Having a rough night Sup Forumsros and it's really got me thinking

Having a rough night Sup Forumsros and it's really got me thinking..

4 years ago my girlfriend cheated on my at this time. Back then we had been dating for like 3 weeks maybe 5 dates (almost 2 hours away from eachother). She started talking to this dude, I knew sometime was off and ended up reading her txts with him. It wasn't clear what happened but something bad. We broke up, she ended up convincing me they just watched a movie and he tried to make a move. Long story short, it stuck with me for years and I asked her about it all the time and about 4 months ago she admitted she fucked him after years of new stories and lies. Was crushed to say the least, dumped her but agreed to work on it because we had a new apt lease and supper hard to get out, plus still cared for her.
It's been effecting everything, I'm nasty to her now and sometimes don't know if I still love her. I have truly forgiven her, but I can't get it out of my head. The images of them and how fucking beta the dude was all that shit. Sometimes I think should just leave and other times I want to stay I'm so mixed up. It wasn't even the cheating that fuckers me up its the what's of lies.. We were so new, and so distant that while I hate it, I can understand it. We have so much good history after that but some days it all just feels like one big lie. I feel like the only way I can move on fully is to cheat once, or move on.

What do you guys think? Anyone been through anything like this, cheating then finding out Years later?

Leave her you beta cuk

Can it ever get easier?

Once a cheat always a cheat. She will do it again. And she will lie again. Get out now before you hurt yourself any more

Idk if I agree with that, I did alot of dumb shit when I was younger things I'd never do now like cheating. She was 18 at the time now 22. I think those are big years for everyone in fucking up.

my gf of 1.5 years broke up with me and then sucked another dudes sick 36 hours later.. Then got back together with me that same night and lied about it. I found out 2 weeks later after recovering her deleted text messages. I went ape shit and almost killed her in rage ( never lashed out before ). Very close to hitting her. Decided to work on it with her then she went away on a mission trip with her college.. She cheated on me on that trip with her ex, made me wait for her then dumped me over text messge as I got out of the shower to pick her up from the airport. She still kept talking to me then came back again a week later and left the ex for me. Dumped me again 2 weeks later because I was being too controlling over her then she came back AGAIN 3 weeks later. By this time I had fucked a couple chicks and went out on a couple dates so I didn't care. I even blew her off to fuck a girl a city away and made it known to her what I was doing. This broke her heart that I didn't wait her for and she's been ass kissing me ever since but I still can't get what she did out of my head... No amount of pussy made me get over it. She's been buying me guns, car parts, food and paying for everything ( probably spent $1,500 in the last month on me and being my bitch ). I can see this time she's being genuine but for how long?

Oh and did I forget that within 4 hours of the first break up she cammed up naked for a dude in her uni?

My point is that it fucking hurts user don't it? I've never been fucked over by a girl until now so idk how long it takes to get over it. I don't want to leave her because she's hot, this relationship is convenient and she's genuinely a nice person but can be real bitch. She's been doing a lot for me ever since we got back a month and a half ago but idk how long before she fucks up again.

Well not to excuse her lying but you guys had been ONLY dating for 3 weeks which really wasn't that serious at the time. But if you don't feel comfortable and don't find it in your heart to forgive her time to go your separate ways.

If you knew sometime was off then you should have checked your watch.. If you are ever having supper hard then try a more vegetable based meal.
My advice, don't talk to the bitch and take spelling classes you fucking retard. Learn to type something.

Just remember.

OP Pic related? Have any more?

Ask yourself this: if it wasn't for the apartment shit, and prior successes in the relationship would you still be with her

It's the lies tho. At a certain point if she loves me she's got to trust in me to be able to have the truth. I basically forced it out of her, saying we should just end be a use I always think about that night and u know something happened, so it doesn't matter if it did or not because I belive it did. At what point are the lies worse than cheating itself

Long distance and only been together for three weeks?

