What is this? I just found it on the ground. Don't know if its drugs or some posh shit

What is this? I just found it on the ground. Don't know if its drugs or some posh shit.

Help a b/ro out?

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wat country?

It's a flavor packet for ramen. Boil it with some noodles and let us know how it goes.

Don't you use sheets on your mattress? Wtf. Fucking pig

Estados unidos

Haha so what?

It looks like that K2 spice shit to me.

What's it smell like?

>ramen seasoning comes in dimebags

That's spice, don't fucking smoke it unless you want your life fucked up

its hash bro. smoke that shit


It's coke

looks like tabacco

your a pussy bitch

if i had to guess i'd say it's tobacco
though you'd have to smell it to be sure

Def looks like a synthetic weed

Smoke alot all at once for a good time

Spice legit makes you feel like youre gonna die, its not even fun

It looks like Hay OP.

good shit

No its like crushed leaves

I know its not weed

What's is smell like? Could be spice(k2). It could also be Changa which is a DMT/MAOI blend. Burn some without inhaling and see if it smell kind of like new tires or burning plastic.

Tobacco = brown
Salvia = dark green
It's cocaine

Smoke some OP thats the only way we'll ever know

>DMT/MAOI blend

Grind it, put it down your dick hole OP. Share results

this is what it is.

I recently did quite a bit of research on legal herbs that you can smoke and make into teas that give mind altering effects, it could be quite a few things, my first guess would be Damiana but I really couldn't tell you for sure. Smell it, if it smells like chemicals it's very likely legal and you should 100% get rid of that shit

I think it's safe to say it's not weed or tobacco.


>reads a couple Wikipedia quips
>thinks he's a herbologist

you're up late junior.

Are yall fucking with me cause i can't tell

Idk it kinda smells like tobacco but i was just smoking weed and cigs - dont know if it is like crushed flowers that soak up moisture or some shit

Looks like someone got weed, rolled a blunt, and emptied the guts into the bag

100% K2 spice bullshit, do not smoke, is not like weed, is crappy artificial high, super paranoid, can actually kill you with heart racing effects. again, do not smoke.

if it smells floral it is most likely spice, dont fucking smoke it man, seriously

DMT is a hallucinogenic tryptamine. A very powerful one. Its usually a yellowish color. Some people mix it with a plant that contains a MAOI inhibitor to extend the length of the trip when smoke. Smoking pure DMT only makes you trip for like 15-30 minutes. Adding a herbal MAOI to it extends it significantly.

>winchester KNIFE (they should really stick to guns)
>generic cheapo mouse

What is this good shit you speak of?

Whoa! I don't think is drugs guys

Looks like corn husk dropping

What on gods earth was this made for?

Both shit faggot, you are a fool.

I've done a fair bit of entheogens and I'm not placing it. There's any number of things it could be, m8.

In this case the best thing to do is probably just toss it, esp. since you don't know how to dose whatever it is.

Just try smoking it, jesus

Spice or cheap herb.


lol thats the best tell to know K2.

But it looks alot like K2

It's pencil shavings, faggot troll.

Wtf is wrong with spice? I've smoked fuck tons



its spice m8. could really be corn husk shit like you said cause they spray the spice on shit like that.

SMoke it brah quit being a pussy

Not even close.
>lying on the internet about having smoked a blunt before
Looks like summerfags aren't just a meme

>small nugs
>almost no trichomes

Seattle has ghettos?

It's spice bro. Throw it away.

Dude i dont know what this, it could be

I guess ill ask my dad tommorow

Thanks for your answers though

its fucking spice you dense motherfucker

it's vodka

Naturally, such a large city would have undesirables turning a profit by exploiting the vices from the poor and downtrodden.

One day maybe he'll go into a dispensary or find a solid plug and find some actual good shit.


op thats spice, its basically sythetic weed but it sucks ass and is actually really harmful.

Y'all should smoke it

>different colours and sizes of leafs
Hey bro. it looks like a blend. Smell it and tell us how it smells. Probably some legal shit. militaries smoke that since they can't smoke grass. Teenager stuff
pick unrelated

Bro you're smoking leaf

also underage b&

lol dude hippie weed. cute

>corn husk
looks like tea to me



such is the plight of the impoverished with a lack of mobility, both socio-economic and vehicular, or who do not have an easily accessible public transportation system local to their domiciles.

You would think that the Seattle state licensed Marijuana dispenseries would've put some pressure on the local gangster pimp drug dealers to step up their game and compete beyond sub-standard negro quality bud

I think they harvested a male tbh.

thats K2, do not fuck with that, it can kill

Smoked a tiny bowl of it with some loud, will report back

He's probably a kid
the national illegal weed distribution network is more fucking organized than walmart's distribution.
He'll get his hands on some fancy weed soon enough.
Even truer if he's around the west coast/canada

You have to snort it otherwise it won't reach your brain receptors


lol k2 is a white powder its fucking horse tranq. op thats some shit ass weed if it even is

under-fucking-rated post

not ketamine fucktard, hes saying spice (brand name k2)


dubs if nigger 33 if kfc eating niger



He's probably not wrong lol. Thats typically what spice is. Potupourri mixture with chemical sprayed on it.

nice trips nIGGRE

Are you retarded? DMT is always in a crystal form if you buy it.

Smoking MAOI is retarded, MAOI inhibitor is ment to be eaten not smoked. The whole reason of the inhibitor is so u can ingest dmt.

Can't you actually get high off catnip?

People claim you can, but I doubt it. I was stupid enough to try it years ago as a teen, and yeah, nothing but a headache.

Just buy some weed, mayne.

Grind that shit bro.

This is not true there is this bullshit wanna be Changa stuff going around its B. caapi leaf which is MAOI inhibitor coated in DMT

Feeling pretty sick, like light headed and gnashis

Smoking changa is pretty good. It mellows the high out and makes it last longer. Feel very similar to an ayahuasca trip without as much sedation. I've made my own blends before.

>Can't you actually get high off catnip?

ok fun police

I wouldnt call it bullshit. I've made my own blends of it before it. I liked it quite a bit. Draws the high out more. You of course dont blast of but you get to experience it longer.

how's your summer?

Fuck you.
Someone needs to teach you a lesson.
I spit on you.

You are drug-using criminal asshole.

Need to lock you up and throw away the key.


what the fuck? lol

It's K2

if you smoke it, you'll turn into this brain dead junkie



Prob ready been said but it's spice.

On a similar note, if the dude dropped it lives in the same area, we are in the same shit city.

Also, if you wanna smoke it, just do a very small amount, because too much will make you feel like you are dying and you can't speak or walk or think. Kind of a shit drug imo

It's fucked shit called spice that will give u the worst high of your life. Pretty sure it was created to kill stoners

Make a tea with it
drink tea