How retarded CNN must be to doxx a guy just for a meme?

How retarded CNN must be to doxx a guy just for a meme?

Other urls found in this thread: nielsen ratings

pretty retarded.

I honestly can't see anyone even attempting to defend them for this. Even the most die-hard supporters and anti-Trump people will have a difficult time siding with them. They have committed political suicide. How do you justify doxing someone for something as harmless as a meme.

user doxxes people for the lols, but CNN doxxes for evil.

This shit feels kinda like white and black magic

It's a 15 year old too. CNN isn't going to be able to hold a moral high ground easily with this one.

>Even the most die-hard supporters and anti-Trump people will have a difficult time siding with them.

No they won't. I don't give two shits about Trump being president, and I don't have a problem with this.

even wikileaks/assinage (sp) are siding against CNN... going so far as to tweet the law and section where CNN violated it.

...and that CNN was worse than trump LOL

They didn't dox anyone nor threatened him

IMO he peed himself

>They didn't dox anyone nor threatened him
They state in the article that they browsed his reddit history and found info, searched on facebook, and found him. How is that not doxxing, dumbass?

>for the lols
You realize this is evil, too?

doxing would be making that public
searching for info is called journalism

That's because Julian has turned into an attention whore.

I don't even care and I don't like trump. CNN can do what they like.

>doxing would be making that public

Regardless if you release it or not, still doxxing. So if I could find your ip address, your facebook, your phone number, but not release it, but tell you to stop posting on Sup Forums imageboard, or else I will release that info, that's journalism?

What's his name?

Yeah, basically. First amendment protects your speech, and to the extent you want to say something anonymously, the press has a first amendment right to figure out who said it, especially if it's of newsworthy importance, which it undoubtedly was here after the president picked it up and ran with it.

>Yeah, basically

no, that's called blackmail, dumbass.

they literally say
>CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change
how is this not a dox threat


This is what investigative journalism is. Searching for information via the breadcrumbs that you find.

If all the information can be found online, in public places, you as the individual have already ceded your right to privacy.

Imagine this scenario.

Some fool posts nonsense on a public bulletin board.

>I am with ISIS lelelele kill whites with knives go to valhalla #meme #yumedtho

Search the profile of the idiot, who of course posts just enough info to lead you to the next breadcrumb. Eventually, you figure out patterns & get a hold of actual information. Again, this information is posted online willingly by the individual.

Release the info. They've been "Doxxed".

>Or rather, they were fucking stupid and posted dumb shit that eventually led back to their front fucking door.

What? You find out the name of someone then don't reveal it because...what? Because why? Your logic is weak af.

Reports have been publishing names of people since their inception, it's kinda their job.

Should reporters stop reporting names of the people during their investigations? How does that work in your head?

What happened? Didn't been in the internet for almost a month.
Someone care to explain?

this shareblue shilling is sad.

cry more, nazifags

lols is chaotic evil
cnn is doing it for lawful evil.
if you are gonna be on the autistic spectrum atleast know other spectrums first you faggot.


There's so much of it and they're obviously kikes

This retarded attempt to condemn reporters for reporting is fucking insanity.

You can't even begin to mount a rebuttal for that fact without firing off stale ad hominems.

Keep eating rocks, Grok.

I feel like that fucker deserved it


Stupid fucker shouldn't have been begging for internet points on fucking reddit like a fag, and if you're gonna hate jews at least cop to it, don't just fold and be all "nah I love jews they're the best"

Apparently the original poster of the gif on Reddit was uncovered by CNN. They found his personal information and are coercing his continued "good behavior" by not publishing his name.

Rumor says he's actually a 15 year old kid.

Either way it's a PR nightmare for CNN. They look like absolute scumbags.

Not how the autism spectrum works at all.


No. YOU go to Wikipedia if you are ignorant, lazy cunt.

Explain to us all how this is not a threat.

Though it should be considered that CNN says that he confirmed his own identity, which is kind of shooting himself in the foot if he wanted to stay hidden. Where did they say they went out and found his identity themselves?