You're a fucking retard for even caring hey.. she was just testing the waters and keeping options open while she dialed in a keeper..

Dudes do this all the time.. you're fucking weird as fuck.. you really wanna direct a bird for something she did after only three weeks and 5 dates together? Man that's.. that's hella beta and weird

You've literally been busting her chops for 4 years over this.. are you kidding? She's better without you hey, you're a fucking space cadet

You need to fix your brain m8

listen dude honestly you're in a perfect position to demand regular FFM threesomes. If she really loves you and wants to make things work with you then she'll do some shit she wouldn't normally be comfortable doing

check'd also she's still young, why tie each other down? She was very stupid for not telling you at the start when she was given the opportunity (really 3 weeks of dating and she felt like this needed to be secret forever and always). Honestly I'd move out if you're not interested in dating her - no point in wasting your time


Don't give it any more thought. Leave her. You'll never be happy with her knowing that she cheated and lied.

asking /b for advice instead of talking to her

Im not sure how so many men end up having feelings for women when they arent married yet. Oh wait, yeah i do. your dick is talking. masturbate then read what you wrote right after and you'll feel like a shit head. Idiot, why did you have feelings for a woman. what did you expect exactly? you should have been fucking all the girls in your vicinity or at least had one flirtatious friend then that puts the woman in your position where she is supposed to be. What kind of faggot lets their girlfriend hang out with other guys anyway. If you were in 5 dates and didnt know she wasnt into you, you're gonna have a hard time.

Why watches at 0 $?

Stale pasta is stale

They absolutely respond to them thinking you don't want them or that you're better than them. It's literally the essence of 'alpha' and every 12 year old on here doesn't get it.

Tell them to get out.. and they'll never leave

It's how I've nailed all of mine down including the one I'll marry. Had to learn the hard way being cheated on..and it was because I was being a little bitch.


Who in the fuck leases an apt after 3 weeks of dating. You need common sense

It's not worth it OP. You're never going to forget, and it's never going to get any easier. Just leave her when the lease is over.

I did, and shes willing

Honestly you need to get the fuck out user
The fact that she lied for a long period and she cheated is terrible
Leave her user hopefully you have saved cash?
This happened to me some years ago but we had a mortgage together
I had saved a few thousand over years as a fall back plan
Used some of it for solicitors fees and ended up having her sign off the mortgage and then sold the house a year later making a few grand on top
>no matter how much you love them always save money on the side in secret so you will be financially stable if the worst should happen
Tell her to sign off the lease or you will
Get your shit together and Improve your life
Good luck

Congratz, you found a whore and you're stupid enough to get back together with her. Here's a tip, get an STI check.

>maybe 5 dates
You dolt.
>dumped her but agreed to work on it - still cared for her
Either you dumped her or you didn't.
>I'm nasty to her, don't know if I still lover her.
>Have truly forgiven her
No you didn't. You even want to cheat on her to get back at her. Seriously, what do you think "forgiveness" even means, you halfwit?
What is it with everyone's need for drama?
The answer is really simple. Either you do truly get over the fact that she tried to spare your feelings over a stupid mistake she made when you were barely boyfriend and girlfriend, and forgive her, maybe even have a long and happy time together.
Or you can't get over it (which I could respect) and you put the wounded animal that is your relationship out of its misery now.

I've talked this out with her till we are blue in the face, all she can say is she fucked up and she's sorry. After that it's on me to see if I can live with it, thus me feeling around seeing other peoples experiences.

Yea you can't read. We leased an apartment years later and then she told me

Stop being a fuck. Either you man up and deal with it cos you love her or you ship out. To be fair I didn't actually read what you wrote so meh

Is that pic of her OP? Reminds me of a girl named Coral I was fucking around 4 years ago :)

Honestly talk to her, go to counseling if you want. But I know from experience this is a hard one to get over. If you're not willing to talk or get counseling, move on. A lease is not worth the heartache

>calling /thread on your own post
get help

Nice job explaining that in your story.

