Lets learn an obscure language Sup Forums, to distinguish ourselves from the normies...

Lets learn an obscure language Sup Forums, to distinguish ourselves from the normies. I elect Esperanto as our official language, as its the most anti normie thing any user can study

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the existing community is easily trolled and triggered

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Lol then we can learn to say "we don't forgive and forget" and really fuck up the normies #ellegion lol


Chu vi parlas Esperanton?

If Sup Forums picked up Esperanto we could help keep it alive and most of the world would be totally clueless.

Full support.

P.S. Duolingo has esperanto lessons now, too!

We should start an op to spread the word.

jes, fakte mi parolas tre bone! Cxu vi ankaux? mi trovantas por homoj kiuj parolas la verdan lingvon por multaj jaroj...

How about Afrikaans?

Ja of nie?

esperanto is for spicks

We need more people here before we can officially decide

Esperanto was created from a polish doctor lol

But was he a jew?

I think it's more common than Esperanto, but it'd be lulzy.

Just because it's not widespread doesn't mean it's not normie. Read the motivation behind it, gay as fuck. Sup Forums should learn some obscure african dialect or something, that 300 words for consuming human flesh

It kinda does mean its not normie since its not a normal thing to study, the motivation bhind it has been dead since the 90's. I see this language as a flesh slate for the Kekistani community

It was made to simplify communication amongst nations but no one fucking uses it, m8.

It'd be a lot simpler to get a large group to learn a language that a resource like duolingo offered. If it's so obscure that there's no aids only the most dedicated autists would even start trying to learn it, not I didn't say learn it, there's not enough tendies in the world to get them to speak CLICK-CLICK-BOP-POP-CLICK.

Duolingo does offer it you fucking autist

So you think hipsters are not normies then?

> obscure african dialect

Which obscure African dialect does it offer, faggot?

Oh wait, you meant that one obscure African dialect that you meant to say but didn't say, faggot?

The language you were talking about was esperanto, but duolingo offers swahili if you really wanna speak nigger, faggot

You got me good user, I need to rethink my plan now

>only the most dedicated autists
Anybody who is not one is a normie

Esperanto, which they also offer, niggerfaggot.

I don't want to speak nigger, because I'm not a nigger lover, like you, nigger.

like watching a couple dingalo niggers fight over honey.


We're all autists here, but you can't expect us to focus on this unless you can incorporate vidya and hentai.

Fuck that, let's just make loli trap porn in esperanto (better for trading when no one but us understand)

speak for yourself. im a tard.

>unless you can incorporate vidya and hentai.
I have an idea, it's not that obscure, though isolated

Esperanto, the language no one is fluent in, but everyone knows. Pick a better "obscure" language, jackass.

Deadass I'm fluent you normie, wasted 3 years of my high school life learning it

It would be cool.

Vi diras ke nenio fluas sed mi ne scias ĉu tio pravas...

Maybe japanese?

Full support.

I didn't mean to offend your peoples.

Go on, user.


Was implying japanese. Daaa

Japanese is too normie, instead we should adopt japanese slang

That would work, now we just need to start working on the propaganda.

How about literary Jap, or kanbun? Most weebs don't know formal grammar and couldn't parse it if their lives depended on it.


Japanese slang is where it's at. Or an updated edition of/something inspired by nadsat.

I like where it's going. Or pre great vowel shift english

If it want it to be so obscure it's basically a secret language, learn Klingon

Ooh, another good idea there.

Not to useful in our context, most words are about warfare, spaceships et al. Not very useful

Doing something like this could be really cool, because it'd be simple and we it'd truly be our own.

Just listen to it

It would be a lot more work than picking up a prexisting language though.


At least learn lojban or something actually obscure

Not really. Taking a base language i.e. english. Adding, replacing a few hudred words with others. Simple enough. Basically creating a jargon. Which already exists by the way. Take the verb to anhero for example. Not many people outside the community will understand it

You lazy fucks are going to learn a language for a joke?

That is some next level shit right there.

Autists, not lazy fucks. Huge difference

Seems kinda smart and people just need to decide on one

First of al that Esperanto shit is way to similar to other languages. If we really do this we should choose a neolatin language similar to italian morfologically syntactically as its really simple and intuitive.

How about Karen? It's a stupid fucking language no one knows.

what about lojban?

ĉi lingvo estas terura