Ask a fellow bro on acid anything
Ask a fellow bro on acid anything
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What the fuck is that?
what time is it?
Did you take clothes line to the eyeball?
Try to explain how your favorite song makes you feel while you're listening to it
I'd daresay that is a dead person's eye. That dark line is called a "tache noire" and it's the result of the sclera drying out if you die and keep your eyes open.
Not my eye, post-mortem change in the eye
You're not really on Sup Forums right now, Peter.
Why are you such a failure in life to the point of doing drugs?
What is real? How do we know we are real?
If we can't trust the news how can we determine what is real if we can't see it ourselves?
I think therefore I am. Don't get too carried away lol.
Anyways it's just the medication bro chill out.
Does your computer/phone not freak you out? I can never stand to look at a screen for long. It's so bright and full of bullshit
How many mics?
Pic related; watched it coming down off of 250mics. Great movie.
Is your name David and are you polish
The internet has gone downhill ever since we have created it. It began as a depository for knowledge and sharing ideas.
Now it's a cesspool of bullshit. Everytime I google, it gets harder and harder to find shit because there's more and more bullshit from stupid people.
Corporations fucking up the system making it harder to get the info I need without me having to jump through loopholes to get to it.
300 mics
You're godamn right
No, and no
What was that sound?
I am who I want to be. Am I acting in the way I want to be perceived? Everyone I know. My friends, my family, my mom, my dad they only know snippets of interactions. They see snapshots. But only I know who I am.
Only I know the full picture. Is that the car I want to be seen in? Is that the apartment I want to be in? Who am I?
Yeah, it is very bright... my eyes are starting to hurt by it
It was my door cracking
Because from the very beginig I had nothing to crave for, I don´t know what I like, what i want or what I am supossed to do... but I know what I want to do, although I think it is impossible to acomplish in this existential plane
thanks for the advice, i'll sure follow it right before i go to sleep
I understand u, that and many other thoughts are crossing my mind right nao
Thats crazy bro. I thought it looked dead when i saw it.
Mmm i don't know man, i didn't hear anything
Think about how money works today. We all work for cash today. You put in your hour, and you get paid money in dollars.
But what is a dollar? Through the Fractional Reserve Banking system, it's all Bullshit.
Part I:
What flavors are your colors and which is your favorite?
Good man. I think that's my favorite dosing, first time at 300 really stuck with me. Now it's alot more manageable, but than again I've tried alot more substances.
>>InB4:ravefag, went to eletric forest weekend 1, third year going.
>>Tripped the most this year compared to others
>>Drugs; mescaline, shrooms, doc, ketamine, deketamine, Molly and good ol lsd
Where can I get acid, I've always wanted to try it
comment to op
why the fuck are you on /b while tripping?
also, why are you tripping at night? whats the fun in that?
I am not, i am listening to some o m fav music and trying to fap
I thought it would be nice doing it at night... big mistake i see now... now i an trying to get the much out of it beccause i don´t think i could take acid in a loooong time
1. The treasury borrows money to pay for government spending by issuing bonds.
2. The treasury sells the bonds to the banks during a treasury bond auction. The banks bid on bonds and give money to the government.
3. The banks now have the bonds. To generate cash from nothing, the federal reserve then buys the bonds by issuing a check. However, this check is good for any amount. There is nothing in the account, but legally the federal reserve can write a check for any amount.
This is how money is created.
Where does it hurt user?
another comment to op
go sit in the bathroom with the lights on,
and stare at one spot without looking at anything else
try to get the patterns to line up, and if you can, squish the room, side to side
if achieved side to side, try top to bottom
do you see white light, at the areas where the room was pushed from?
When the federal reserve wants to increase the amount of money, they buy bonds (also called securities) and give the banks money. When they want to lower the amount of money out there, the federal reserve sells bonds back out to the bank. The banks give money back to the federal reserve.
This is called open market operations.
Why do i feel this empty feeling user, i feel so lost, i dont know why. How cam i fill it? Alcohol and drugs seem to be only temporary resorts. This is a legitimate cry for help someone please help me i dont know how much longer i can do this
What are you talking about best trip ive had was a night on the beach. Fuck that was the best even fucking on acid didnt beat that
Why are you on Sup Forums on acid? asking for a bad trip! stay away from rekt
Very true
that's probably the most bizarre film I've seen in my life
and I watched it completely sober
why tho
So now, the banks have all the money and they don't want to give it out. Who has to distribute the money? The government.
