Is this enough to pleasure a girl?

is this enough to pleasure a girl?

i'm really insecure about it

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Looks dry as all hell

Are you ever going to be 100% satisfied with a girl? Chances no, but the personality and effort are the game changer. Put in both and either side couldn't care less about the rest.

If your worried about size, you always have a fist.

should i start moisturizing it?
i'm pretty sure i'd be 100% satisfied by any girl

i wish i had a normal penis at least.

No clue user, hit up google for that shit. Just makes me sad your parents were retards and had you circumcised

U have 10 fingers and a tongue.

most girls want 6in minimum

It's not the size it's how you use it, become one with the penis my padawon

the fuck is wrong with that thing

what do you mean
so basically it's too small

Foreplay and the mood get you 85% there. Not having a tiny dick helps with the last bit
Your dick is fine. 5.5/6 is average

Yuck it looks like a ghoul's penis.

I can moisturize it with my mouth if you like?

fucking worlds largest vein on the right. and what the fuck is up with below the head it looks like cracked moon rocks

i'd like that.

Are you overweight? (Not shit talking, it actually makes it so you have less dick to work with)

yeah but im body positive and healthy

Well come here daddy

Good, I'd love to stuff my mouth with that. Do you have kik?

OP here, so what im going to do is just get a penis implant when i turn 19. what do you guys think?

Dude, the people here who are going to say no have never fucked a bitch before. I've got me a 6.5 hard, any bitch i've ever fucked I've made cum. Even men. Fuck dude, I love sex alot. You just gotta have confidence. "It's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean." I tell you man, you'll do fine.

"Healthy" Top Zozzle fat boy.

A wise man once said, "It ain't the size of the ship that makes the time good, but the motion of the ocean."

>3 ▶
> (OP)
BTW dude, i'm fucking fat too and I still have a decent sized cock. You're gonna be fine bub.

No. A dick alone isn't going to please a girl.

lemme tlel you op, girls dont give a shit unless ur really small or really big. ur fine, now man the fuck up and stop being such a pussy

how do one aquire benis?

nice arbitrary statement that means nothing

>inb4 small dick
mines over 6 (not by much) but it doesnt fuckin matter for shit as long as ur not like 3 inches

yea, u need money

if i'm daddy, that makes me the boss. so you come here.
sure, abusedpupper

Ok daddy, sorry for being naughty.

Do I need to be punished now?

you need to shut the fuck up. also ur clearly a dude

Im gonna need some measurements

stop jerking off so god damn much you fucking nerd your shits all swollen

What's wrong with being a dude.

I can still give better head than a chick any day.

use some sort of lube when you jerk off so your dick stops looking malformed. if you play with a girls vagina while you fuck her there is literally 0 chance she wont cum unless your dick is smaller than your pointer finger. good luck.

Why does your dick look like the chest burster from Alien?

This, If a girl can make herself squirt with a finger, you should be fine. It's more about how you use it than how big it is

whats wrong with being a faggot?

the fact you exist. wtf kinda question is that

Nice wasted dubs. you've obviously never sucked a cock before. I love dick dude. And I'm a guy. You should kill yourself before you judge others for being who they want.

Most girls don't really care about size tbh. as long as you know what your doing and please us we're good

Ah ok sorry.

I'll just fuck my boyfriend instead of chilling here then.

Enjoy your day user!

im too valuable to kill myself. as a professional lawfag it is my duty to preserve our society so neets, faggots and anyone not normal by white hetero male standards suffers for my benefit

with nasty thing, no

Thank you user.

Good to see someone here is nice!

Also Isn't cock great? Feeling it slide down by throat is heaven.

Ooo I've always wanted to taste a lawyer!

Are you sure I can't just give you a little lick.


Well it won't pleasure her visually, that's certain

This thread is too fucking gay bro

Not gay enough!

We can solve that though, just slide your dick in my ass!

WTF - that is one ugly mutilated dick. looks like a fucking scar going around it where the foreskin should be.

also, op is gay

unfortunately no. so i go on a date with this chick. somehow we talk about niggers. and i say i could never date one. she says she had. i then explained to her that i do not approve of interracial mixing and that we could not continue dating

now if that's how i react (and i am being 100% literal) and i just explained that its my duty to promote white hetero-normative society. why the fuck would i ever allow a filthy animal near my genitalia

>inb4 white supremacist
come from jews (hate the jews too, but thats another story)

anyway, fuck the faggots


Get it removed probably have better luck fucking girls with ur balls.

Ok, well do you have any lawyer friends that would like a good slobbering?

Watch this and just be chill. Girls make them self cum more than you make them cum. Plus the g-spot is like 3-4 inches in there. Unless she's huge. Is she huge?

Yeah it's bad

Well I don't much feel like living rn

i commend you for thinking with your penis. and again, by my very profession it is my duty to protect and promote hetero-normative white society. do you think if i did have friends like that theyd ever admit it to me?

btw that date i mentioned, ended with me calling the girl a cunt and encouraging her to commit suicide (and as she so fondly said "you told me to kill myself twice)

>its my duty to promote white hetero-normative society
I think you're going to end up very disappointed, son. More and more laws promoting racial, gender and sexual equality are going to be passed, and you're going to have to defend them.

Well that's a shame.

If you find out any of your friends are secret faggots please reach out to me!

I'll suck them off good then kill them to fit your agenda!

I think it's a good compromise!

ok bro i totally will. so when i run into that special faggot for you im gonna what, reach out to you with my mind powers?

youre as stupid as you are gay

didnt see the murder part. you're alright user. you're alright

Fuck faggots, fuck all the fucking brown races. God created the white man to rule over this planet, gave us better technology. The mixing of races is fucking disgusting.

glad to see there are some sane people in this board

Fuck right there's sane people, if a fucking faggot ever came near me I'd blow his brains out



And if my sister or my daughter ever came home with some nigger, sure as hell he'd be dragged from the back of my tbird


What about this?

Good for you bruh.