>I have truly forgiven her, but I can't get it out of my head.
you seem nice and like you didn't deserve any of that. Give yourself some time and take off the pressure you think you must have over yourself


SAVE YOURSELF...and leave. Your nastiness to her will destroy you also.

Once a cheat always a cheat. It probably wasn't only the time and it may well happen again. They're either faithful or they aren't and she already proved she's willing to lie.

I watched a lot of judge judy back in the day, there's loads of ways to get out of a lease. You're making excuses.
Also you said you've always had suspicions about her cheating.
Once you signed the lease with her, knowing how difficult it would be to get out of it, you should have decided then and there never to mention or ask about what she did in the first 2 weeks you were "together".

IF and I mean IF this story is true you need to either shit or get off the pot. Either fucking leave or get over it and move on. Your being a wishy-washy little bitch.

Saffa or Brit?

make sure you keep fanning that flame while it's hot, it'll be way harder to get her to do that shit in a few months when she feels more comfortable. This might be the only time in your life you get the chance to fuck two girls to your heart's content, make the most of it and make sure it happens user.

What troubles you little fella?

i didnt miss that fact and was laughing at you

she lied for 4 years to your face about fucking someone else. you know what the answer is and if you you need me to say it for you
"she will never be the mother of your kids, its fucking over and move on"

and thats all there is to it.

it's summer
school's out and his pubescent brain thinks it's depressed.

talk her into something sweet like tattooing each others names. make it seem nice she goes first then you walk out. win

How can I just get over it? So much more easily said then done. I've always been a if she cheats I'm gone guy, then I find this out 4 years later and it throws everything into question. Yes we were new, but it's the way she acted and the things she said especially earlier on like I was the best thing that ever happened to her and all that shit. Then she hangs out with a guy alone 1 time, 1 fucking time and fucks him and he moves away a few days later. She said she asked him to leave after and it was a heat of the moment type of thing but they never talked again after. And the txts I saw at the time support that he was trying to talk to her and she wasn't.

>we broke up
>years pass
>so we have an apartment now
Nigga, this makes 0 sense or You just suck at telling storiess. You broke up, why the fuck do you live with her? If you got back with her you're a bigger beta cuck then the nigga your girl fucked

You can either get over it, or you can't which then means it's time to move on. All you have to do is make a fucking decision. Can you live with a liar or not? I know I personally can not. Decide.

If you have fully forgiven her, give her and yourself some time. Get away from each other if needed - if you don't feel sure about keeping on seeing her just maybe back off and see how you feel

It's normal to feel betrayed and to feel like "All the good memories and excellent moments I had with her later on were based on shit" - well they weren't. She betrayed you because teen whoremoans and I don't know why but she just kept it to herself probably not to harm the relationship with you. Try to forgive her and move on, meaning sticking with her or moving on to other stuff.

It's normal that you feel betrayed and that your relationship is a lie, but it wasn't a lie, try to ask her Aaaaall you can about why she actually did it, understand each other and then see what you feel

I hope you get back on your feet and have a good sleep

Hum.. So, what troubles you?

You answered your own question. She CANNOT be trusted. She cheats and she lies. She is garbage, toss her out like an empty soda can, nut up and move on dude.

don't listen to this kind of kid, please

>it was a heat of the moment type of thing but they never talked again after.
That is really good, actually. I'm serious, think about it; it was just an explosion of hormones, and then with time she understood that you were the one to keep
4 years aren't just a crush

Just leave her. You have absolutely no obligation to her except maybe your apartment. My ex was a lying slut as well and i stayed with her for 3 years because i felt like i loved her and wanted to give things a chance. In the end it just made me a bitter person and a bit of an asshole. I cheated on my current girlfriend and im not saying it all has to do with my ex. But the person I was becoming could have been different if I just had the guts to let go. Theres much nicer girls OP. Even if you dont believe it now. Just work on yourself and eventually youll find the right one


Fucking kids... Oh no! My angst!

