Can we get a xanax and general benzodiazepines thread? What dose are you on and how much do you pay for it? I think its the greatest drug ever right now. It should be over the counter. Share your experiences; the good, bad, and ugly of this amazing pharmaceutical.
Other benzo users are welcome as well to share their preferences.
Can we get a xanax and general benzodiazepines thread? What dose are you on and how much do you pay for it...
i managed to get .5s from my doctor + copping more bars soon
I like the pressed bars more than pharms
It should not be over the counter you fucking addict.
>buddy of mine partied too much in highschool
>graduated addicted to various drugs
>stuck with xanax for a few years
>cleans his act up and goes clean
>starting having seizures
>physically addicted to insane doses of xanax and takes bars a day just to feel normal and not seize
>decided not to take meds one day
>seizure at the auto shop and fell off a lift, dislocated both shoulders, tore both labrums
Wouldnt have happened if he wasnt addicted to xanax....
That shit will cause addiction and will give you seizures when you try to quit. But go ahead and fuck your brain up. One less degenerate roaming the streets for government welfare
Op here.
Haha fuck your stupid friend, i hope he had an aneurysm. Fuck you too pussy, i dont do high doses and I'm not addicted at all. Benzos are really safe if you don't go nuts on them. The LD is lower than all over the counter drugs right now. Also I'm wealthier than you and set to be wealthier than you could ever dream, you piece of human garbage. You and your friends are the dipshit degenerates, projecting much? Eat shit and die, worm.
You suffer from uncontrollable rage and enjoy the calm brought on by benzos. You have a very high chance of addiction.
>bar tard has no self control
>doesn't bother learning anything about the drug before using it daily then quitting cold turkey
Better blame xanax
Your buddy sounds like a fucking retarded shit he should have died.
I take only 2mg Ativan per day, it's helped me a lot. Obviously I'd prefer xans but it is what it is, not gonna complain.
you're projecting even more
broke bitch
Every time I take bars and drink I teleport to jail, wat do?
Did his doctor just keep giving it to him or was he an addict?
No I'm in control. I am just annoyed with your antiquated argument that "oh i have a friend who partied too hard and has a problem managing himself, therefore that is how everyone who uses (insert substance) must be. There are problem users with every drug, even bud. Some people just can't handle themselves and have no self control. Should we ban alcohol too? Alcohol kills more people than any substance by far, coupled with the highest addiction rates behind caffeine.
Take some xanax and chill out, edgelord
Xanax + liquor can be a portal to jail sometimes. Usually for some retarded misdemeanor too
Lol weak comeback. Whats it like making friends with a bunch of drugged out poor losers? I suppose you wouldn't know life any other way.
Yep walking home stumbling,had weed in pocket, at least that's what police said.
I probably lost a few weeks worth of memory out of my life thanks to bars. I used to get these ones that were pressed into the 2mg mould but were way stronger. You guys should mix it with painkillers
lol you're broke you poorfag nigger you probably make beg threads too. did i make you mad?
Shouldn't have let them search you, what was the charge?
Op here.
I do NOT recommend mixing benzos with alcohol, it's a recipe for disaster.
No opiates are definitely bad. You are using benzos for the wrong reason.
Thanks for the advice!!11!2
Nobody cares what you recommend you triggered little bitch
The police report said they saw me stumbling along and asked what I was doing and I toldem to fuck off so the charge was going to be public intoxication but they gave me poss of marijuana (class b mis here) when they searched me after being cuffed and I magically had a broke rib too
No you didn't, white trash pussy. I hate seeing begger threads, its so pathetic.
Also your idea of having xanax OTC is complete shit. Are you stupid?
Then stop posting them you fucking panhandler
Enjoy jail then, party boy.
OP here - anyone got some spare change so I can buy a can of mtn dew?
Came to Sup Forums just to browse a bit, haven't been back in awhile. I remember why, angsty teens being edgy.
Oh well, back to Sup Forums
No it's not. If you ever took a risk analyisis class in college, you would know that it has a lower LD than aspirin, tylenol, or antihistamines. Oh wait, you can't get into a good college. Why do we nanny state laws for the few idiots who can't make good decisions?
Took Xanax once, don't remember shit and wake up the next day wondering where my keys, wallet, and phone are. Highly addictive, causes long term nerve damage, 0/10 would not do again.
>when someone from Sup Forums finds Sup Forums too edgy
OP turned a potentially good thread into pure AIDS
Go take your useless risk analysis certificate and shove it up your mother's dried up cunt. It obviously hasn't done much for you considering you're still not only broke as shit but ignorant too
Even an addict would know that benzos develop tolerance and become addictive over time. Tylenol doesn't. Nice comparison, idiot
They're so addictive that you never used them again? I'm sure they must've caused your nerve damage too. You should sue big pharma and cash in on those disability checks
Samefag not op Real op here.
