Weird dreams thread
Weird dreams thread
I'll start
>Out in yard
>Trying to avoid family gathering
>Find 50 or so year old saggy bbw Mexican woman
>Start fucking her
>Hear family calling
>Look away
>Look back to Mexican woman
>She is now a goose
>Still balls deep in goose cloaca
The end
I had a dream I forced my best friends daughter to strip. Then afterwards the daughter started playing with herself. Then I went over to his house irl to tell him about how fucked up it made me feel and before I could his daughter sat on my lap and was practicing doing cartwheels from a sitting position and kept plopping down on my cock and I got the biggest erection I've ever had. She had to have noticed. Then I decided I wouldn't tell him. And honestly it fucked me up pretty bad. Because I love his daughter and would never consider hurting her in any way. Plus he's my boy so I can't betray his trust.
Kinda fucked up inside about the whole thing wish none of it happened.
Help op
Also had another dream I was sitting on my front porch and it was nighttime and I noticed how close the moon was to the earth. And it kept getting closer and closer then it started impacting and I woke up.
I actually have a shit load of neat dreams and I'll tell them better if you want OP just say the word.
The only logical solution would be to kill yourself.
>have dream
>be in massive field
>sunset purple sky but shadowy dark as well, like an eclipse
>be on ground, on gravel dirt road
>Woman in fancy old time dress smiles at me
>she literally started glowing and I woke up.
I may later on but i wanna see if OP wants more dreams
Had a dream that I was awake in my dimly lit room in bed and the doorknob to get inside kept rattling for what seemed like hours as if someone was trying to get inside.
With 8 or 9 yo i had a dream that my Radio want to kill me
>Be me
>Little shitter
>Obsessed with lego, gameboy and all that stuff back then
>Ate to much of moms Spaghetti
>Damn i love noodles
>Belly hurts a bit, get nightmare
>Im in a Vulcano, on a Bridge made of wood and rope
>Other side of the bridge, Radio Appears
>The boxes of Doom
>The Bass to surpass Metal gear
>Its "running" towards me
>Oh hell no
>Wake up
>Sweat everywhere
>Look to Radio
>I bet it has moved since i was asleep
>Try to get a idea how to not get murdered by this piece of shit
>Built a box out of Lego to "lock" him in during night
>Also built A Guardtower for an Bionicle so he can watch out
Never had nightmare of the Radio again.
>Be me.
>Dreaming about travelling through Europe with friends.
>Hire a guide to lead us in a hike through rural countryside.
>do this for days, wonderful time.
>find an inn, get drunk, and decide to spend the night.
>Tour guide makes advances towards me, I decline.
>He becomes forceful, tries to overpower me.
>Push him away, threaten to kick his ass.
>Time stops, but he keeps moving towards me.
>Uses psychic powers to destroy inn and kill friends.
>Run through countryside to escape, find a boat on a lake.
>I row the boat to the middle of the lake, but the water swells and ripples as the guide levitates from the depths.
>End up grappling each other, falling into the water.
>As we sink and struggle, the water becomes lighted with glowing orbs.
Then I woke up. Probably the weirdest dream I've had, especially since the tour guide looked like Anthony Hopkins.
What if you found the same woman on the street?
Talk to her, immediately.
I had a dream where I was at a museum of some kind that was several stories tall. Each level except the bottom one had railing so you could look down all the way to the ground floor from any level. The museum had no exhibits and had absolutely nothing in it apart from stairs and elevators to connect the floors. I was touring this museum with a bunch of kids for some reason, and suddenly I am told that there are terrorists shooting up the building. I hear gunshots and then a bunch of nignogs burst in up the stairs carrying assault rifles and wearing black turbans and other isis shit. Oddly they were not arabs; they were all clearly black. They shouted "ALLAHU ACKBAR" and started shooting everyone. I managed to escape by climbing over the railing and jumping down from level to level (I was apparently at the top level) until I reached the ground floor. I reunited with my family and people even called me a hero, while up top I could still hear the kids being massacred.
Then I woke up.
I still cant watch his fucking movies, man. It just reminds me of that dream.
Fuck you Anthony Hopkins
That wasnt a dream. It was a Vision
No it wasnt it made absolutely no fucking sense
Also have seen the woman in many other dreams I had.
They were all past era themed, save for one.
There was an eclipse and two alien races were on Earth, ready to fight on a bridge.
The humans were killing both but the glowing ones and humans eventually stopped fighting on this bridge.
The lizard ones were the bad ones and only I could stop them.
The woman was there as well except more modern.
I saw a great machine I was to build.
And a lifeform that I would call a living crystal were harnessed into the machine. The woman was ones of the crystal things in human form.
Think Galvatron, Sandman or T-3000. They had abilities like that.
Something I would call phase shifting and flight swarm like clouds that can reassemble into a form.
>dreaming about walking around
>stumble into ex
>this is a dream I tell her
>no it's real she responds
>tell her I only see her in my dreams
>she becomes upset, tells me to love her
>suddenly in an apartment building
>decide fuck it, might as well, become lucid
>begin making out with ex, feels real
>begin fucking, again, feels real
>she begins crying and tells me she misses me
>remind myself its just a dream, keep fucking
>cum inside her
>fall asleep in the dream with her
>see a bright tunnel of light, feel myself being pulled into it
>body disappears, can't see my hands anymore, an intense vibration starts in my head
>literally watch myself wake up with no cut in consciousness like with usual waking
I wish I could stop dreaming about her.
>be me
>inna dream
>in the hood
>car pulls up
>rusty arab yells signature catchphrase
>cars blows up
>i die
>my mind is blank
>become conscious mid dream
>realize im not dreaming anything
>realize i die
>trapped in my dream
>try to wake up
>all i "see" is white
>thought i died in real life and thats why i couldnt wake up
>suddenly burst up off my sleep
>ponder on what just happened and dont go back to sleep
This has happened to me twice now, I'm scared to sleep because of this shit, the fear I felt during this experience really got me man
>Its the middle of june and hot as fuck
>Sitting in my house sweating
>Somebody tells me its the day before christmas
>Oh fuck you're right
>Trying to get on amazon to buy something
>One of my old managers is on my computer and won't get off so I can find stuff for everybody
>Keep arguing with her that she needs to move
>Suddenly car slams into a tree and we both go flying out the front
>We're fine, computer is ruined
>Keep yelling at her for breaking my computer when its june 7 and christmas is tomorrow and I need to buy stuff
I recently had a dream where i was lost in a some kind of mist and found a giant cave that was a hole straight down, as weather conditions worsened i went into the cave for shelter and saw some type of watery distortion in the air. as the distortion mixed and shifted, it showed a clear picture of a devil. Then i was watching a video about how abortion is satans greatest stunt and these little demons would run up into pregnant wombs and pull out the baby. The moms would cry while the demon ran away laughing with the baby, allowing the umbilical cord to simply rip out as they ran off. Then some other shit happened and i was shown alot of deep shit about how man has been tricked into hating one another for fabricated reason and how greed and fear has consumed the human consciousness and behaviour.
I have multiple dreams in which my mother and I fugg. And that's not okay. Because I am beyond disgusted by her, both physically and emotionally.
What does this mean?