Young <3


Other urls found in this thread:




Are we done here?




She looks 18+ to me soms Whats the problem?



People must like shouting mods for no reason


More like old.

Its a post asking for underage. Should be removed


Did you just ASSUME their age-identity? I CANNOT believe the pergatory hate coming from you? Are you some kind of monster? I bet you parade all day making fun of "old" people for "feeling young" too huh?

What is mods?

Why? No one actually delivers

It says "teen girl". Last time I checked, 18 and 19 were still teens.

Why watches at 0 $?

tell em my mans

You guys are why we can't have nice (young) things



>2017 "/b"
>underage - should be removed
fuck you cancer
go back to fucking facebook etc


STFU honestly. Go cry to your mom




My man!




In al honesty I don't know if she is underage or not.

14 year olds these days look older than me and I'm fucking 24





Fuck yes. Moar!

Is it true, watches at $0?

Fuck no. Less!


women over 18 are worthless

good luck faggot, im behind 7000 proxies


No, cancer is caused by allowing people over the age of 13 to have sex, and spread by fags like you discouraging preteen sexual activity.
Science, Bitch

Fuck yes kill ur self with a rusty kitchen knife across ur throat u faggot


shipping price is ridiculous though

>nothing illegal posted yet



Well sir you have officially hurt my feelings just now :(


Good. Get out of this thread u piece of shit



you, you read that wrong...

do you even know what >greentext means?

that was unnecessary :(


Rita Ora?


My b my b


best in thread




Dubs says you post another


you people have amazingly low standards. That is shitty picture


You have amazingly gay standards. I'm sorry she doesn't have a dick

Roasted. I can feel the heat from here





>I'm sorry she doesn't have a dick
so i'm i





Robbie Rotten made my boner disappear, and now I'm filled with sadness.


the worst thing about you fucking dipshits is that posting nudes of children isnt even child pornography. There are plenty of perfectly legal sites out there with nudist families that have pics of naked children. If you think it's paedophilia, it's just you sexualizing the context so technically you should be fucking banned.

as you should.

I kek every time





I love you

how fucking much can a person put makeup on themselves and still think they look anything but off putting. Horribly shitty parents and so on.



>can't google her adult sets because anything involving her trips the pedo alarm

Erm, you chose to enter this thread.