Nice raging, you low life. How is your friend? A junky now? Oh thats xanaxs fault to you I'm sure. I'm glad you are so thin skinned, it means you bleed easily too.
>nice raging
Thanks you too. You know you don't need to be ashamed that your mom sucks dick to pay rent, she's just trying to make ends meet because your fatass eats too many Doritos and hot pockets.
Haha you are so uneducated you think there is a risk analysis certificate. Its part of a bachelors s.t.e.m. degree you dipshit. Is calling someone wealthier than you poor the best you can conjure?
Well I'm on heroin & xans right now, and it's fucking great. Amazing for stim comedowns too
Have fun getting cucked paying off student debt for your degree that won't matter because you're too stupid to utilize it. You'll be on the corner selling ass just like your mom in no time
Go back to where you came from with your junky friends. Your insults are irrelevant here.
Go back to your little subsidized housing complex with your crackwhore mother. How's it feel using public wifi to shitpost on Sup Forums?
Missuses the word cuck. No debts here, dumbass. Seriously you are so pathetic, even your junky friends think you are stupid.
Op here. Hope you get better man.
Also they banned me for responding to this btard with junky friends.
Why are you projecting the whole "junky friends" thing so hard? I'm not the one who thinks xanax should be available OTC. Your mom is a barred out crack whore and the reason your dad never came home was because you look like dog shit and you're stupid. Have fun failing your stem degree and working at mcdicks, selling ass on the side and shitposting in public libraries. I envy you LOL
You hope he gets better? From what, making his own personal choice? You're a condescending little bitch aren't you
it's nice to see two other dipshits going full retard on each other.
All the stem degrees in the world won't take away that extra chromosome
>welcome to Sup Forums
Ugh just go away. You lost long ago. I have a degree. Both my parents make over 200k each in the fortune 500 scene. I have a good career and life, unlike you.
once i bought a dozen or so fake xans
they were just pill filler pressed with rophynol. Me and my friends found this out after we each two of them and woke up two days later at his girlfriends house with absolutely no memory of what happened. She said we completely fucked out of our minds for a whole day or so, like we couldn't even stand up straight. We knew immediately what was up because we had taken xans plenty of times before (4 or 5 at a time) and nothing like that has ever happened.
Long story short we ended up eating the rest of them over a period of about 2 weeks and when it was over every bar in town i went to said i was permanently kicked out and a bunch of my friends told me really fucked up ridiculous stories about stuff i did which i have no memories of what so ever.
crazy shit
I haven't been keeping track of the score. Obviously you're a winner, shitposting on Sup Forums and proving that you don't know shit while projecting like a little bitch. Your parents might have some change but that doesn't mean you'll be a success, just read your posts and look at how retarded you sound. Being a student on disability doesn't count as a career, by the way :^)
That's the sound your sister makes when I'm plowing her ass from behind
Yes he is making a bad choice.
Yeah no shit, I don't think he needs some snobby little bitch to tell him they hope he "gets better" though.
kill yourself tbh fam
Op here.
Did you confront the distributor? Thats a wild story.
Lots of shit is addictive user, there are levels. Being addicted to caffeine has less serious consequences than being addicted to benzodiazepines, nice strawman.
I take about 4mg a day. My copay is $5 a month.
I guess its better to say kys like all these degenerate btards. Snobby is being educated to your type i suppose.
Yes and I won a $10 million settlement from suing the drug dealer too
Yeah I confronted him and he said he got them from some faggot named op and op should kill himself for being an entitled little bitch
>Tylenol is addictive
Not even close, idiot. Even less addictive than caffeine. Nice argument, dipshit
You sound like a little bitch, use daddy's money to OD on heroin you fucking waste of air.
Keep up your stupid shit you know-nothing rich kid. Do us all a favor and push too much.
My go-to benzo is definitely Klonopin (Clonazepam) It has a much longer half life than xanax so you can take a couple and still feel it a day later. Also you don't get super tired when you take a few. It took me a lil while to get used to Xanax's sleepy/drowsiness effect. Xanax aren't terrible, but Clonazepam is fucking awesome.
Op here
If used properly there is little risk with benzos. I guess we live in a country that has to regulate everything for to protect the dumbest wretches of society.
>being snobby = being educated
Obviously not, just look at how stupid you are
Op here.
Do you see a psychiatrist?
>it should be over the counter
But that would actually help robots.
Your friend's a fucking idiot for taking so much benzos for a prolonged period of time. We all know that it's possible to die it you cease taking benzos when you have been taking very high doses for an extended period of time. Your friend should have read up on his drugs m8.
Lol. Sincerely, good sarcasm. I meant did you lay hands or at least get your money back?
Dumb kids.
