Shisha bars

How common are shisha bars in your country?

In France they are all over the fucking place. At least 10 in my small city of 150 000 inhabitants (none 10 years ago).

Never seen one referred to as such, it's always Mexicans running hookah shops tho

I went to Melbourne years ago and went to one in a place called Brunswick
Carved into the wooden Tabletop was LONG LIVE KING OSAMA

Fucking jihadis hang out at these

In the whole country not so much. Cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam and jam-packed with them however.

Typical customer base of a french shisha bar :

- algerian males
- niggers
- white women

They're illegal in my city

I saw a car with a window decal of Osama bin laden holding a spear and it said something like "Islam will conquer" and the there was a bunch of Arab scribbles

There's your problem

I only saw one in an Afghan restaurant in Jew York City

Here it's mostly Moroccans and Turks. The criminal kind.
>i-i-i've posted kindly message, Erdogan pasha