The government pays its workers, funds healthcare, soldiers, the whole military industrial complex. These entities get the cash straight from the tap.
But guess what, now everyone puts their money into the bank.
Now this is where Fractional Reserve Lending Kicks in.
Part II:
Taxation is theft i tell ya what
Fractional reserve lending:
You think when you put your money in the bank that the money goes straight into the vault? No. Through the fractional reserve lending system, they are only required to keep 3% or less depending on account type in the vault.
What does the bank do with the rest of the money? It lends it out of course.
So now, let's say I put $1000 in the bank.
The bank only has to keep $30 in the vault and it lends the $970 out to some other guy.
That guy goes out and buys a TV. The store owner then puts the money in his BANK account. Now the bank again has $970. It then puts $29.10 in the vault and lends out $940.90 to another guy.
That store comes back and puts the money into the BANK again. 3% in the vault, and so on and so on and so on.
The bank generates cash for itself like this.
Now you have to pay taxes. The government takes 6% of your tax money to pay interest on the debt that it has. But who owns the bonds? The banks and the federal reserve. The federal reserve currently owns $2,465,046,000,000 in government bonds. This figure is publically available.
What does the federal reserve do with all the interest money it's getting from all the bonds? It pays its shareholders. Who are the shareholders? Nobody knows. It's a secret. But a pretty good guess would be the banks.
And that is a short story of money because I'm tired.
Cool story bro, need more dragons
What is your dream? Why can't you accomplish it in this existential existence. Don't become a living dead mummified monk. He may be still alive in another form, but he's living a life so slow that he's dead and might as well be dead.
Nobody knows what they're doing. It's all an act. You think a doctor knows exactly what he's doing 100% of the time if he didn't practice?
Why do you think they had to invent a whole another language for themselves?
Patient presents with chronic myoclonic jerks of the diaphragm. Otherwise known as Singultus or in the vernacular, hiccups that won't go away.
It's all about BS. Finance is even worse. You better fucking memorize the names of all the financial products.
Mutual Funds, ETFs, Securities, Options, Puts. The entire world is literally memorization and regurgitation. The concepts are all simple.
We're all people in the end.
You can turn around and look for them, but never look up. They don't like when you find them.
You're not on acid.
yeah he's way too lucid. not open at all.
i agree with you.
how do you calm yourself when you're feeling freaking out/having a bad trip?
that's me trying to manipulate his trip lol.
btw OP if you are tripping, I'm just an asshole. Chill out. Go outside and feel the vibes of the world.
Don't forget it's the medication. It's therapeutic.
My dream, my goal in life is to express everything through music... I want people to understand what I want to say as each note flows
It's up to you to have a good or a bad trip. Everything is in your brain subconsciously and the medication brings it out into the conscious upper processing levels of your brain.
You're rational. Don't do anything stupid outside. Be honest to a cop and connect to the people around you.
"I'm walking something off right now but I'm not carrying."
DON'T do anything stupid or that looks dangerous.
Your goals are achievable only if others understand your language.
Choose your demographic. After that, choose your medium. Understand that a classic is good in terms of lyrics and the melody itself. Or just the melody.
Listen to this and then tell me what he's feeling. I'm pretty familiar with this dude's twitter so I know but can you guess?
What genre do you play?
You can't help but admire his freestyle. That's a true professional right there.
Did u know - reality is a game/simulation, and acid is level 2? Acid taught me this
Mostly rock... but i have some projects in mind... i know i'm shit, but if i can make only one person to feel and assymilate it i could rip
lol that's flawed reasoning with no supporting info.
And i'm guessing he's feeling nostalgic¿
Take enough acid while thinking about this and you'll see. Last time I telepathically communicated with my cat after walking upstairs and seeing "level 2" in 2d graphics at the top of the stairs and hearing it in my head
Random question, but does anyone know which reagent test I should get for some mystery tabs? I don't want one that can tell whether it is lsd or not (I already know that it's not) but one that can tell me whether it is an nbome or DOX series etc
interesting. I've never heard nostalgic before. It's a grind song for him to get through day to day. But that might be me projecting as it is my study song.
But Deadmau5 made it big, made his millions, got a girl, house, ferrari, and is still depressed. Lost his girl and is banned from ferrari for nyancat purrari wrap.
Remember epicurean's tetrapharmakos the 4 steps to happiness. It's a bit dated but still good for meditation.
God is nothing to fear
Death is nothing to worry about
What is good is easy to get, and
What is terrible is easy to endure.
so what is the highest level? You are actually the cat?