Alright Sup Forums. Gather around the campfire. Share your tard stories. If someone correctly guesses the last 2 digits of their post number, I'll share mine.
Alright Sup Forums. Gather around the campfire. Share your tard stories...
Fuck, wrong dubs.
This time it's 34
Once im went on a camping trip and a sea bear attacked me, because im too stupid to believed the safety advice from my 2 companions. 06
We had a tard at my family reunions growing up. He was an older rebellious teen (the main core of cousins was ~8-10 yrs old at this point) and he would get into SCREAMING ARGUMENTS with his dad about whatever stupid shit he was taking a stand on that day, only they were in sign language and didn't make any noise. He was deaf too, not due to tardness just one more thing god fucked him over with.
This one time, all of us were here on Sup Forums.
also 62
Never seen a truly worthy tard story in person
And 45
Gotta be in the circle dude
If this post is dubs I'll off myself
I don't have much
>Be in high school
>There's this total shithead in the grade above me who is the kind of guy that challenges anybody to a fight for any tiny perceived slight (and then generally makes up an excuse as to why he can't fight them at that time if they say yes), nobody likes this annoying fuck
>School also has a kid with severe downs or something, not sure what it actually was but he couldn't participate in any classes and barely spoke ever, just ran errands for teachers basically
>Shithead is walking in a busy hallway one day, is rounding a corner and bumps into somebody
>Instinctively starts yelling about wanting to fight
>It's that kid, just looks confused
>Everybody laughs at him and remembers him forever as the guy who tried to start a fight with a low-functioning tard
Dodged a bullet there
Im hoping that we dont 404 bcause of the fags posting porn threads -OP
>be me
>be 17 and in senior
>Tard unfortunately in same grade
>Walking to school
>Sitting in 5th
>Tard sits behind me.
>hear tard mumbling numbers.
>Tard rides short bus
>turns out hes mumbling bus numbers
>We get our English papers back
>I got perfect
>I redpilled last night studying.
>tard gets bad grade
>Starts screaming
>Tard wrangler trying to calm him
>tard pulls brick out of bag
>has smiley face poorly painted.
>Throws it at window
>Goes right through
>everyone is in shock
>Tard wrangler has tard on ground at this point
>Everyone is making a fuss whilst the teacher is calling the police.
>I bolt
>everyone else decides to as well
>2 days later
>Tard isnt here
>Find out he was put in tard class full time.
>Window still boarded up today
Reminded me of one I'd somehow forgotten
>Had a tard on the same bus to school as me
>Uneventful for a few years, she never really talks or does anything
>One day going home
>She has to take a dump
>Bus is still only like halfway there
>She takes the plastic grocery bag her lunch was packed in, drops trou, and starts fucking shitting in it, in her seat
>Whole bus fucking reeks, it's just a greasy, awful shit