Which is objectively the best city in the world to live in?
Which is objectively the best city in the world to live in?
>best place to live
You're doing it wrong
London, center of the worlds economy and social trend setter for hundreds of years.
Ma nigga are you serious
Raleigh, North Carolina
Why does it seem like Justin Trudaeu might be the illegitimate son of Donald Trump?
>not living in glorious countryside
Urban peasants are cancer.
San Francisco.
Those who say otherwise are too poor to live there.
HongKong and Tokyo are pretty cozy.
American cities used to be the best until niggers.
is Perth even the best city to live in australia? how does it comore to, say, sidmnyey, camberra, adelaide, brisbane, melbourne, etc?
I don't think such a thing is really possible. I hated Paris, I hated the people in San Francisco (found them obnoxious), I find Manhattan nauseatingly plastic/corporate, and I found Tokyo less fun than Osaka. Sure these cities are huge, have lots to do, are relatively clean and safe, but they're inauthentic, there's no real creative opportunity, and they encourage you to link as a consumer.
Conversely, I LOVE Glasgow and New Orleans is one of my favorite American cities. These cities are ridden with crime, they're dirty, a lot of the people aren't great looking, and the food in Glasgow is awful. But there's music EVERY NIGHT in Glasgow for pretty much whatever you want, from punk and indie to folk and jazz. There are cool shops and the people are nice. New Orleans is just fun, and the culture is interesting.
The city that accomodates both sides, I suppose, is Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. The people are nice, the girls are BEAUTIFUL, the city is beautiful, the food is amazing, and there are some cool bars and museums to check out.
So yeah, the conventional answers are all bullshit, the greatest city is Tbilisi, my favorite city is Glasgow.
New Orleans
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas
Comfiest place on earth.
Fucking terribly. Nothing to do, full of abos. Only plus is the beaches.
>Not wanting to live in a overpriced, homeless filed city makes you poor
It isn't full of Liberals like Melbourne and Sydney, Doesn't flood like Brisbane, isn't infested with Abbo's like Darwin and has jobs, unlike Adelaide and Hobart
This, no other option exists
Idk about the world, but in the US maybe, MAYBE, Lexington, Kentucky, Iowa city, Iowa, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Helena, Montana
Melbourne city best city
Pretty much any city in Australia other than Melbourne or the Northern Territory
>isn't infested with abos
Kankakee, IL., U.S.
hey pol
come to Grand Haven MI
we're 95% white
our leaders want to diversify us woodtv.com
don't let them, move here if you're white
been there during fringe in august and it was great, but I could never libe in a country with such shitty weather. We're poor but at least we get some sunlight
SF here.
The area from Alabama to Mississippi through Nawlins and into east Texas smells like a millenia of unwashed jock itch. But yeah, Nawlins seems interesting, and is certainly one of the greatest cities.
here you go, voted for the 7th time in a row
>London, center of the worlds economy and social trend setter for hundreds of years.
the latest trend is to go Islamic, amirite?
we got dat bbq and music cracker boi
cold and grey
The homeless can't afford to live there.
You'd be one of them if you tried to compete against your betters in the market. Californians have the highest work ethic in the world.
Literally whatever you want whenever you want it. If you've got loads of money an aren't too crazy about the great outdoors, there's no better place.
Fucking looks like a skinnier Julian from trailer park boys.
Why Kankakee? Obviously Park Ridge is the real answer.
Do you have no idea what Edinburgh of the seven seas is?
It's not the regular scottish Edinburgh.
It the capital of Tristan Da Cunha, the comfiest british island, possibly comfiest island ever.
>Not even 300 people live on the whole island
>it is extremely hard to reach, planes can't land, only a boat from africa comes by once in a while
The world could burn in nuclear fire and the people there wouldn't even notice it.
Literally perfect.
Cooking to death here in vienna with 20°C+
>cooking to death with 20°
opinion discarded
There's simply no objectivity to something like this. You are making the classic mistake of assuming the city is you, and as such will be a beta cuck wherever you go.
You are the city. What is it that YOU value. And does the city provide that in abundance or not.
>20°C+ is hot
Grow a pair
I prefer the small town feel of big little cities. New York is just ridiculous.
but I simply can't live without sea..So Dalmatian coast remains my home
holy shit i feel dumb now. never heard of that. seems comfy. White?
Detroit, homie
Melbourne, Australia. Best food in the country, best nightlife in the country, best public transport, not as bs expensive as sydney (yet), great music scene
>filthy heat loving mudskins
Although I can understand the straya. 20°C must feel like extreme winter to you.
Can't wait to have enough money to move to Alaska, Iceland or more likely the Highlands.
