It's a plebs don't understand anything unless it's shouted directly down their ear finale

It's a plebs don't understand anything unless it's shouted directly down their ear finale.

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I enjoyed the finale but i'll admit I didn't get a lot of the symbolism or whatever. Prosecutor and Box were actually good, Naz got very hardened by prison, Jew bf stabbed her 22 times because?, I don't know why john's eczema came back or why he gave the cat away other than stress.

What wasn't understood? It was pretty straight-forward.

I watched this series with my dad, who's a lawyer. A really good experience desu.

what's there to understand? Everyone agreed it was shit.

It was a bit shit overall if I'm honest. copping out with a loose end with no closure just like most of the shows. The jews that run these stations/networks don't like us having closure.
They like us living never knowing what the fuck was supposed to have happened etc.

Stone's closing speech was really on the nose, but Turturro made something of it so I'm basically content.
The fucking Jew financial adviser did it you fucking mong.

Oh yes because there was a camera that saw them together. Weeeeew.
Why would the jury be split when they didn't even know about the jew boy then?
Ever consider that you meff?

The SHOW tells you EVERYTHING you need to know to come to the correct conclusion on who did it. If there is ANY PERCEIVED MYSTERY than you are a fucking moron.

what was his take on the legal system?

would be very interesting to get an inside view on the whole thing

> copping out with a loose end with no closure

leave them wanting more, nigger

I'm aware of what shitty inauthentic last minute bullshit story wrapper they shat at me.

How the fuck would I not be? They turned the show into kids tv.

If you think that ending was AMAZING or a feat of storytelling, you're the retard you stupid fucker.

I wish Naz had done it. I was so ancious about it. I thought he would tell the boxer guy when doings drugs. I thought he was going to confess to his mother. I thought he was the one calling the lawyer by the just to say "I did it". I thought he was going to have a flashback by the river.

But oh well. It was good anyways.



>kids tv
>but still can't grasp basic plot lines

WEW I honestly get surprised every day at the SEVERE lack of intelligence from your average poster on Sup Forums

I don't think it would have made sense that naz did it. Unless it was explained why but that was something they needed do to during the whole season wich they didn't.

>"i don't want to get rid of my cat"
>gets rid of cat

what did he mean by this?

I knew exactly what they implied ffs they made it so obvious. Prosecutor hangs up her boots LITERALLY WTF is that shit about? this show is full of low level symbolism that was amateurly implemented.


he still had the cat at the end though

>someone making unbelievably unintelligent posts
>they're Sup Forums brainwashed

What is it, like 98% of the time at this point? Allowing the inbred mongs from that board to pollute the site killed it, and if you disagree you're stupid.

I don't go on pol but I bet they have a better grasp of life than most of the fuckwits on here.

>but I bet

And you'd lose that bet. Sup Forums makes the creationist forums I browsed for laughs years ago look like MENSA conventions. By far the worst minds the human species has to offer.

>no closure
>doesn't know who the killer is
>doesn't understand why the prosecutor switched her shoes

yes you are very smart user

> I bet (Sup Forums has) a better grasp of life than most of the fuckwits on here

Pol is usually right.

Come on, how and why should I know that the dickhead the ex cop tracked down is the killer?

by paying attention and using your fucking brain

you must not be good at one, the other, or both

Its a plebs watch tv shows and I laugh episode

I'm in law school so the show had kind of an extra layer to it for me.

A lot of the legal stuff in the show was silly, like you can't just shout "Objection!!!" like female Naz did and not give a reason for objection, but it was fun to watch her get out-lawyered when she thought bringing up the defendant as a witness was a good idea (she deserved to get disbarred just for that stupid fucking move)

Anyways it would be awesome to watch the show with a prosecutor or real lawyer and get their take on it. Loved this show, even if I thought the finale was underwhelming

So a few pictures of him in different locations is more evidence than an arab with a knife hidden in his pocket?

Who couldn't remember the sex so therefore wouldn't really be able to remember the multiple stabbing spree too.
Like he blanked out the entire thing.

I don't understand why Kapoor got so stupid all of a sudden.
Why did she kiss Nas? Why did she smuggle drugs for him? Why did she drag him onto the stand when he offered the defence absolutely nothing and offered the prosecution everything?
Every single interaction with Naz pulled the rug out from under her, from the Adderal to the school fight to the second school fight to the drug smuggling to the drug usage, what the ever loving fuck did she think there was to gain from putting him on the stand?

It just felt like a really cheap lazy way to force them into a tough spot.

