Please can we find a cure for schizophrenia already...

Please can we find a cure for schizophrenia already? Sup Forums please go to school for neuroscience and figure this shit out already.

Other urls found in this thread:

CIA niggers need not post

This man is a fucking genius, and he has been reduced to a crazy man because of this horrible fucking disease.

Take for example this video. He's in bad shape in this one. "Removed batteries." His batteries have been removed. He realizes it. Not only in this video, but many others.

He is semi-self-aware. He knows something is off but his mind can't process it because of the disease. It's so fucking sad. I wish he could be cured.

Cbd thc oil

He frequently interjects the word "what?" as he rambles. Maybe it's the remnants of his sane brain battling with the diseased schizophrenic brain. FUCK.

Another semi-self-aware video:

I heard he ran over some CIA nigger. Apparently they glow in the dark.

Schizophrenia is a very bad descriptor for many disparate mental illnesses.

These diseases are like autism; they are malformations of deep brain structures during the development of the fetal brain.

The sad truth is that the mothers' ... well, some women have bad wombs and they do not properly nurture the developing infants' brains.

There is no cure.





the cure for schizophrenia:

1: make them take their meds. they are fine as long as they do this, but if they forget, or decide to skip, they go crazy and crazy people don't take their meds and they keep on being crazy.

2: get them spayed. crazy people have crazy children because they don't know any better.

3: there is no 3.

This is a good vid too; dude's not as gone as Terry, but you can tell he's struggling to keep it together.

CIA faggots and FBI niggers will hear Terry's gospel





This man is speaking volumes. I never laughed so hard in my life.


People tell me i have hardcore schizophrenia yet i really dont understand why



There is a cure.
Injections of Vitamin C. Large doses, for about a week.

Did you guys see the video where he walked to the store and called a black guy a nigger?


"LOL HE SAID 'NIGGER!'!!!!!!" Thank you for your contribution to society.

Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D
Clinical trial regarding reversal of the effects of Adrenochrome in the neural system. 88 Schitzo's went in, 20% recovered after first dose, 40% recovered after a week, 40% showed reduced symptoms.


fuck, mans is adorable too

Fuckin' nigger, write your own damn compiler.

"LOL! TERRY SAID BAD WORDS!!" Fuck outta here.

Pls anybody give me some input on ir its a major problem in my life, just recently turned homeless.

Kek You little pussy asshole.

Can we get together and suck this guy's dick?

>say hello to mr. God, nigger

When your mom gets dementia as she enters her later stages in life, I hope you remember this comment. Don't be a little pussy asshole when your mom doesn't know where or who she is.

Major depression is a big contributor.
Cortisol can fuck up your brain pretty bad and it's permanent. You can literally die from sadness.

Kek. Whatever you say, dipshit. If you don't like the thread get the fuck out.

Whole world has schizophrenia.


I really admire Terry, he's pretty funny at times too, but it does suck to see a lot of his potential squandered due to that fucking illness.

He could've been Linus if it wasn't for schizophrenia IMO>

Why watches at 0 $?

News flash: Terry says bad and funny things because of his illness. Cool. That is very well documented, especially on this fucking board. Instead of the constant circle-jerk of "CIA niggers", I'm more interested in a real discussion about schizophrenia. Perhaps I'm in the wrong place?

is scam?

how about you take your fucking meds like the doctor told you to, twitchy

You're interested in having a serious discussion here on Sup Forums. You;re a fucking idiot.

>Perhaps I'm in the wrong place?
No Shit. How did you find your way here douchebag.

Oh fuck

Is this Kevin Nealon playing a character?

Are you familiar with the Icarus Project?

I think so. Fly too close to Sup Forums, get autism?


Andy sixx = CIA


>being this autistic

The CIA niggers glow in the dark, you can see em' if you're driving, you just run them over that's what you do. Fuckin CIA niggers.