OP please take into consideration that at least half of the guys that are telling you to "dump that forever-cheating whore" are just frustrated brats with bad intentions.

I'm not OP and I definitely don't think you can trust her or think of her romantically anymore, but you might as well have some dank ass threesomes while you're high as fuck before you call it quits OP, opportunitites like this come once in a lifetime, I would know, I passed one up because of pride like everybody else here thinks you should do. Don't make my mistake, fuck her and another girl senseless a few times and THEN leave her cheating ass

>She was 18 at the time now 22. I think those are big years for everyone in fucking up.

Project harder oldfag

user, you were nothing more to her at 3 weeks of being together than a stranger. She thought you might be someone she could spend her life with, but no sane person only dates one individual at a time unless they are a virgin. Most people are dating several individuals at a time, and might be fucking them too. She fucked that dude and still went back to you, despite you being a beta cuck and not giving her the dick outright. That really means you meant more to her than just the dick, don't fuck this up you cuck.

Yea I know. I'm not mad at her and flint hate her or anything like that. I hate what she did, but I've forgiven it. Forgiving at forgetting are not the same things.

There are days that I honestly could just walk away when I just feel that empty almost trapped feeling. It's difficult to find her sexy anymore. We still have sex but it's alot less now maybe twice a week. It also feels like we argue alot more then normal. Then there's times when I'm feeling down and don't want to be cute with her and I'll have to fake missing her or send fake I love you txts.. Stuff like that when I'm in no mood. Shits hard. Then other times it's the opposite and I do miss her.

I fucked her on our second date.. Twice.

>I can see this time she's being genuine but for how long?
Not forever. If you're cool with that then enjoy. If not you should get out now.

I'll take your word for it user. Obviously you were not good enough to be keeps for square 1, but better than user B, so you have that going for you.

>Forgiving and forgetting are not the same things.
2. you will find this untrue for affairs of the heart. this will only breed resentment and leave you unhappy.
3. even if you could forgive and forget, do you really want to be giving your life to some one who was ok with lying to your face (believably) for 4 years?

get a little self respect and move on

user, if you decide to forgive her and give her another shot. Give her an ultimatum.

She lied to you for 4 years straight my dude, do you honestly think she hasn't lied about anything else? Or slept around more then she said she has? Dump that whore who wasted your time and worry about the lease later, it's clear she's not making you happy at times (you fuck twice a week?) you need to get out before you plant your seed and then you're really fucked. Get yourself a wholesome girl my dood.

Stop being such fucking pussy. Get your threesome, make sure the extra girl is close with you guys, and then raw dog both of them and nut inside (but make sure they're clean and on the pill). Fuck their brains out.


This bitch isn't worth your time. She's young and not ready for whatever illusion of the future you have in your head. I've been young, and I've seen a lot of young men make this stupid ass mistake I once did. Don't dawdle on mediocre goods. Don't do it. Bail out, focus on your career, make money and fuck the plentiful fine asses out there. Good men age like fine wine, and the older and more successful you are the better women you find.

Take my advice and just focus on work. Then in your mid 30s, marry (with pre-nup) some fresh pussy out of college who will kneel and do whatever shit you want cause you got the money and power, and she don't have shit. She'll have as many threesomes you want her to have and let you fuck other women when you want. And you don't have to worry a thing like her cheating on you because the last thing she wants is for you to leave her. That's the kind of woman you need.

>wholesome girl
They don't exist user.

Fuck dude, I might give up then lol

>had this chick cheat on me while I was out of town, claimed they just watched a movie and he wanted more but she stopped it. He slept on the couch... we hooked up on and off for years but she lied to me about other guys during that time.

A few years ago she got married, and I knew once a cheater always a cheater. I got her to hook up with me and sent her husband the video. Then I blocked her on everything.
>I won