>takes cat in but leaves it locked in a room when Naz is still locked up
>brings him back when he's lost all hope for Naz
>gets him back when Naz is free leaving him free to roam his entire appartment
>so the cat is basically free in a closed off world the same way Naz is now free but he'll never be "free"


>I'm in law school

I think you're spot on, but I guess to the show's credit, she had no experience as a trial attorney and this was basically a baptism by fire for her. On the other hand she was an ivy league education attorney and there's no excuse for the show making her out to be some thumb sucking dope.

The finale was a huge disappointment, but it was still a great show. I honestly thought the show was almost too intricate for its own good - I could tell there was no way they were going to wrap it up.

Maybe a sad ending would have been cliche, but Naz getting convicted would have just been a more realistic and overall interesting ending. It also would have hammered home the overarching theme of our justice system being absolute trash. The sudden change of heart of the detective and prosecutor was just a little too sugary sweet for me, the finale really had me rolling my eyes.

That's why she didn't believe him

she was on the offensive so even if she did 100% believe Naz didn't do it; the proof that Naz "did" was there. Even if the defensive ran with the evidence of the guy and used it as a counterarguement she was obliged by law to not agree with it and bombard it with the evidence they had on Naz because she's the offensive.

The proof of the guy walking around was way too little but she knew it was very plausible, it just didn't hold a match to the mountain of evidence Naz had against him so now that Naz was out of the picture they'd go for him since they can now go on the offensive on him

why do you even keep arguing your shit point, you are literally fucking brain dead

re-watch the show you missed the majority of it it seems

I didn't think we'd learn he really did it, but I thought they were going somewhere with his lies and behaviour to a point where we'd no longer care about his fate - and instead just caring about Andrea, forcing us to get over that personal judgement and desire his exoneration anyway. Because even if the person on trial for murder is a piece of shit who deserves prison, that doesn't change the potential fact that they didn't do it and that a real killer is still out there.

But instead it's just "Naz is a sweet innocent child, whoops no he's actually being kinda shady, eh nah he's just a kid go home it's all good." So what the hell was the point of it all? It was just 'stuff happening'.

I think they were sort of TRYING to go there. The shit he put his father through, how his community was damaged, his mother's doubts, and lot of John Stone's dialogue touched on it - about why they shouldn't put Naz on the stand, about how Rikers has hardened him, about the crimes he and Andrea had committed that night etc all sort of touched on it. Plus the general commentary on the court system, how the truth doesn't matter and the various ways Naz needs to be presented to plead his case regardless of the facts.
But it just never felt like it really got there and actually made the point.

you didn't follow the evidence, faggot... you'd make a bad detective

box re-evaluates the evidence and finds footage of the girl looking behind her shortly before diving into Nas' cab

then he trails her backwards using CCTV footage and sees her having an altercation with some guy

box uses credit card info to figure out who he is, turns out it's the jew

financial records reveal that the jew likely stole a fuckload of money from his client

also his cellphone records put him roughly at the scene of the crime

box trails the jew and sees he's living a very expensive lifestyle

should i continue

Wait so the guy got caught because he was painting the house green and some got on his ears?

I don't really get why they kept that chunk of time in the dark anyway, there was no reason to not let us know "yeah he definitely didn't do it."
Watching an innocent kid go through all this shit, at the mercy of a clearly flawed system with a lot of bad luck, with a life sentence looming over him? That's way more suspenseful than simply "did he do it?"

But I never actually thought he did it, so maybe the show itself wasn't trying to cast doubt on him, I don't know.

She went from falsifying evidence or should I say coaxing the post mortem guy into saying it's the murder weapon and the wound on his hand was from the knife.
To hearing about a random loose end, not investigating it, then possibly letting the guilty man go free.

I don't see how the jury would be split when the defence's case was lousy and the woman lawyer was inept and nearly in tears half the time.

I followed everything, stop trying to make me suspend disbelief enough to swallow the bullshit excuse of dropping the case in the end.

I don't need to be spoon fed, I jsut don't like a bullshit excuse for so many things.
Lawyer stuffing shit up her fanny.
Kissing in an open cell.
Cutthroat lawyer becoming all caring about Naz all of a sudden.
Red herrings everywhere and a few moments to explain who the supposed guilty guy was.

The one good thing about our justice system is the fact that none of the basement dwelling, racist, antisemitic, never went to college, Trump supporting bigoted Sup Forums man children would never make an actual jury. Any laywer with half a brain would weed you fuckers out like Raid.

