I fucked everything up

I fucked everything up.

Me too, man. Definitely not a great feeling. What happened?

i got over it, fuck you for trying though faggot

i hope you never get over her just for that

I treated her like shit and I don't know why. I'm selfish, I'm a fucking idiot.

She's sleeping in the other room

My finger still smells like her

That's the worst, I've done something along the same lines, years ago. How long ago did this happen? Any hope of patching things up...?

boo hoo a girl doesn't like me back grow the fuck up

Newly dumped recently, but i hedged the fuck out of mu emotions with 2 side chicks months in advance. Fucked up, but takes some of the sting out just sayin

I just put everything before her all the time. I guess I got comfortable with having her there and I didn't think she would leave. I don't know if I should try to speak to her, I probably don't deserve her.

She did like me back while we dated for 6 years, you faggot.

Nah I'm thinking about him.

what happened with you and your girl user?

We all fuck up.
If you learned something from the experience, it wasn't completely wasted.

You should at least try, man. If you care for someone, you've got to be there for her; if she decides that's not what she wants, then there's little you can do about it, but you've got to at least try. You owe yourself and your relationship that much.

I was with someone for a little over three years; we worked together and just eventually ended up dating. I grew up with a dispassionate, distant family. There was no love or support and that was echoed by the women I chose to date as I got older. Her though, she was very different from them; marriage material, through and through.

I wasn't ready for someone like that though, I had too much patching up and fixing to do, in my own life. I ended up pushing her away, literally the night before she was going to start moving her stuff into my place. I just called her up and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do this any more. I don't know why." That was that.

I still don't know why. I don't know if it was how I viewed myself, maybe I was scared or something. She's with someone new now though, the city I live in isn't that big and I've bumped into her before. She's happy now, so that's nice.

Its been six years though and honestly, I'm not even the slightest bit over it. Sometimes, regret takes time to handle. I'm 34 years old now and man, this shit hasn't gotten easier.

Yeah. I am.

>be me 28
>tfw no gf. Ever. Wow.
>OK looking, just coming into my own career wise
>chick at work, hear all about how we're alike
>'cept she has a turboslut past dating all sorts of creepy bad boys
>get to know her, she seems super into me
>started messing around with her just as a gas
>be so beta I start really developing feelings for her
>head is spinning
>I need an adult, but I am the adult
>fuck me
wut do Sup Forums?

I was already thinking about her


Yeah, i always am.
It makes me kind of like a cuck, considering how she is...
>Legit nynpho
>Didn't met her as a virgin
>Fucked a lot of strangers before meeting me, and i was about to become another

She's still pretty tho, well, at the time...


First day i talked to her she cried because i said the best and nicest thing to her ever (she even posted it on her fb)

Now I'm kind of ignoring her because i dunno wtf to do or say after that lol. I mean she was nice enough to say good morning to me today but then i kind of blew her off

6 years man. You need to move on.

Smoke weed and become braindead its worth it

What did you say to her?

Yeah, I know. I've started changing my life and habits a bit; going to the gym now, eating way better, playing in a few local bands, pursuing other hobbies. Its actually gotten a bit better, but there are nights when it still sucks, a lot. I know that sounds pretty bad after this long, but hey, it'll go away with time and work.

Listen to Bill Burr on women or they'll walk all over you. Especially if you're beta.

Just talk to her dude, about anything. Ask her to get ice cream. She likes you.

What about other women? Its difficult to get over one if you don't have a couple others to distract you. Not to mention learning how to just deal with hearbreak in general.

>hasn't gotten better

So you mean to tell me I've got at least another 11 years of this shit ahead of me. Great.

Dude that's my whole point. I know. I know exactly what I'm setting myself up for. She's literally talking about how she wants to settle down and have a nice domestic life and I'm eating it up. I felt super alpha at first (it's complicated but she's of much higher social status than me, I couldn't believe my heretofore shitty game was so on point with her). Figured like pump and dump, but seriously, now I can't stop thinking about her. I really genuinely like spending time with her, not just for sex. I don't know if I've ever felt this way about a woman before, at least not since high school.

But I know how fucking beta that sounds. I can completely see I'm setting myself up to be a shitty beta providers to 28 year old woman hopping down off the cock carousel and I'm powerless to stop thinking about her, right now at 2am on 4th of July eve.


I've been with other women and had relationships during the time, yes. I always end up comparing them to her though, which I know is wrong. I've actually been out once with this woman I meet over the weekend, we're going out again tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about it, she's cool and I have a good feeling about it. So that's exciting.

