What to do Sup Forums?

What to do Sup Forums?

I should've known better, but I lent $200 to a nigger.

Here's where the fuck-up begins.

He told me that he would be using the money to push some weed around. The deal was $200 for $450. That makes me an accessory.

When it was time to pay up, he refused. I am quite larger than him, and have learned basic krav maga and other martial arts. I was ready to kick his ass, but he told me if I lay a finger on him, he'll send his nigger friends to whack me. He told me that he'll have my money by Thursday. But I know that he won't pay up because I can't touch him.

I am currently in the best college in my state. I am receiving a full ride scholarship. He is an old childhood friend who immigrated from Kenya, and currently a fast food worker/low level dealer.

There's more in the following posts.

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His method of not getting busted is to use his customers' phones to contact his supplier. I knew about this beforehand and installed a call recorder where I recorded every single outgoing and incoming call.

I have the numbers for all of the suppliers in a 5 mile radius of my city.

I also expected if something bad were to happen, he would get more jail time than he should. I gave him an old knife that I had as a present, mainly so if he gets busted with over an ounce, he gets a mandatory sentence.

Fuck dude, don't throw your life away for only 200 dollars, it'll sting now but it's better then your anus stinging when you're in prison. Cut ties with the dude as well

I just don't know what I should do. I need my money back, at least what I put in. I can't beat him up and take the money or else he will send his nigger friends after me.

The situation is basically: I have the phone numbers of all the suppliers near me, some low-level dealers, and recorded his threats. If I come clean, I get in trouble too since I'm an accessory.

just move on, let the nigger be proud of his 200$

Cheaper lesson than a college course and you're actually going to remember this one

If he's a low level dealer he's outright bluffing and you're falling for it. Beat his ass stomp his fingers, take your money. If he is drug dealing he's not gonna call the cops for assault.

just count the $200 as a loss in exchange for staying out of fucking jail. don't be stupid next time and you won't lose out on $200

ask him nicely

Sounds like fight or let it go and hope he pays. You eat out the big guys they will fuck you up.

Wait until thursday.

No low-level dealer gives his contacts to his customers. I call bullshit. It sounds like he's almost as dumb as you are. I say beat his ass. He's bluffing.

read this.


then tell me if you want that or something similar to happen to you for 200 bucks. realize this guy wasnt even fucking involved, but knew shit was going down.

rat him out and say that he stole your money

Sell that dumb motherfucker a bag of lawn clippings for 200. He deserves it.

He got proof you knew it was for drugs?

Tell the cops how he does business, and they can find out who his contacts are by looking at his customers' phones. Or just tell his fucking contacts that he's leaving a trail of their number all over town and they'll beat his ass themselves.

i'd rather forget 200 bucks and sleep tight at night than having niggers after me, 200 is a LOT for them


I was careful enough to make sure my voice was never recorded saying anything about drugs. He can bring some of his friends that can back him up about me knowing it was for drugs.

>old childhood friend from niggerland
That's your first mistake.

>lending a nigger money at all
That's your second mistake

>trusting niggers in general
Dude just give up.

He's got one person (let's call him Keanu) who can say I was in on it, and one of his customers. He made all of the calls to his supplier and his buyers through my phone and Keanu's.

Take something he values more than what he owes you and make him buy it back. If you cant do that, kill him with a fucking rock. Rocks are free and all over the place. You think his nog friends are going to come after white man with rock?


Hi OP,
there's something that every adult in civil society understands, and you evidently need to learn:

>When someone asks you to lend them money
>its a gift
>if they pay you back, it was a gift reciprocated
>if they don't, they don't.

If you need the money desperately, you should never have lent it to him. NEVER. That's not the way these things work.

this is by far the best advice you'll get.

If there is no evidence then its heresay.

This. Talk to his contacts and make up some bullshit that he's being sloppy, leaving their numbers all over. One of them probably won't be happy and might do something about it.

You can say you're bigger etc, but sneaky little nigger is agile, do you think he never met a bigger gorilla in the jungle before?


>He is an old childhood friend who immigrated from Kenya, and currently a fast food worker/low level dealer.
>He is an old friend, whose life was formerly shit, and is currently shit
>He is a friend

evidence or no evidence, OP is a faggot.

I think I know what I'm gonna do.

I'll wait until Thursday to see if I get the money back. If I don't, I'll just take the hit.

Either way, I'm going to get a burner phone to contact his suppliers/dealers/growers. I'll tip them off using a voice filter saying that he's leaving a trail through his customers' phones, and that it only takes one person to crack before the cops close in on them. I'll also say that cops arrested his friend who drove him around to make his sales for a DWI. I will then destroy the burner phone.

Next, I will send in an anonymous tip to the police. I will give them the numbers for all of the dealers and suppliers I could get. I will also give them audio recordings of phone calls where he explicitly dealt with his suppliers.

He's been the town dealer and is in contact with nearly my entire high school senior class.

Do you Sup Forumsros think that this is the right thing to do?

>White people's God
>Jesus Fucking Christ

>African people's God

No, rat. Over 200 bucks? You should be shot.

