Who should play him in the inevitable biopic? I'm thinking Idris Elba

Who should play him in the inevitable biopic? I'm thinking Idris Elba.

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lmao that huge head

do niggers really believe in this?

Only the smart ones.

Not that different from an undead jew who can walk on water.


This is just fucking stupid. Worse than scientology and that's saying something.

Michael Dorn


He's the evil black scientist who created white people thousands of years ago according to Nation of Islam and Five Percent Nation right?

That's right. Niggers actually believe that blacks had an utopia 7,000 years ago, but this ultra-intelligent evil black scientist engineered white people as the white devils and they usurped the rule and basically created the tyranny we know today lmao

Jimmy Fallon's rapper is a believer.

I'd say it is, Jesus did actually exist, niggers believe big headed scientist name Yakub made the white race like 7,000 years ago.

All black remake when?

Prometheus remake with Yakub creating white people when?

They're just not very bright, that's all there is to it. Gullible, naive, not inventive, whatever you wanna call it - let's just sum it up with the word 'stupid'.

Yes. Although he soon realized they were savages and banished them to live in the caves of Europe. Later on, Moses traveled to Europe to attempt to civilize the whites, but they attacked him and he was forced to defend himself by throwing dynamite at them.

So is Yakub a bad guy or a good guy?

I like how thats one of the best depictions of Yakub. Its like a middle schooler drew it

lmao ofc he's gonna have a giant fucking head to show his hyperintelligence. Niggers apparently think biology works on cartoon logic


Jimmy neutron had a huge head, and look how woke his father is on Der Jude and their lies

Is this shit real? Just when I thought niggers couldn't be more ridiculous...

>Der Jude and their lies
Learn German if you're gonna try to use it, idiot.


It's 8000 years ago actually


>Jesus did actually exist
Jesus existed as much as this stupid giant headed nigger

Inshallah habibi, kuffar

a big guy.

>Yeshua denier
>Even though there's dozens of accounts by Romans about the Nazranite

These are the people that make fun of creationists

There's a lot a proof he was a person just not that he was magic

all the proof I need

There are lots of Roman accounts of various people who claimed to be the messiah and had lots of followers.
What makes this one special?

he existed

>There are lots of Roman accounts of various people who claimed to be the messiah and had lots of followers.

Do you think the romans were just making shit up every time?

If you're drunk or English is not your first language then ok.
If you're sober and English is your first language then fucking kill yourself because you have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old Down syndrome child who was still born

Idris Elba


what the fuck there to explain , both are ridiculous shit


Yes those accounts must be really reliable if the oldest one was written 70 years after his supposed death

Underrated post.


>The new race traveled to Mecca where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language....Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise....The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing."[2] For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.[6]


WTF i hate white demons now

For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite. However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America on a ship under the "devil" John Hawkins in the 1555.



Why are blacks so retarded?

I don't mind asians, Indians, Jews, but blacks are just fucking unbearable.

Most of them seem to have the intelligence of children.