Is this a good movie?
Why? Why not?
Is this a good movie?
Why? Why not?
Reloaded is okay but Revolutions is abysmal
It didn't go in the direction people were expecting and some of the special effects were not complete when the movie was released but it's still pretty good, better than what passes for an action movie these days.
A good example of when NOT to make your movie into a trilogy
It has no ending. It just stops.
its the best one
All the zion shit is boring and drags on way too long
French guy shit is boring
Architect is boring
Neo is a pussy for most of the movie
Highway chase is good though
so 5/10
Fans wanted Neo to be a fucking badass ever since the end of the first movie.
Wachowski's continue to dissapoint 2 movies in.
all of it it was good. It's favorite trilogy!
let's end the debate, Sup Forums. was neo the one?
>give the main character godlike powers
>then attempt to make a sequel
doomed to fail
I love it
Revolutions was the one that was ok__________
>get on
Jump the Shark: The Movie
both neo and smith
Considering only the first one matters, yes.
>Reasons it was good
It was the first movie I watched with a girl after her older sister snuck us in
>Reasons it was bad
Nothing happened and it was the most disappointing thing in my life when I went in for a kiss and she pushed me back
Nice, I got jerked off with an empty cripsy mm's packet when I went to see Men in Black 2.
Movies are great
It only took another 8 years for me to actually kiss a grill in a theatre. But then I had sex so I guess it all worked out.