Dont be an idiotic cunt, don't look foward for those money, if the nogs return and gives your money you'll take then, if not consider those moneys gone and stop contacting him.

it won't end well if you try and be aggressive and sometimes being passive is the best way to go, don't ruin your life over some cash man it's just paper your life it's self is irreplaceable, stay in college keep doing you and learn from it, if he doesn't pay it'll just stick with you longer.

>just take the hit
I don't think you understand what that means.

They'll know its you. I say just leave it alone and cut ties. Or just call his customers. Thell stop buying and he takes a hit. He'll need to borrow from someone else and maybe they wont have as much to lose to beat his ass.

Rocks are free and you are allowed to kill blacks.

>allowed to kill blacks

Only if you're black or a white cop.

>Believing in god
good one user

I'm not planning to do it immediately. I'll wait until this cools down and he loses contact with me. I'd give it 6 months to a year before I make first contact with his suppliers.

I can't believe I missed that.

>either way, I will rek his life
So, even if he does pay you back on thursday, you're still going to sperg out and do everything you possibly can to ruin him.

OP, you are a good person. Never change.


Just take the L, and move on.


A year? Come on now. Just let it go and lose the stress. Dont carry it that long.

Do you really think ratting on 15+ people will work out well for you? Especially when this guy will probably know it was you?

Don't get involved in this shit dude. Just walk away. $200 is nothing.

Get a gun. If nigger friends try anything. Shoot them. America is on your side when it comes to dead gang-bangers/niggers.


Snitching like that for only $200.

I hope you get jumped and get fucked up real good, OP

Nope. If you are white, or mostly white, you are allowed to kill a black unless you are silly about it.

>Lends anything to a nigger
There's your first mistake.

Youre a stupid faggot who trusts niggers. You deserve to get robbed. You are also a rat fuck. Suck a dick.

Wait until thursday. get money then or accept the L and dont go to prison like a retard

Rob the suppliers fucktard. Wish I could say this is fake based off that not being your plan already. Or kill him. (Not really, because you posted this.) Oh and move in silence.

point being,
>the ideal person in the Western worldview
>a 33 year old virgin cuck who gets nailed and hopes his dad will bring him back to life 3 days later

>the ideal person in the african worldview
>a fucking spider
>a fucking genius spider
>who does whatever the fuck he wants
>no fucks given

Fight him. Break all his fingers until he gives you the money or something worth its value. Guaranteed he doesn't make it past two fingers. If he sends any punks after you just carry a weapon around. You're allowed to kill someone if they try to attack you. Especially if its a wild pack of niggers.

what are you talking about a genius spider?

Fuck all this user tell him it doesn't matter anymore and be cool and wait a year then walk up to his front porch and throw a bucket of gas on it and walk away hypothetically of course

>I should've known better, but I lent $200 to a nigger.
Sounds like you know where you went wrong at least.
>He told me that he would be using the money to push some weed around. The deal was $200 for $450. That makes me an accessory.
True, and by the sounds of it you'll lose more than he does if you kick up a stink
>When it was time to pay up, he refused. I am quite larger than him, and have learned basic krav maga and other martial arts. I was ready to kick his ass, but he told me if I lay a finger on him, he'll send his nigger friends to whack me.
Possible, they do hunt in packs and use underhanded/niggardly tactics.
>He told me that he'll have my money by Thursday.
He wont.
>But I know that he won't pay up because I can't touch him.
This. You could put it around that his weed is shit or that he's selling in schools etc, that might get him some unwanted attention-but wait a few months before you start running your mouth, you don;t want him figuring out it was you.
>I am currently in the best college in my state. I am receiving a full ride scholarship. He is an old childhood friend who immigrated from Kenya, and currently a fast food worker/low level dealer.
So put it down as a lesson learned, tell him you'll take weed as payment if that's your thing maybe otherwise just ignore said nigger and forget you ever saw him. Like the saying goes-if you lend someone money and never see them again, consider it a good investment.



Forget about it. Like other anons have said, it is a small price for the lesson you learned.

Kill him. You literally cannot fight a nigger and call it quits afterwards. You can't even threaten them with further loss because nothing is more important to them than ego. MAYBE the only other option is torturing them into insanity/irrational fear but that takes a toll on you.

Those are your two options.

>West african spider god
>exactly the same amount of "really exists" as jesus.
>except, is not a faggot

This. Wait until Thursday. Never threaten until you know you've been burnt, and don't threaten, act. Fuck his shit up hard. Machiavelli said "if an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." Also, never loan money to anyone without taking collateral. And my final thought, never loan money to a nigger.



huh.. i'd never heard of that

Props for correct use of "niggardly".


In traditional stories, Anansi behaves pretty much like the stereotypical black person does, here in America. He runs around, steals shit, gets caught stealing shit, bites them on the ass and runs away with the shit he stole. Is always on the hunt for a human girlfriend. Human chicks are always into him up until he accidentally reveals he's a spider.

In the stories he's supposed to be superhumanly intelligent, and teaches (black) people all sorts of useful skills (mostly, how to be creepy and sneaky).