Br a conservative

>Br a conservative.
>Transition to a woman.
>Find out it sucks being a tranny and you regret making the choice.
>De-transition and go on a massive speaking tour and appear on multiple talk shows speaking about how shitty it was being a tranny and you were just confused and/or mentally ill.

Where were you when you realised Brucey was just pulling a long-con the entire time?

Woman of the Year. Just fuckin LMAO.

How will liberals ever recover?

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This would make the whole protransgender group and movement hate him so much. If he comes out and speaks out against it. We need to meme this into existence. Praise kek

I became a woman for a year and all I got were these great tits.

all celebs do these stunts, it was just a cash grab

Didn't he kill someone in a car accident? Why is in not in jail for life?


Because trannies, like muslims are incapable of wrong in this, our current year.

The publicity was to help his case in vehicular man slaughter, the sex change was in case he went to jail, now that he's made millions off this shit, and got away scott free, he doesn't need to pretend anymore. Said it since day one.