>the dumbest wretches of society
Like you. Idiots who think controlled substances that are proven to be addictive and have life threatening withdrawal should be available to absolutely anyone OTC. You're the idiot who thinks they're the greatest dug out there too, i think if anyone's an addict here it's you. Your xans clearly aren't chilling you out at all cause you're being a real bitch, maybe you should pop a couple more and take some of your moms vicodin too
Nah i have my own money. Jelly much?
i heard don't take opiates and benzos,, and obvi benzos and alcohol are bad
i bought a script of 2mg kpins for 160, paid the guy nice for ordering them off the internet. using them for job interviews
Ha, sincerely, I'm being serious you fucking snob. Why are you such a pretentious dick? Go fuck yourself. You think because your parents make "200k/year" I can't win a settlement? You must think you're the smartest person alive. I find your condescending attitude offensive
if you really popped xans and you are being this much of a prick you got some issues nigga
This whole fucking thread.
Get some cheap dank and fap to traps. Leave the responsible drug using to the adults.
Op here.
When i took ativan years ago i tried kpins and thought they were weak. I guess it could've been the dose. I took years off benzos before i just started again recently.
Going to rehab soon, for alcohol. Have some pretty good anxiety to begin with. Shake a little all the time, avoid people at all times, couldn't pass speech class in high school because I had panic attacks on stage every time I tried to give speech, took SSRI's for about a year because I knew I would just abuse benzos if I got 'em.
Think I can get them to give me benzos? Or, what do to get them? I'm quitting opiates, booze and other shit. Now I really need something to control this shit. It's been years. I want a life.
disability checks for autism/downs don't count
user who posted. Obviously doing dope is a bad choice. But seriously man, you are delusional if you think that benzos are some miracle drug that should be available OTC. Opiate withdrawals are no cakewalk, but benzo wds can literally kill you. Both classes of drugs are dangerous,not just opiates. Just something to keep in mind m8
Nah i take a very small dose. Go cry about how hurt your feelings are.
Do you offer them to the interviewer?
Go back on the ssri's.
i had to micro dose for 6 months to get off of that shit. fuck benzos.
>cheap dank and fap to traps
>responsible adult
With the mental capacity of a tard like OP.
That guy wasn't even irresponsible either dumbass, he wouldn't have been able to tell what was pressed in if it looked like a regular Xanax bar
How would a drug dealer pay that? I'm sorry you think I'm being condescending.
For your psychotic break or crippling autism?
Good luck there Sup Forumsro. How long is your stay there?
It's pretty obvious you're saying all this because you want to believe taking fucking pills to get fucked up isn't that bad. Alcohol is addictive too, and kills a lot of people. But you don't get fucking hammered by discretely taking a pill of alcohol in a few seconds. Its a lot easier to abuse pills. Xanax should absolutely not be over the counter. That's fucking retarded
Benzo's are like alcohol and heroin minus the fun and euphoria. If I'm going to put a substance in my body it's going to be alcohol, GHB, or some form of IV opioid/opiate. Xanax is just like time-traveling. It's way more useful if used as prescribed than it is as a recreational drug. I know way too many people that can drink or do other drugs all day long that immediately turn into pieces of garbage when they take too many benzos.
no, even if we did he wouldn't have admitted it.
we knew for certain because we held up the fake bars next to a real one, the fake bar was an ever so slightly darker color and slightly smaller also XANAX was much more deeply imprinted than normal.
during one point during this whole fiasco i went to my friends house (different friend) and i offered his semi-hot girl friend to eat some bars with me and chill while her boyfriend went to clevland for a few hours to score dope. Basically after an hour or so we just sort of started fucking each other(normally would have never happened under any other circumstance) then he got home and found us passedout naked and started beating me with a broom stick, me being a good bit stronger than him, i wrestled him to the floor and punched him about 20 times in the rib cage. He then just rolled around on the floor in recoil long enough for me to get my stuff together take all his money and dope and run away from his house. I then spent the next few days going on a wild drug induced rampage around town getting kicked out of every bar i know and doing lots of other incredibly stupid shit and pissing off a lot of my other friends. One guy let me spend the night on his couch, he then came into the kitchen at the middle of the night, turned on the lights and found me trying to make food, only i had completely fucked everything, there were broken dishes on the floor the food from the fridge was spilled everywhere (in my mind i thought everything was going fine and i was shocked to see how fucked everything was when he turned the lights on), he kicked me out and i had to sleep in the dog park that night
after all this craziness happened for a couple weeks my other friend (mentioned in the first post) ended up in rehab + a few other drug related stuff happened over the next month or so, are the reasons i don't ever do drugs and more or drink and my life is much different now
Anyone who thinks xanax or anything is the "greatest drug ever" is a fiend. That means you, junkie.
You sound like your on fucking benzos you fucking bartard
I never said it was, nice strawman again friendo.
Guess you're not so smart after all, crack baby
I don't think we need such regulations, I know the risks. I don't abuse benzodiazepines. Why should we add so much red tape to protect the uneducated masses?
trueeeee also looking for answers here
But you think benzos should just sit on the shelf next to Tylenol and advil because there's no risks amirite? Greatest pharmaceutical ever XD fucking dumbass