Med fags get in here my fake tooth broke off what do?
Med fags get in here my fake tooth broke off what do?
Pic of tooth
Get dentures
I'm a dentist btw
go to the dentist stupid
schedule a dentist appt and get it put back on. ur looking at a few hundred dollars unless ur homies with the dentist
Why watches at 0 $?
start the reactor
take shower
(Not op) why would you recommend "dentures" over caps?
>Dental expert here
your crown fell off, meaning the remaining tooth has been comprised with decay. The remaining tooth looks to have quite a bit of decay on it, so just hope its savable. So, with this being said, you need to go to the dentist asap and get a new crown (not cheap) before the decay takes over the tooth if it hasn't already.
how to get watch at $0?
you can't reuse a crown, it doesn't work like that.
superglue it back on
because hes not a dentist and hes an idiot
(Not op again) That makes more sense:P
he's not an idiot just because he's smarter than you.
What happens if the tooth decays? Thnx for the reply btw
do this and you will loose the whole tooth entirely, meaning youll need a dental implant (5000$) or a bridge ($2000)
Or replace the crown for 500-1000$ depending on insurance
or do what i did, and go to mexico. (ive been twice, each time I got a 3 unit bridge and this time I got dental implants)
crowns in tijuana are like $180 from my specific dentist.
Kek was honestly considering this
you're ugly as fuck
its already decayed, but you can't tell how deep it is until you got to the dentist, if it continues to decay, see my reply above
no, you idiot. if you leave the decay there and just slap glue over it, the decay will continue into the tooth and he will lose the tooth entirely.
What I'm saying is what if I do nothing about it and let it decay, thnx
This happened to me. The crown fell off because what is left of the tooth underneath basically rotted away. I had to get the rotten tooth pulled and get a dental implant. It feels a lot better than a crown.
if you leave it, you'll lose the tooth. period.
if you go to a dentist and get a new crown, good chance you can save the tooth. (500-1500$)
in the long run you need to save this tooth or its going to cost you a lot of money down the road when you want to replace it, if ever.
this is typical and wouldnt be surprised if this happened to OP, but ive seen worse.
I just got two implants myself in tijuana ;)
ur the exact reason i hate the internet. if you use super glue it encases the decay in a resin material and will essentially freeze it in resin... some day scientists will find op's retarded skeleton, clone retards out of the dna left over and create dinosaurs
You made need to get an implant. Its like 3k to put in
Op here I would love to start a new Jurassic park out of my shitty teeth
i bought one of those. the reason they're 0 dollars is because the shipping is fucking expensive and the watches are really shitty quality
Ok if I lose the tooth entirely from decay would it cause any other sort of harm? Anything fatal? I'm only asking because I don't plan on going to the dentist anytime soon at least not like right away, or this week. By the way this is a fake tooth or crown or whatever that was used to patch up a broken tooth that I chipped when I was about maybe 10 or 11 am 23 now
Brush your gross ass teeth op that's disgusting
one of your homies can just hook you up with a new tooth, just glue it back in or knock them all out and get dentures. it's common sense. no teeth = no more dental bills
look at this like an opportunity... an opportunity to get robot teeth. if you cant afford robot teeth, you can always jam razorblades into your gums- makes eating pussy a lotta fun
confirmed Sup Forums cancer
OP here kek reminds me of a post I made a while back pic related
plus you can just pop them out at night and put them in a glass of water. who the fuck wants to have teeth anyways they're annoying
Get fake surgery
please. ive been here since 06 and i still havent killed Sup Forums
>using your teeth
Yes, a rotten tooth can cause bacterial infection which can spread which could if untreated lead to death. Never seen it done with an adult, but with kids you would do the whole string and doorknob trick to yank the tooth.
listen man. I was in your shoes before, you need to take my advice to heart.
nothing fatal, you'll be fine if you don't do anything with it. you had a root canal already so the nerves were removed, so you will not get any pain from the tooth.
do you work? how come you don't want to go get it fixed? Seriously man, you will regret not taking care of it now, but if you have no standards for yourself, fuck it, let it rot.
pay 500-1500 now, or pay 5000-7000$ later (bone graft, implant, crown)
or bridge for $2000 which will require to save both teeth next to this damaged tooth.
an untreated tooth (aka, a tooth with pulp and nerves in it) yes, can call an infection, but since its crown, and had a root canal, the tooth root is sealed from the blood stream preventing infection
Put dental floss on the rest of your teeth then tie it to a door and slam it shut
also op, your teeth are in decent shape, why are you saying fuck it now? Man i chipped my front tooth too when i was young and it keeps breaking every year (i get a filling not a crown) and I freak the fuck out when it breaks, super depressed, having a chipped tooth severely hurt my self esteem, I guess everyone is different.
I agree. I got them, fucking awesome.
Note baby teeth is not the same as adult teeth, baby teeth are meant to fall out. So not sure how well string+doorknob will work for you buddy.
same i don't even have to brush my teeth anymore!
you can still knock out adult teeth if you put your mind to it
Ok I'm going to take your advice and fix it asap.. will it be painful though? I remember my root canal being painful. Anyways this isn't something urgent right? I can wait till next week? I don't have the money right now but my next paycheck should cover it. Also the reason why I don't want to go back to the dentist is because I had braces a few years back had them removed but I still owe money I haven't paid since
uh ur still supposed to brush ur gums... god damn it ur a filthy savage
Nah just put a tab in and just like new. Movie star grill and no more needles, drills, pain that horseshit done son.
Best decision I ever made. Didn't want to look like meth mouth OP.
Im ugly as fuck already which is why I'm not really freaking out over it
dont be such a white trash degenerate faggot and exit the gene pool you dumb nigger. youre obviously an untermench if you have fake teath
painful? meh just a couple shots, so no, its a piece of fucking fake.
a week? um, honestly, you should go ASAP. they can PREP you with a temp crown and clean up that decay to stop the decay from spreading. this shouldnt cost much. tell them funds are the issue and work with them, but actually yes, ITS URGENT, so just jump on it before its too late! you'll thank me later.
>haven't paid since
go to ANOTHER dentist, who cares.
Can I ask you where youre from? Got a throw away email? I can help you save some money with some cheap insurance that is super affordable.
The fuck this even mean?
It's only one fake tooth that was used to patch a cracked one. Im not going to have children, I'm not going to end my gross genes with me don't worry about it continuing
I'll email you, that richturner is your email? Also what do you mean by the infection spreading. Like to other teeth or just the one tooth itself?