Haha, well...everyone is different, man. The regret CAN stay around, if you (or time) do nothing about it. Its all a part of growing older; dealing with the negative things in your life, even if they were caused BY you, yourself. I know that's ironic coming from someone like me, but sometimes it takes time and extra work.

Christina S. Most beautiful girl I've ever known. Salt lake City, circa 1995. Blonde, beautiful, good natured... and totally out of my league.

I still think about her, and figure she probably forgot about me a week after I moved.

She was a co-worker, and I had to go to work every single day, knowing she'd be there, and always out of my reach.

What a fucking goddess.

Pic unrelated.

Obviously everyones different user. I'm 26 and am finally getting comforatble with relationships with the opposite sex. Before I would just fall head over heels with any girl who showed a slight bit of interest in me but now i'm choosing women on my own terms. Its nice but it does take restraint and patience.

meh... she was self-absorbed, lazy, and arrogant... + I'm starting to realize what shit her personal hygiene is.

Well if you never had a gf before you might just have to take the plunge on this one. Everyone has to do the first gf heartbreak.

I'm done putting bitches on pedestals Sup Forums. I'm responsible for my own happiness. No girl likes you? So fucking what, find enlightenment, pursue the arts, write a fucking book about it. Anything is better than just sitting and wasting away thinking about some girl who in all likelihood is already fucking another dude. Don't place your expectations for happiness in other people, it rests solely with you. You're apart of the fucking universe which means you're apart of infinity and you get this one opportunity so far as we know to be alive. Don't waste it being depressed about girls. I wasted so much fuckin' time just being sad about some bitch. Fuck all that noise Sup Forums, take your life back and live it with wild abandon. Do drugs, make amateur movies, direct a fucking play - anything, so long as it gets you off of Sup Forums feels threads and out into the world.

I'm rooting for you user, you're not alone in the struggle.

Easier said then done, but I agree with everything you said and really need to do the same

So close it hurts.

>Never had a GF
>Only action once a year

>Girl at work
>She's on her 2 week leave before moving across country
>Why not take a change/Chance?
>Ask her out
>She say's yes
>Couple dates in and a time out on the town
>"Your place?"

>She keeps coming back to town, visiting friends and family she has here
>We keep fucking
>Mad feelings, like never before
>She's already stated she's never had a BF and she isnt looking cause some backpacking plan shit she has going on.

>Suddenly blisters all over my dick
>Female friend says she's clean
>Doctor says its "Hair infection"
>Female friend acting strange
>Keep fucking for a while
>She cancels 8 dates in a row in the span of 8 weeks
>Week 4 I ask if she's still into "us FWB"
>Cancels fucking 4 more times
>Something must be up
>Says its just bad timing on everything
>We dont talk for a while

>She hits me up with a "can we talk over the phone? ;) "
>Delays that 14 times in 14 days
>I get mad
>" Okey ;^) "
>Im crushed



>Try to talk to her
>She has left all of her social networks
>Fellow friends and coworkers of ours trying to reach her via me

>Time goes by
>Get a REAL GF
>Bumps are back
>check in with doctor
>GF now have bumps
>GF cries and blames me like no other
>Im single now
Thanks IDA
Gift that keeps on giving.

Will be 2 years ago at 23/8
First time me and the coworker fucked, I slanged the condom to the wall, as a drunk-fuck...
After that I figured if she had any.. i'd already caught it and she didnt object to raw fucking.

Wear rubber kids...

>first thing when I wake up
>almost always as I fall asleep
>in my dreams literally every night, imagining that I had somehow not thrown it away
>evert time something reminds me of her, and all my favorite things do

>literally every day for 5 years

I thought it would get easier.
That I'd forget or move on.
That other relationships would ease things, or lessen those feelings.
But it just reminds me of a hat made her special, and how shit most people are.

If anything, it's so pervasive in my thoughts that it's nearly all consuming.

I imagine I'll end things one of these days.

It takes a ridiculous number of sleeping pills to not wake up.

Kek, at least you're still not a virgin like me.

>so long as it gets you off of Sup Forums feels
Shit nigga, I was in one yesterday and bawd

Never going in those things again

Ha nice try Fag. I'm always thinking of her.

How did you throw it away?

thanks user, this should help

>Be me



>13in penis

>no one will ever see it

post in the thread, i'll see it

Don't worry OP one day when you are very old you wont even be around to be able to think of her. That day will be a good day.

Rooting for you as well, /bro. Gotta keep reminding myself of that.
It's been getting much easier in the past few weeks, been making some major improvements in my life. The key for me was to drop heavy drinking. Used to be every night until I fell asleep, but having cut that down, the imrovements are vast

Here's a picture of your dad's dad's dick.