So this fat shit is 31. Gets a 19 year old hottie. Hes broke as joke, no job, small penis and fucks a pillow...

So this fat shit is 31. Gets a 19 year old hottie. Hes broke as joke, no job, small penis and fucks a pillow. And she says cause hes funny. Can someone please explain this madness to me?

she must be into retarded fat guys or shes retarded herself

That motherfucker apparently has way more game than you. You should be studying his fat pussy-getting ass rather than bitching about it on Sup Forums.

Aren't you funny?

If you're looking down on someone and they're getting pussy while you're jerking off on Sup Forums, the joke's on you.

No am being dead serious. We started dating and she keeps running back to this asshole for over a year and half. And I make good money. Am fit. And fuck all you cause I know your calling me a loser. But I really can not understand this at all? Even if he is funny as hell. I mean come on, 10 years older. no big dick, not athletic. And ugly and fat. Am I missing something?

The way to a woman's heart is through her funny bone

probably because he doesn't need to go on the internet to prove himself.

Pics of him with her or you're full of it

these, seriously it's confidence.


I bet that fat fuck is a hacker or jewish banker or something.

Yes, you're missing something - you're a loser. The bigger mystery is why she keeps coming back to you. She probably needs money from you now and then.

its because although he's pathetic he will always be an alpha and you will always be a beta

That guy is not 31. He looks 51

It's because you're insecure enough to come on here and complain about it. Girls can smell that shit from a mile away.
If you weren't a pussy loser you would've dumped her ass the very first time something like that went down.

shes cheating on you both op
quit being retarded and fuck other girls and tell her. hell, you dont even actually have to do it, just tell her you did it. she'll start saying shes done the same stuff the whole time to get back at you

Women are horny for an hour once a week tops. The rest of the time they want to be entertained and taken seriously while being indulged in things that society frowns upon and yet feel protected and submissive to someone with more life experience than themselves.

Yeah sure kid

>Women are horny for an hour once a week tops.
t. Cucked

How do you know how big his dick is? Have you seen it? You can't take her word for it, women will always tell you that their ex is small to make you feel better. I bet that retards packing a good 10 incher with a pronounced upward curve. She just can't resist that cock.

Looks like a man's man. Maybe you should offer to suck him off. Sounds like the only way you will taste the gf pussy anytime soon.

OP, post a picture of her and him together as a couple or this is all bullshit and your mom will die a horrible death by tomorrow.

I know him he went to my school.

He probably does witchcraft, you dumb faggot. Ever think of that?

Guess OP's mom is gonna die soon.

I've been living that dream for a while I just hope it lasts

KEK. Imagine how much of a loser you'd have to be to lose a girl to that fucking tub of shit.

I'm literally laughing right now as I type this.

So, you're jealous?

Some bitches are into retarded fat guys. My buddy is 320lbs and IQ probably 85. Never finished high school, stinks like fuck and lives at home but he gets mad poon.