Anybody ever jerk off to something they really regret?

Anybody ever jerk off to something they really regret?

Other urls found in this thread:


shes not bad
i jerked to the lena dunam muff scene in girls
beat that faggots

Ye at least twice a day

Yeah man.

Fapped to pics of my cousin i found in a thread here a couple years ago

Your mom

I did the same thing, my dick has never been the same
>pic relate

Yep :(

Like what user?

Fapped to twin once and sometimes before i sleep i think of it and i hate myself

wait, your own twin?


Any Schumer

*drops mic*


Nicely disguised, op.


worst part is I photoshopped her face onto the bodya of a naked 12 year old boy

I don't think there's even a name for that perversion


It's the only thing that will arouse me anymore.

I'll just post my favorites
Sure there's a name.

a girl who was handcuffed and raped by her dad.

>Pedo bear image
>Still asks...

that is really messed up, dude


Yup your seriously fucked buddy. Get help ASAP

This is turning into a soft core pedo thread you sick fucks.

go away, 'batin'

like you're not going to try it now

Should I keep posting these, or...
So? Still legal


which is exactly what the OP was hoping for. Either that or he's incredibly naive and doesn't realize what kind of board he's on


oh ffs, the americucks won't even know who that is you sick cunt

Yeah, 4 chan

nice try fbi


nice try I don't trust fbi

I'm gonna keep posting these anyway, there's nothing illegal here

i jerked off to a pic of my moms pussy

I jerked it to the video of my own birth just to see what it was like. I wouldn't recommend it.

If you're triggered, please leave.

I wonder if there's a name for that.

I can't save to my pc because I'm on mobile and it sucks

The fact that you are contributing so many of these pictures is highly concerning... And you're posting them is a "Guilty Wank" thread... You need to sit down and have a long think about what's ok and what's not...


Damn how big is this folder

I'm mobile posting too, it's fine.
And yes, it does suck.
Look, if the gays can get rights, we can too. I wouldn't dare break the law and damage a child like that. It's just a thing I'm into.


98 images, 2 webms. Can't post the webms and some pics (too big)

don't lie, if you had a girl like that in front of you and you thought you could get away with you'd "damage" the shit out of them.

what the fuck user

Aaand there it is.

the fbi has the largest pthc fap folders on the planet. and many of them take their work home with them, get busted fapping, and keep their jobs anyway.

what are the webms?



Jerked it to a pretty bad rape video once. Didnt finish. She kept saying "you promised you wouldnt" while crying and it just really fucked me up.

I've climaxed to some pretty fucked up shit but that one made me feel pretty ashamed.

You can believe whatever you want to believe user. These images are all legal, and I don't need to validate myself to a stranger online.
I'll take my stuff elsewhere if you're getting triggered. But remember, free speech.
One's a girl eating candy, another's a girl with a lollipop.

I think it's pretty legal to fuck another MAN in the ass. I don't know why you'd compare that to fucking a CHILD.

You know, it's bugging me - does someone actually help them int those positions, give him a handjob etc.?

In which case, that dude is getting threesomes constantly.

no, keep posting them, I know they are legal, I just find it questionable that you wouldn't act on your urges if you thought you could get away with it. We all would.

I always jerk off in this group:

it's almost as if he did that to try and get him to say it anyway


He isn't comparing it to that. He's comparing it to posting pictures on the internet.
Don't be such a dork.

you think youre toeing a thin line, but to anyone willing to canoe your degenerate head you're already 20 miles past an edgy joke


No pedo should have rights, neither should gays. They both need to be castrated.

You're just posting and trying to justify yourself just to be an edgy asshole. After you're done being an asshole to some online stranger try to think about the serious sick shit you're into. Honestly they're kids, it's not about being triggered. I don't think you'd want someone fucking your 12 year old ass.

Trips is truth.

nice projection faggot

I mean if he was 12 he would probably be fucked up on hormones

Ok then let me just change it up. I think it's legal to post a MAN ass and cock up on the internet. I still don't know about doing that with a CHILD.

Nah, if I wanted to trade pics I'd go somewhere I didn't risk being banned despite following the rules. Somewhere people actually empathize. I only posted here because I didn't think Sup Forums would be this faggy. This'll be my last post itt. Drop a kik if you want some images, I'm not leaving mine here. Too much triggering going on.
I'm sorry, I didn't know I was coming off as rude. I'll leave anyway, but only because you seem butthurt.

I jerked off using my "of age" cousin's panties and finished in them. I wanted to put them back in the drawer but decided against it.


so you're saying if I brought you to a room with a naked 12 year old girl bent over and ready to plow and that no laws will be enforced for the next hour, you'd turn 360 degrees and walk away?



>give me your contact info to "trade" pics

nice try FBI


enjoy that infection

Your edge doesn't make you look any cooler, kid fiddler. You should really think twice. Either it's a mental sickness or you're just destined to be fucked for life. Either way that shit is really fucking disgusting.


>360 degrees...
>Would be facing the kid again
>Go back to school



can we please not do this


>that part where the other girl turns her head but then looks back like she's kind of interested

Fucking hilarious

This is probably the worst thing I've seen if true since I've been on this board. At the same time though I laughed really hard so I guess I'm a shit person as well.


>Conan O Brien pissing


sorry I will never be that desperate, would rather fap to dudes b4 that. dat bitch is fucking repugnant!

A handful of pedos were actually sexually abused at a young age leading them into the pedo life, either that's happened to the kiddy fiddlers in this thread or they're just so fucking useless at life that the only thing they can get is a child that has fallen for their con... These soft core pictures will feed your sick fetish to a point where pictures aren't enough and you will consider actually sexually abusing a child, then you will crave it cause that's all you think about, inevitably leading you to go through with it... These pictures you deem innocent is actually the start to something a lot bigger... Stop now.

implying most people wouldn't do that to just any girl

nope, no clue
