
"I'm not a drawfag sorry lol" edition

Thanks for the Beanji !

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I get a really buff Ruby Rose


Someone carry me please

heers that one draw for that one d00d i was talkin to last thred
overwatch??? sure yes ok

np! wish u luck in ur next game



>heers that one draw for that one d00d i was talkin to last thred
I love it. You're OC is really cute M. Thanks again

i only have overwatch on xbox and im complete garbage i need league help


Eey buddy why'd you need to be carried?

make out with eva

occurs to me I said there was an fa page but didn't say where. so it's gainem,furaffinity,net if you feel inclined to check it.
like I said very little there.

Requesting her playing with fireworks

because im shit at video games

wait that's not the layout for that site. dammit.

Can someone make a traumatized mercy face with blood on it?

I still feel inclined to check it. THanks!

Don't be like that op you are a draw fag!
Also can someone draw a homeless person being offered a banana but they don't want it.

i'm actually not though! I can't draw for my life! haven't tried for a year or more. I'm sorry!
I just wanted to contribute to the drawfag threads after last thread having 3 things drawn for me.

Literally my first time drawing a real on a computer and it's cringy deviantart furshit.
How the fuck are you guys so talented?

/ic/ works wonders

Draw a pretzel working the register at Walmart

I'm a huge faggot and never really stray out of /k/ and /r9k/. I barely ever come here to masturbate sadly to how much better everyone else is at the doodle things

Nig nog delinquints beat jap ones. Mainly because of access to illegal firearms and drugs though

Visit /ic/ but don't start a thread. Look through all their suggested tutorials and lurk only

Bent over, show me your cameltoe.

naw they can post in the beginner thread but they would probably only want serious stuff that you actually want criticism on post probably wouldn't be taken seriously but if you have some traditional work that you want pointers on they will, that's how it was for me at least

You mean what you're supposed to do with literally every board you're new to? :v

Yes, but this one is really important. Otherwise they'll boot you



I seldom post anywhere anyhow because I never have anything worth posting to begin with so alright easy enough.
Thanks for the advice user.

bro, post here if you want it can be alright practice if you make it practice don't respond to trolls just have fun.

Oh it's okay buddy I'm shit at games too.

No problem

That's actually pretty good. Not OR, though.

pick a drawfag.



shit show


Ain't he retired? because I sure as hell don't see him draw as much these days.
choose 1.

Up for starting another?

What's your SR? I could try to help and I'll put down my gamer tag if ye'd like

Gah dayum someone actually did it.

I thank u and I will save this and use it for something on my phone

I started on Xbox, jumped to PC because that's where all my friends are, and then tried to play Xbox again and it was just so insanely different.

I'll definitely play with ya. I'd like to buff my mercy game on Xbox again

Yeah, but I'd love to see you start up another one

k Lilly

no, he's just busy lately...

Too lazy to do any more than this.

Ded thread?

SR? my gamer tag on xbox is "astrokitten XD"

chek'd also its "astrokitten XD"




Pretty slow today eh?
Che cosa?

Halllo, hallo to everybody and guten nacht!

Requesting this qt witch weaing a nice bikini.

What was your deviant art again?

Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the album below
Pokemon refs: imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Gotta request. Open to any drawfag. Draw her jiggling her boobs or just showing off her boobs

Who drew that one it looks rad!

The drawfags have finally been executed, joyous day.

No longer your birthday? You got a pretty good delivery last thread


Nice nice, crash n-sane triology stream when?

when i buy it, saving up for the ps4 right now
just dont wanna pull from my savings

dropping in, how's everyone beating?

Beating my meat

Alright. My gamer tag is Red Ace Winter
Y'know, SR? The numbers that show your rank on competitive. I'm a gold and stuck on an SR of 2222, I'm an alright Reinhardt main

how's that going for ya

Bad cause you posted a dickpic

Pa-nani bread?

Looking forward to it! Bring in some friends for some more funny random moments. Let's see if you got better at the hallway you know the one

I bought a Capture Card since I don't know how to stream from a ps4, got myself a Blue Yeti mic and some nicer recording equipment

Woops! I forget where I am sometimes.

Alright then, what would you like to order?

i-ive never played ranked.. i pretty much play league and stardew valley my dude, ill just hold you back.

Any Requests?

non-porn would be preferred.

holy shit your artstyle.

how about your version of Death from Darksiders II

Batoria as pic related?

im probably gonna stream with Pooka now since I've been meaning to do so with Dead Cells, been so into it

Heck yeah!

on it.

I sure do thankye



hard pass

Can you draw Reaper from Overwatch?

Godly, thank you so much.



You there! Draw a potato pls

kawakami from persona 5, please

Satanic quads

Bitte or how about ?


I'm hungry

Epic trips go perfect with epic Reaper

Ah nah, you'll do great out there! You'll be placed with similarly skilled players and you'll climb with every win. Soon enough you'll be really really skilled with your main

thanks! I have my moments.