What are you doing to help the environment?
Simple things like throwing your litter in the bin or walking/cycling instead of taking the car for short journies goes a long way!
What are you doing to help the environment?
Simple things like throwing your litter in the bin or walking/cycling instead of taking the car for short journies goes a long way!
Other urls found in this thread:
Building soil.
killing chinks
i burn all my old tires and used motor oil so it doesnt sit in some landfill
I'm assiduously converting plants and animals back into nutrients for the soil at all times.
Oh no! In the past 166 years the temperature has increased 1 degree! What are we gonna do!!!!!!!!!!!
probably die.
Alright Sup Forums I still don't understand this so please enlighten me.
What the hell does climate science use for a control?
I stopped shopping in all major corporate super-store's,
only thing is !!!!! now I have no place else to shop because big business has bought them all out.
I don't buy any thing like coke pepsi burger king etc, but this cancer is every-where.
and no1 gives a flying fuck.
>What are we gonna do!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll have to look back further! Retard.
Not this nigger again. Must be a paid shill since hes posting with the same picture after getting BTFO yesterday
>calling others niggers
that's rich, Jamal!
Save unsightly pollution in public places and keeping the air clean enough to breath without a mask, I don't give a fuck.
What? Your question doesn't make any sense.
make every politician ride public transport to meetings, they can help and talk to the public at the same time.
You mean do we have a second identical planet that we're not industrialising to monitor any differences?
No, we don't.
I dig holes in my yard and drain my truck's oil into it.
As always, I refill the hole so my yard doesn't look bad.
>correlation equals causation
There's no definite proof that it's industrialisation that's causing the warming. It may very well be a natural process since periods of temperature changes have always existed. The global average was 10 degrees hotter a hundred million years ago and the Earth still survived that.
>There's no definite proof that it's industrialisation that's causing the warming.
Tropopause height increase + increased atmospheric CO2 + C isotope ratios of atmospheric CO2
I'm not sure what you think that'd do. It would just poison your soil, it's not going to combust into CO2 or anything.
>the earth survived
The Earth will survive anything. It's us who need to worry.
oh no it went up by 0.05% due to fossil fuel burning, what are we going to doooooooooooooo
Even if we put our minds to it we wouldn't be able to reach historic carbon dioxide levels in 10 generations.
See >The Earth will survive anything. It's us who need to worry.
Sold off my car. Wash myself in the lake instead of showering during summer.
>It's us who need to worry.
Because humanity isn't able to use artificial processes to adapt to any environment, right?
We're talking about a species that's inhabiting areas way beyond their comfort zones - put a man naked in the desert or a tundra and he will die, but put him in an Arctic research centre for two years with modern comforts and he'll be fine.
All the energy that arrives in the atmosphere and can't escape manifests as wilder, more erratic, and more frequent weather events. It goes further than "man can turn on air conditioners"
The slipstream's at risk, the thermohaline circulation's at risk, the gulf stream's at risk... It goes on.
shit-tier bantz, no refute
Are you the faggot who said that CO2 was the biggest contributor to "global" warming and then posted a that picture where CO2 content correlated to increased temperature, except the temperature wasnt REAL temperature, but imaginary temperature numbers made up by faggot "scientist intellectuals" according to their theories which then already have been proven to be absolute bullshit and and did not match up at all to actual temperatures?
So we'd have to adapt, big whoop. Even if parts of the world become uninhabitable - like during the Ice Age that only ended 8k years ago - humanity will still manage. And even so, we're looking at thousands of years into the future, a couple of generations at least. If the past few decades are any indication, we'll have no problem adapting to a different world when the time comes.
So we agree it's happening, the only difference is you're more optimistic. Fair enough.
Also by slipstream I meant jet stream. The upcoming release of methane from the defrosting permafrost is gonna fuck us good too, especially if we lose our albedo.
>So we agree it's happening
No. I'm saying that even if it did happen - which current data is completely unable to predict - we as a species would be fine.
>can go a long way
Please tell me about the long way that me taking a jog 20x a year, saving maybe 500mL of fuel, will do to reverse global climate change.
Be specific, and quantify the benefit.
>that fucking gif
Goddamn, we really are fucked aren't we?
There won't be parks or trees in the future. Just dirt and rocks.
What a depressing thought. Nothing will be done to change this. By the time we start seeing the adverse effects of it, it'll be far too late to reverse it.
Ready to kill myself the moment a cataclysmic event occurs thanks to this. Maybe the fish will die first.
>Simple things like throwing your litter in the bin or walking/cycling instead of taking the car for short journies goes a long way!
No it doesn't. I wish it did, but there's very little one person can do; the world is fucked.
You will be alive to pay some more climate TAX to your global world order overlords.
>what a time to be an obedient citizen.
I'm going to start by saying that I'm in favour of the notion of human induced climate change, but seriously stop using the 1800s as a benchmark, we were coming out of a small ice age at that point and it skews the data incredibly, start in the 1940s or the 1600s
I always throw everything in the bin, but mostly because that's the civilised thing to do. I separate my garbage because my country needs the strategic resources.
>there's very little one person can do
That's the excuse EVERYONE uses to do absolutely nothing.
Climate change is real. Man-made climate change is a joke.
Do any amount of research and you'll understand. And no, self-published books written by pseudo-scientists do not count.
is weather modification real user??????
>always let the engine running
>litter everywhere
>throw chemicals and oil into nature
Why should I give a fuck what this world will end up looking like?
I will be long dead at the point when anyone notices anything.
Let the normies children live in a shitty dirty world lel
ww3 coming
you can't stop it