What actress/actor did you grow up having a crush on?

what actress/actor did you grow up having a crush on?
What do they look like now?
pic related unfortunately...

Eek! A mouse.

>Camelicia Day was your childhood crush

KYS for the good of mankind

Why would you ever have a crush on felicia day? she has always looked like a rat

Jeanette Biedermann

post the young camel with the phat thighs

ah come on, she was pretty cute back in the day.

She looks like a proboscis monkey

that's mean, op



I think this is the saddest thing I've ever come across

how young must you be to have grown up with a crush on felicia day

Felicia has been around for the last 10 years


I want to protect his smile.

Tara Reid.

Not even kidding.

you have to post what he looks like now though


>Eek! A camel.

woah she was a cutie when she was younger

Lucy Liu is still hot.

my sweet fucking Lucy Ewing

still would

What is this from, and why do you fags keeps posting it on Sup Forums?

>loving a camel

Son, I have some bad news....


Fuck off, Will.

Back in 1988, Colleen McMurphy was the coolest character the fifteen year old me could dream of. I had no idea women could be so pretty and interesting and smart. I was totally going to find one for myself.
Obviously never did. Fuck you screenwriters for making me believe in unicorns.

God damn, why women aging like shit?

mid to late 90's Goop

See And then contemplate that's a sixty year old woman

I watched Hand of God and kept thinking "Man, Ron Perlman's too old to be believably married to her" and then I looked it up and it turned out they were the same age and I was like "Man, Ron Perlman's too ugly to be believably married to her"

>implying you still wouldn't

Oh sonnie, how you've failed him then

>Takes panties off
>They're completely clean and unsoiled
Well that's unrealistic af.

>shitloads of makeup
It's just cheating, women have it so much easier when it comes to looks

This, women's underwear is much dirtier than men's, because vagina constantly oozes its secretion which smells really foul and there's also blood, not to mention dirt and sweat which accumulate during the day.

I wouldn't want to have a vagina, it seems to be a really flawed, bug-ridden biological organ, penis is much simpler in daily use and it enables you to piss standing which improves your mobility.

First Crush & Ever Since !

that has to be a look alike, she never looked that good....I mean she looked like dog shit on Buffy, how fucking early could this pic be from?

the picture was taking when she was 15. she was 22 or older when she did buffy

Olivia is perfect

sersh is my first celebrity crush that is younger than me

holy fuck, she didn't even make it to 25, the typical woman's expiration date

she must have an eating disorder or some undisclosed disease

only if jews didn't mutilate your penis

I'm neither american nor circumcised.


She looks like she works at a gas station.