Shota thread
Shota thread
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Please straight shota fags
Go make one if that's what you want.
keep it gay please
sauce? google image search wasn't helpful.
Fuck you fag
Looks like Po-Ju
Just check it's Promiscuity Classroom by Po-Ju
hold up
do i see lewd
in a shota thread
lewding shotas
shotas being lewded?
>when someone asks for /ss/ in a shota thread
mother of ishiggidy
K, please let me stroke you to shota user
Why is Morty such a thicc butt slut?
kinda weird user
Yep, I'm a weird summer newfag for that. My bad.
The more time I spend in these threads the more this fucking weird "shota community" weirds me out.
Some of you people are so fucking obnoxious, it's scary.
It's not like it's our fault people like to shitpost in the few threads we have..
pretty weird that you feel entitled to judge someone else as a shota lurker/poster
Ok do you guys have a site where I can find all of this in one convenient location?
The closest I've found was 7chan and even that was pretty terrible.
Did you try 4+Sup Forums or YHRb?
this is the part where you say thank you, fag.
>Has pubes
>Dick is still short
i knew that feel
anybody lurkin?
buddy you best delete this
It's only lewd when it's patriotic
Delete this immediately
I'm calling the Geneva convention
Po-ju you fuckin newfag
Nothing like shotaposting rather than breakfast before work
what is this meme?
i remember when shota threads were good
I remember when shota threads used to stay alive
we used to have threads go for 24 hours + back when they were good
Oh trust me I remember
Been lurking Sup Forums since like '06