I mean, you faggots could just stop being embarrassments to your families instead of demanding special white privileges from getting called out for your public assholery.

I'm just being realistic.

Normally journalists publish names in all cases except:
Stories involving minors
Rape / Sexual Assault
Naming can put the person in danger

I would argue, that the last one applied, but with all the rules, they are up the the journalists to decide.

No wrong here. If you don't want to get a large corporation after you, I suggest not posting their trademarks in demeaning ways online.

CNN is actually creating its own breaking news now.


how is this news

Leave it to an SJW faggot to bring race into it.

Good, turn on the lights and watch the cockroaches scurry away.

YEAH!!! How dare any of us mere mortals mock the corporate overlords?

But that's exactly why you think you deserve special treatment - because you're white.


Fuck the corporate overlords. But you're not trying to set us free from their bullshit. You're just trying to change the masters to benefit yourself.

The retard knew that if any of the fucked up shit he spat was linked to his power word, he was going to get heat. He knew very fucking well the consequences, but thought that his perceived anonymity would save him. If the kid didn't apologize and was not a minor, CNN would have published the name. ANY fucking news organization would have published the name. And here's the rub. It doesn't matter if CNN knows. If anyone else had the inclination, the name is going to be published. And what's probably going to happen? A rival news source (or Sup Forums user) is going to reveal the name. Can't say I'm sorry for the kid - his racist fucking ass is why society is swirling down the toilet.

Lesson? There's no such thing as anonymity online. With enough resources and motivation, anything can be unearthed.

>laughs nervously

Whoa you're strawmanning hard. I dont know what you think I do but I definetly aint.

anything I don't like is shilling/fake news

>hitler dubs = truth

>White privilege
>Freedom from a large media conglomerate bullying you and threatening to throw you into the Lion's den because of an innocuous meme

What fucking planet are you on?

If you don't know that's exactly what's going on, you're an oblivious fucking tool.

>threatening to throw you into the Lion's den

But user, I thought you'd be proud of your fuckery. I mean, if you were doing anything good, you'd be happy to get on the news, right?

Oh no. They committed journalism.


>Can't say I'm sorry for the kid - his racist fucking ass is why society is swirling down the toilet.

Memes make people racist?

Euroshit Pls go.

CNN is losing viewers and advertisers are next. They're desperate, but now comes the beatdown and beginning of the end for them. They are going to be savaged from all sides for their little blackmail caper.

Racist shithead losers acting all innocent when they face consequences. They could shoot you in the head on CNN and I wouldn't care, honestly.


I could at best think that that is whats going on. And considering how the Murricans think it probably is.
However I am not concerned with your power struggles but the fact that this corporation is using its high ground to fuck the freedom of citizens and that is something I as a free citizen of the European union find troubling

Stay mad, lef-tard. Tomorrow the shit hits the fan.

>I am not concerned with your power struggles but the fact that this corporation is using its high ground to fuck the freedom of citizens

Welcome to capitalism, liberal idiot. Profits are down and privileges aren't getting handed out just because you're white anymore.

>15 year old
It can't be...

daily reminder that there is a paid army of people spreading this shit and liking it up on social media....... Daily reminder that it's likely controlled by putin not trump

bud if this got violent youd all be dead in a day

we have all the vets cops and gun owners

you have some pussies in hoodies with green hair

Cease your bating. It is weak and kind of retarded.
Also not a liberal.


CNN knows if they post is information he'll be the target of threats and possible actions of violence. They also used this fact to coerce his behavior. He's also a minor. CNN is so fucked.

Your memes are odd and your news network probably committed a felony. Kekkles.

You're all liberals. You come in two flavors:

1. I'm getting the economic security that I'm entitled to at the expense of the global poor, the world, and our species' future, so I'm arrogant and self-righteous.

2. I'm not getting the economic security I'm entitled to, so it's time to take it out on the global poor, the world, and our species' future.

You're all the same, really. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. You think you're different from liberals because you love Jeezus? What a laugh.

What this man is referring to is the fact that the number 88 means HH because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

Therefore 88 or HH means heil hitler and is a common code of skinhead gangs in jail and prison or on the streets.