#SAVETERRY is trending #2 right now on Twitter, just FYI

Fuck off

Poor Terry, totally subbed tho this is gold

Not sure if everyone is up to speed or not, but this is his new YouTube channel:

His ass

ITT we discuss and post peer-reviewed scientific documents that advance the knowledge and understanding of the disease known as schizophrenia, and potential causes and theoretical cures.

Either that or we just post "CIA niggers" over and over again. Tough call.

I just saw posts about this on tinychan and reddit. This is the first I've heard about this guy since like... 2012 or 2013, did something just happen to bring him back to the limelight?

I hope he wins another Oscar this next year

god damn do i hate generation gay. so fucking much

reminds me of talking about camping the other day at work and mentioned how we'd sit indian style around the fire or something like that

some stupid fucking cunt just like these assholes actually interrupted me to say "UHHHMM - that's insensitive, we don't say that anymore. It's criss cross apple sauce". i hope your PC or FruitfagAir bursts into flames tonight while you sleep and burns down your fucking house down with you inside of it before you're able to reproduce

He started uploading more personal/daily-life videos. Since then, fans have been sending his gifts like drumsticks and toy drums, since in his recent videos he shows interest and past skill in drumming.

He's a schizo, he's going to say some wild shit occasionally, people shouldn't get too bent out of shape that he's not politically correct.

I had to send indian style in school and it's still indian style to me, fuck those faggots. Wtf is criss cross rick ross bullshit, they should just say cross legged if it's going to make them bawl to utter the words indian style.

I didn't vote for trump, but I do own guns.

Thanks, bye.

Bruh, I hate that shit too. I've always known it as indian style, and never even thought of it as racist or insensitive. I just want a cure for schizophrenia. That's all.

Entertain God and your ass will follow.

You don't have to type like this.

This isn't fucking reddit you stupid faggot.

No one cares how you voted.

If you really own guns, you know what to do

i bet the guy did too much acid and it fucked him up, theres no cure for partying too hard





#SAVETERRY is already trending number 2 on Twitter because of this post!

>fucked up brain
>let's find a cure
Not going to happen, friendo. Just enjoy his hilarious live streams.

Whatever, get your PhD in Neuroscience with a focus on the Schizophrenia Disorder and then talk to me

shut up you work at a fucking coffee bar loser lol

But yes, I will always enjoy his videos. They are usually funny, but sometimes they hit me in the feels when he gets introspective. I just wish there was a cure, to free Terry from the hell of confusion he lives in, and to have a sane conversation with him coming out of it.

I'll do that as soon as you blame the decades of Neuroscientists for being complete fuckups who can't rewire a brain they can't even replicate. :^)

Tell those faggot particle physicists to get those warp drives working while you're there.

fukin rekt XD

Ask a guy whos brother is schizoaffective anything. Witnessed his experiences with delusions and hallucinations (and hard meth abuse)...

>faggot particle physicists
genuine lol


Joke's on you! I'm unemployed.

This email never be a meme you and your other friend who post this may as well stop. Just like mill house it's so forced the mods constantly ban your attempt at posting it on any meme archive sites


thats too bad
i'm actually a nuclear biologist, shitposting in my free time

Not until we uncover the biggest mystery of all.

loved ones suffering getting you down OP?

Phlip K. Dick is supposedly another one who was also a very talented writer.

As far as cure goes I totally agree we should put big time resources on the subject. It's been proven that we CAN make big time scientific breakthroughs if we really put in an all out effort as with the Atomic Bomb/Atomic power and the Moon Landing/Development of Space Industry but we've only done that twice and right now we have a total asshole in office who thinks science is fer them pointy bearded hipeyes who believe their grandma was a monkey

The problem with schizophrenia is like with cancer, we don't even know what it really IS let alone how to cure it

Me too, one head doctor certified I was bad enough to get full disability, yet I really don't understand why. I don't have hallucinations, (though I guess I could and not know) or hear voices. I do talk to myself now and again but it's only sotto voce muttering and I don't interrupt. I've read of something called "flat affect" and that might be me but I'd always heard being imperturbable was a virtue, not insanity.

Their is a cure it is called a bullet to the head.
And i say this while having a schizo brother.