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I fucking love dolly. Tremendous talent with a big heart.
what are other some good songs of hers besides Jolene?
Who is this semen demon
Not the only thing she's got that's big WA-HEY!
Polly Darton
Dolly Parton
her version of i will always love you was better
dolly was actually insanley good, shame she hangs with the thuggish trump hick crowd
I knew that was coming. But, yeah, those things are a national treasure
yee haw boi
>muh testosterone
i would tell you its just blinding you, but it would make you mad and brutish.
Mika's 'big girls' is just a shameless rip-off of '9 to 5'
you what?
>Miley's version is better
your trump buddy in the white house dosent give a shit about you, you are projecting your fucking testosterone through him. you are frustrated because you cant get a girlfriend. if you took a step back and didn't let testosterone blind you, you would realize this
what in gods name are you even on about?
You realize dolly parton is a racist and supports trump right?
Hello, where is the MILKY?
>what in gods name are you even on about?
Low T. So low, in fact, that dolly parton triggers him into an estrogen fueled rampage. The next 8 years will be tough for him.
So you're saying she's /ourgirl/
Really? I'm going to start buying all of her albums then.
back you your containment board
why would you start shit about politics and then redirect others when they disagree with you shitspewing?
we took the low effort b8
im talking about the politics of a musician, she has said the n word and she agrees with trump, the fact that you think shes not a racist proves you need to go back to Sup Forums
if you think racism should be condemned you need to go back to tumblr or leddit
lets get this thread back on track
>if you think racism should be condemned you need to go back to tumblr or leddit
you literally say this and then tell everyone we dont live in a racist society
lmao you are delusional
does dolly, dare i say it, have the greatest body of work in music?
Who fucking cares about her personal politics. Just listen to her music. If I would let a musician's politics bother me I wouldn't listen to most music.
coat of many colors
down from dover
john daniel
the seeker
dumb blonde
the bargain store
kentucky gambler
9 to 5
the grass is blue
me and little andy
dolly is neither a racist or a trump supporter
Also nigger. If that word offends you that much this site definitely isn't for you.
good idea. So how did Miley Cyrus manage to kill Dolly on her own track?
>conservatives needing a safe space
Please, please, please go back to /lgbt/ you raging, 350 lb. bulldyke
I'm not a conservative you fucking partisan retard. I'm just stating that words like nigger and some musican's political leanings shouldn't hinder your enjoyment of their music.
in other words you needs a safespace
they dont, im just saying its unfortunate she grew up with hick culture
i'm fine with the far left and the far right framing the debates in the ongoing cultural wars ...from the fringes, where they belong.
watching both sides try to claim the majority last november was ridiculous. the majority of eligible voters didn't vote for either candidate. they refused to participate in that shitshow. both sides have something to learn from that block of voters.
russia literally fucked up the election user, the real winner isnt the president. A bunch of sexually frustrated old white buisnessmen control this fucking country
should be auto ban for new fags posting pol redirects
>people arguing about politics instead of posting big milky jugs
Um no? She's even spoken out for things like gay rights.
You really need to lay off the propaganda that your being fed by MSM outlets like CNN. It's already been proven countless times that Russia didn't interfere in last year's election. CNN's producer on camera professing the Russia narrative is a lie. youtu.be
>speaks for gay rights
>but not trans
so progressive
Fuck off m8
literally worse then breitbart
ITT white people dont get it when someone has a different opinion
theres no use talking to you people, please just look at history, things that you are saying is the same that nazis used.
Your a retard
Wtf with this board? It's the most SJW ridden board on this whole site.
*tremendous talents
this thread should get hotpocketed desu
>excited to see a Dolly Parton thread on Sup Forums with a decent amount of posts
>it's neo/mu/ cancer as usual
why do i still come here
>things that you are saying is the same that nazis used.
Fucking cool.