>like you can't just shout "Objection!!!" like female Naz did and not give a reason for objection

My only credentials are casual Law And Order watching, and that even seemed weird to me. I just figured "oh, maybe this is how the court actually works and people don't actually state a reason, surely they know what they're doing" so it sounds really fucking weird that they deviated from reality like that. Was she just supposed to be a really, really shitty lawyer?

Speaking of which, I don't understand why the firm she worked for even took the case if they just wanted to make Naz plead guilty and take a plea deal. Weren't they all about professing his innocence to the media? Wouldn't making him enter a guilty plea be really bad publicity?

I mentioned it before, but I don't remember what the response was, but Box really didn't give a shit about the case at first, right? At the very least I think he didn't want to. It was really subtle right up until that scene towards the end where he's sitting in the bar and that asshole cop is talking about cop's that go home at night and sleep like a baby.

Of course I noticed all that ffs man, you aren't getting it.
They spelled it out in bold dumbed down format.

Characters totally acting out of character, all of them, just because they fell in love with a dopey eyed muslim.

What if it was a white guy in jail and they dropped the case because they found there was a shady muslim gambler she knew?

I expected him to give it to Naz. Surely there's someone in his life who can keep a cat alive without being debilitated by eczema and asthma.

stress is why his eczema came back strong

no it's because he got rid of the cat

>She went from falsifying evidence or should I say coaxing the post mortem guy into saying it's the murder weapon and the wound on his hand was from the knife.

She literally couldn't, she was on the offensive. She was legally not allowed to change her stance even if she knew the Naz didn't do it and she did know because she didn't have a motive and she could have a motive for the guy. She had a pile of evidence against Naz that was more than the evidence against the walking guy so even if she did run with hobbs and let him testify she was legally obliged to ask him questions and those questions would be to assume guilt on Naz and not let him be locked up because she's the offensive.

The jury being split was lazy as shit I agree

It's funny how this is basically the poorly written version of Serial season 1.
Seriously, it has all the same major traits. Good little Muslim boy with a less squeaky clean private life which gets exploited by the prosecution, seemingly damning evidence that seems air tight but could be completely false, a shitty defence team that continuously shoots itself in the foot, a potentially different killer springing from out of left field at the 11th hour, ultimate uncertainty as to the truth.

Except Serial is a true story where they don't have the luxury of completely rewriting events to fit a dramatic narrative, they can only alter how they present the facts and interpret the evidence. Which in itself acts as a further commentary on the nature of investigation.
The Night Of could have written itself any way they pleased, and still didn't manage to do as compelling a job.

All it would of took is a little more backstory on the random guy that just appeared right at the end, they could of introduced him a couple of episodes ago and her the prosecution lawyer becoming unsure of Naz's guilt.
See her character arc a bit, rather than 30 seconds during the trial when she picked up the knife and suddenly had this epiphany, kind of weird and the timing wasn't right, or it just looked really fake.
From what we knew of her, it didn't match with how her character is.

I enjoyed the show and equally didn't like many many things too.
Surprising that I can still like it considering that.
I wouldn't recommend it to anyone irl really, but it was an ok ride.
The first episode was class.

I don't want to be _that guy_ but the way the show was build and Turturro's closing statement was basically "the justice system is silly lmao and prison can make turn meek people into criminals" and that "the one with the most evidence can go to prison even if they are innocent because of the system and the one that did it can go free because lack of evidence"

they did bring him up and John turturro had a scene with him but at that moment they couldn't place him with her so they couldn't had no real evidence against him. They hadn't looked at the cameras yet

Oh yeah true, when they were arguing at the graveyard.

Lets just say there are random strange verdicts and outcomes that don't make sense in the legal system and this show reflects how it could happen.

I agree there yes.

nazs mom is a bitch, his dad and stone are the only supportive people in his life

i dont count chandra because shes just like infatuated with him

>why he gave the cat away other than stress.
his mood always reflected towards the cat. It was at the point he felt their chances of Naz released was 0%

They took it for the publicity, they didn't give a shit about Naz. Getting him a plea deal of 15 years makes them look like amazing lawyers because with all the evidence against him he could/should have easily gone down for life

and the best part is how the vast majority of the show's issues with the justice system is, ya know, ryker's island. Oldest shittiest most overcrowded prison in the US that is part of the worst funded justice system (per arrest) in the US.


>he thought it was a whodunit
Did you also expect an epic car chase between the police and the Bad Guy with explosions?

The whole thing would have worked better if the initial case against Nas didn't seem so airtight. He wasn't in the wrong place at the wrong time, it looked like he did it to any rational person

The system isn't broken, he was just unfathomably unlucky

Yeah, it's really kind of an insult if this was really intended as a story of muh broken system.