won't have to be wished a happy birthday by some anons on the internet

I turn 19 next month. Look at us, Sup Forumsros with our whole lives ahead of us. The world is our oyster user


on my way good friend

Happy birthday, op!!

Be Happy, dont look for your happines here, go and hug your mom or your siblings. I wish you a Happy Birthday OP

yes it is user, yes it is

Happy b day
Did you spend it with family

You're going places.

i hope i can spend it with my family this year

Happy Birthday OP

how old are?

You might not believe this, but God is real and God loves you. Happy birthday, Anonymous.

Your still here ain't ya?
Go enjoy some ice cream, a bit of booze, and do some nostalgia gaming....

All else had that much today.

happy b day OP, hope you have a wonderful day.

this is you, op. happy birthday.

Thank you all for your support anons

Happy Birthday and best wishes


>Give yourself a birthday gift
underrated. i think more people wouldn't be so miserable on their birthdays if they did this.

expecting others to care about you or your birthday is just setting yourself up for disappointment

Jesus Christ died for all your sins, was buried and rose the third day. If you simply trust this to be true, you're eternally saved.

Happy birthday. I don't have money but I can give you the good news, eternal life.

Don't be this apu, have a nice day user.

Happy Birthday OP

Go outside!

Cheers, OP. All the best.

You seem like an okay sort to me, user. We've probably shitposted in the past together a fair bit. Congrats on making it another year on this Earth, I hope you find something that makes you happy on it, bud.

You are one year more putrid and close toward your death.

Have a wonderful day

Even if it is your last

You are a valuable mem/b/er of the team. Happy birthday, Steve or Brad or Tucker or whatever your name is.

i'm gonna hide this thread so get the hint.

i love you guys

Happy birthday man hope things get better

Happy birthday!

We love you too!

Happy birthday user!
Remember, every atom in your body was forged by an exploding star. Live life, be bold, walk large!

Good job on surviving the past year.

Die, Felicia.

maybe soon

Think a a happy moment and remember things always Always
Get better

If you're ever feeling sad, just remember. The internet is filled with porn

happy birthday skelly! Have a nice day

Happy Birthday!!!

Man, I wish I was 22 again! That is a prime age, brother. Go out into the world and do whatever it is that makes you happy. You're more capable than you probably give yourself credit for. And don't forget you always have us!

Happy birthday user. Wishing you the best from Oregon


Happy birthdy, OP. I got you this pornography.

Hesus loves you

You've lost weight! Looks good.

>Don't forget you always have us!
Sounds almost like a threat.

you guys are really the best!

Happy birthday! May this year bring you joy and success.

Don't forget
You're here forever

i love you friend
also nice trips

OH shit forgot to tell you earlier bro, happy birthday!! Hope it's good man.

Happy birtjday user, if you ever seem alone, come to us. We are almost always dicks, but stillet your Sup Forumsrothers

something nice

its my birthday too! cool

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face, and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."

Happy birthday bro

Yeah man. Things might not be alright right now but you can always improve them with effort. And sometimes things improve on their own through dumb luck.

So good luck, and godspeed.

Daym boiii hope you are having a good day today too bro! Happy birthday!

happy birthday to you too user

Go to bed, London.


No, it's my birthday too. Fuck you & fuck me.

Happy birthday user. This next year of your life is going to be amazing!

lets all fuck. No homo tho

neck yourself



Never give up. You don't know what's coming so just be ready to make the most of every opportunity. Nothing is ever really bad, it's just a situation that you interpret in your own way. Even the worst of things are just a way of clearing out space to start something better. Never give up on yourself. Take every day and make the most of it and one day you'll look back and surprise yourself at how far you've gone. Make progress each day, every week, month and year. Next birthday you'll be able to see how far you've come since his one. Then you'll have something worth celebrating.

titis for bday !

Something nice to me

Happy birthday my dude, you matter bruh

If I had tits, I'd post them for you, user. Every user deserves tits on his birthday.

Happy birthday, good things are coming soon

i will come back next year
thanks a lot user

Happy Birthday!

I'm feeling all the this positivity of this thread. I liek it

Happy birthday op, I'm sure you'll have a fantastic day!

Did your mommy bake you a cake? Did she have ice cream? Did you have a funny pointy hat to wear?

Happy Birthday OP

Stop setting your standards so high op
Stop expecting so much from people
You're just hurting yourself
Sup Forums is your only friend, we anons are the only ones that truly care about you
How many people in real life actually give you all these (you)s
We care enough to reply

This is why u need an AR-15

Viagra, baby~.
Stoner boner.
Blood flow~.
Red feather, love~.
Talk about clarity~.
Who needs vanity when you cakin' dat milk~?
I'd climb those curves ANY day~.
Dim the lights-- oh, wait; that's your smile~.

ok, I'm done. too blind.


Happy Birthday fag :)