14 refers to the fourteen word sentence

I have yet to see evidence that CNN actually did this. You scream fake news but yet this is something you accept without any fact checking?

Actually CNN viewership is at record numbers now. They are breaking records right now with viewership and counter trolling. All these "fake news" trolls are doing is boosting their ratings and playing right into their sensationalist headlines kek. You faggots are just mad that someone called one of you out for your online faggotry under the assumed guise of anonymity. Because the truth is that most of these trolls are betas, angsty teens and total pussies who wouldn't say half the shit they say online in public. The days of the trolls derailing civil conversation and bringing down the IQs of everyone they encounter are numbered. Troll Trace mother fuckers! :^)

Where are you getting all this? Could it be you're pulling it out of your ass?
You're either a moron or a troll (acting like a moron) so congrats. You're a moron or good at playing one (because you probably are one).

This has got to be the most retarded thing anyone has ever said. Ever.

Rorschach is that you?

>laughs nervously

You are clearly some inbred autist. What does that have to do with anything? Being doxxed for memes by a media organisation? Hell no.

Yeah, where'd you hear that? On CNN?

How about the truth?:

20% Loss In Viewership In One Month

Just like everything leftists don't like is racist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, and xenophobic right?

>I was only pretending to be retarded

lmao true

it's delcious irony that Rachel Maddow went from wayyy down the list to top rated news show with trump russia stories up the WAZOO

but trump's talking about CNN which pays his former campaign officials to go on the show and defend trump every night

It SEEMS like the best thing for CNN to do would to actually start attacking trump since they aren't going to win over any trump supporters under these circumstances by trying to be fair

wait wait wait whoa what are we talking about here? Are we literally talking about OP's gif? Thats what this is all about? WHAT THE FUCK CNN

Wow, you really are stupid, aren't you? Hilarious. Do yourself a favor and return your magic computamador box to Best Buy - rednecks really shouldn't be allowed to be on the internet.

Someone explain to me how we know he's 15...

Only reasons CNN has high viewership is because they talk about Russia everyday.
Its called sensationalism friend keep up.
Also, they keep feeding the left all the shit they want to hear.

What I'm sad about is that humor is thrown out of the window. Do people not see this stuff and have even the slightest tinge of a laugh anymore? Are we so thin skinned as a society that something like this can't be laughed at anymore? For fucks sake they could have hired an intern to Photoshop a picture of a dude with a court building choking out trump or something in response. But instead they harass and doxx the creator of this picture. This kid suffers at the hand of a joke to a corporation, which has no persons face attached. Just a corporation. A brand.

For fucks sake humor is dead in this world.

>laughs nervously

Usually I use the in response to someone saying that you got baited

Yes, egos and self importance are at an all time high and skin thickness is about paper status.

Putin stahp

Wow, very original. Just like the ideology you stole from socialists and twisted into self-serving, primitive barbarism.

>is sensationlism

how much do they pay you ivan? I heard it was 400$ a month in 2015 but I know putin's been shitting up the economy over there more and more

Oh, you weren't pretending? My bad.

>Video of Van Jones admitting Russia is a big nothing burger

>the best thing for CNN to do would to actually start attacking trump

They've been attacking trump for months now. So much so that it seems like it's their primary function. Unfortunately, hanassholesolo says they didn't "threaten" him. Either way, the gifs are on the way.

Because someone made it up and all these trump trolls keep repeating it over and over to make you care more about their poor victim of the day

Can someone put Trump's head on hulk punching Thor with CNN on his head?

This is the real reason they hated him. Not the Trump GIF.

Facts matter. nielsen ratings

Fox is still up there because the majority of 'Muricans are functionally retarded,. however their ratings are dipping hard for REAL scandals not this fake victimization the right is so fond of. Multiple sites are posting record numbers for CNN, MSNBC etc., and all these trolls and Russian Bots on every CNN FB post are only helping their cause. CNN, in a brilliant move outing this troll will only invite more trolls hence boosting their ratings even further. You all are too small minded to realize you are being played and bested at your own game kek.