Or if life was perfect:
Move to Tristan Da Cunha, built a nice house, just be comfy forever removed from all the shit in the world. No need to worry about Lefties, Mudslimes and all the other filfth...
100% comfy
95%-100% white, not sure, there might be a mongrel or two living there, but it's mostly just british people being part of the british overseas territory.
Famous for these babies. The whitest thing you can find.
nice place to commit suicide
Round Rock, TX. Comfy suburb of Austin. No crime, wealthy, no niggers.
kek KKK
If that's your thing and you are a pussified 'City'-boy, you can always throw yourself into the volcano. Literally, because that thing is still cooking.
Can't belive pol hasn't said anything
And that too.
You're good at deciphering patterns, frenchie. You should apply for an intelligence agency.
As a fellow Michigander, I can confirm Grand Haven is very white. It's in the "Bible Belt" of MI so this is probably why.
>the homeless can't afford to live there
Why else do you think they're hobos you retard
Shut the fuck up. This city sucks and you know it
holy kekes, you don't need money to move to Alaska, you can just go and work with spics and slavs at a fishing plant
>population: 300, 000 people, temperature in winter: 15°C, temperature in summer: 15°C
I've been to san fran.
It literally smells like poop compared to seattle.
Like it actually smells like feces. -- don't believe me? go for a drive there.
South carolina here 20° C is chilly by my standards
St Petersburg, FL
Iv never been the UK. There is no reason to go there. I do travel a lot though.
>Fifty years ago a disused army camp in Surrey became home for a group of refugees fleeing from one of the remotest communities on Earth.
>They came from the South Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha, escaping a volcano that had begun to erupt in 1961.
>Tristan da Cunha is 1,500 miles from its nearest neighbour St Helena and 1,750 miles from the nearest airport in Cape Town, South Africa.
>Islander Joyce Hagan, 71, said the refugees had been frightened when they came to England and feared dreaded "Teddy Boy" gangs.
>In 1963 the island was deemed safe enough for the islanders to return. But not all did.
>She said: "I found the people [in England] very nice. They were all kind to me anyway."
>"I think I wanted to stay here because it's a better place."
>feared dreaded "Teddy Boy" gangs.
>"I think I wanted to stay here because it's a better place."
Imagine if they evacuated to somewhere like London now.
>suicide by volcano
btw, I live in small village on the coast, have a small boat, catching fish, drinking vine that i made. I'm fine with that. Don't want anything more.
I just realized how much Weedman looks like Julian from the Trailer Park Boys.
>The nation formerly known as the British Empire
wtf im from Tennessee and i dont think 20c is chilly I keep my house at 19 or 20 c
>canada is a mix of half baked plans to get rich
meme magic is 2real4me
Shouldn't be living in cities, user. Stick to town of less than 25k.
St.Johns Newfoundland. Almost all white, on an island safe from zombies and beautiful scenery.
sounds amazing, lucky you
>implying you wouldn't want your own comfy cottage far from all the insanity.
>you can just go
Need the money to get there first and a bit saved never hurt anybody.
I just wanna live somewhere cold, remote, lot's of snow would be a plus and far away from all the utter madness.
They'd probably choose to go back to the volcano. But they wouldn't be allowed to without taking some poor free refugeeeeees with them. Some 1500 rapefugees shouldn't be too much for a big city of nearly 270 people too handle, right?
Ah, but I forgot:
The '''''''''''''''refugees'''''''''''''''''''' wouldn't want to go there. No bars, no night life, no free handouts.
Damn, man, you're living the life. Makes me jealous, desu senpai.
not really. I'm always short on wine.
Currently live and work there for the city in planning and development. It's pretty nice. Lot of projects coming down the pipeline.
Glasgow. The friendliest city in the world.
Going to uni there next year.
Why do nigs love spongebob?
he do things without soap
Is it Scottland or Ireland that is overrun with Somalians?
Not naples florida.
Fuck this shithole
Neither. Not sure what you're on about. I think that's a different European country altogether.
The only place I've seen Somalians in the UK is London and even then only a few.
Barcelona before the enrichment.
>Literally overflowing with shit
Seoul if you are here to make easy dough with your eloquent english skills and make fake friends. Fucking normies everywhere
>the enrichment
this scares me 10x more than ww3.
i hope we will NEVER be enriched.
Im very curious about SK. All we ever hear in the west is how great japan is but I have a feeling your country might be even better. How much does a middle class person make? what abou a doctor? are you racist towards whites and nogs?
The occasional flood is far from the worst thing about Brisbane. Floods are fun as fuck. Macca's drive-through in a dinghy.
Shit public transport, shit food (getting better), and shit pubs with an absolutely fucked hotel lobby controlling liquor licensing are far worse. Brisbane is a great place overall. Perth is cool too.