Redpill me on the holocaust? How many jews really died and was it an extermination attempt?

Redpill me on the holocaust? How many jews really died and was it an extermination attempt?

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Does it matter? The answer is no. If you have influence you can rewrite history as you desire.

Build influence with dank memes.

Way less than christians died at the hands of soviet jews.

But that's total bullshit, records of Nazis themselves estimated some 11 million Jews in Europe.
This is why everyone considers you retards.

I wish the holocaust actually happened.

Lol no, european population wasn't that high.

The holocaust wasn't about how many jews died, it was about how many jews were forced to work like mere gentiles.

Manual labour is a fate worse than death for jewish parasites and they are still butthurt about it to this day.

Work sets you free.

Just posting what i found last time senpai, no idea if it's true

I think it really did, but not in the way that it is told.

Hitler was very much so a separationist. You will find evidence of him wanting to send Jews to Madagascar or to deport them out of the Reich...and he did deport quite a few. But the "Final Solution" was not least not for Hitler it wasn't.

He had years of being in power, and years of being in power, during the war, in which he could have exterminated all Jews if he wished to. He didn't.

I think it is much more likely that Heinrich Himmler, an absolute madman, had significant influence with his SS in killing people (which was much more widespread than just Jews..the Gypsies just don't have money-bagged interest groups to secure them mass sympathy).

So, Himmler and his SS were very involved in many of the work camps. It's simple as this; on the East, where many of the "Death Camps" were...they were actually labor camps. Those who couldn't work, were killed.

I am unclear on whether or not they were gassed, I have no clear proof either way...but I have no doubt that many were killed, and the dead were buried or cremated.

After the war, the Soviets capitalized upon the Holocaust story to distract from their own purges, and the allies went along with it...because they wanted to drown out the Patton's, who believe we should've been fighting the Reds, not the Nazis.

Holocaust was then marketed by the Jewish Community, they got their State in the Holy Land hand delivered by Christians, and they have the entire world wrapped around its finger; terrified to even say the word "Jew".

I'm not a fascist nor a national socialist. The only good I see in the Nazis is their rejection of modernism in favor of traditionalism. That is it. The sense of duty, honor, chivalry, ect. But outside of that, Socialism in any form; national or international, is detestable.

>11 million jews in Europe
kek no
more like world wide
the number dropped from 16mill to 11mil between 1940 and 1950
now if you take into account the million of people converting to another religion due to fear of prosecution during this time the 6 gazillion hoax makes even less sense
not 100% accurate numbers and far from facts
some user posted a handy infograph about this some time ago


jewish population in Germany never exceeded 600,000 during the Hitler era according to German census numbers

I don't really see any point in trying to get legalistic about how many were killed.

Jews were targeted and murdered. Whether that is 2 million or 6 million; its really not all too terribly important.

Shit happens in war. Bad shit. Really fucking bad shit. The vast majority of those killed had absolutely nothing to do with the "Jewish Threat", other than just existing.

But that is the same in Hiroshima. They weren't actively fighting against us...their military was. The same with Dresden, that was murder just as much.

We try to make the holocaust out to be unique; yet Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot together killed hundreds of millions.

I can't even comprehend that number.

So yes, Nazi Germany killed a shit ton of people. At the end of the day, when war happens, people die.

Maybe they should've stayed in the Middle East instead of coming to Europe where they could profit off of the Christian Church's forbiddance of Usury (thus the bankers).

Jews, Muslims, Africans, Asians; send em all back to where they came....before something really fucking bad like WW2 happens again....and millions of white Europeans slaughter each other in a civil war over fucking foreigners.

The Muslim Threat in Europe and the Mexican Threat in America are exactly the same as the Jewish Threat to Europe after WW1.

Are we going to learn from history, and get them out right now before the Cold War turns Hot....or will we fall into the same trap as our ancestors; try to then forever be our enemies the free victory.

>yet Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot together killed hundreds of millions

Thats right, remember the 600 million killed by communism

The migrant situation is gonna end in to ways, peaceful organized deportation or ethnic cleansing...

Exactly right.

Right now whites are being ethnically cleansed.

When we get pissed off enough...we will do what we do best, and kill a lot of people.

If you don't want that to happen, get the fuck out of Europe and America.

6 million
and yes, it was an attempt to exterminate Jews in Europe

It was the single biggest crime in the history of mankind. Why Hitler and the Nazis did it, is beyond me. If he had been friendly to people and Jews and just opposed the Soviets, he might have conquered the world.

it was basically a bunch of fun summer camps and some jews got all butthurt because there was a long waiting line for the water slides

It's alright friend, I won't report you.


see, even the Auschwitz State Museum said its not as bad as people say it is
they were basically slaves in this places, not only jews but arabs and gays too, if they killed all jews there would be no one to build weapons and other things for war

oy vey

>5-6 million

t. every remotely credible historian on the face of the earth

Germany really is beyond saving at this point

>t. every remotely credible historian on the face of the earth

So none then.

1,488 Jews died, they died of staying up too late and couldn't hang lmao

Lampshades of human skin
Soap made from Jews
Chased into pools of acid
Masturbation machines that kill
Jews burn in colors based on country of origin
Hitler personally witnessed gassings
Hitler personally executed prisoners
Hitler raped prisoners
Survived the gas chamber 6 times
Russians are advancing, "We'll stick with our exterminators"
Extermination camp with sauna, swimming pool , orchestra , cinema, theater, gift shop , brothel , bar, mail privileges, art studio, hospital , dentist, electricity, plumbing
Red cross allowed to inspect camps, nazis fooled em
Women's bodies used as kindling
Secret verbal order
Shrunken Jewish heads
Cut off Jews hair to stuff the mattresses of rich german women
Train car dumps Jews directly into gas chamber/ ovens
Gas chamber trap door drops Jews into oven
Giant electric chain that seats 1,000
Killed with electrocuted floors
Dogs trained to rape women
Jew children sorted/graded depending on quality of skin for lampshades
Tattoo removal injections
Injections that changed eyes to blue
Gassed with diesel engines from Russian submarine.... which nazis never captured
Zyklon pellets dumped right in, no heating required
Bodies, bones and all, burned to ash, in 20 minutes, in open pits, in a swamp
Hundreds of jews, shoulder to shoulder, still standing after being gassed like sardines
Gas chambers that aren't airtight
Gas chambers with glass windows, wooden doors, that open INTO room
No protection needed to clean out bodies
Shot in the shoulder, bullet went through clothes but stopped at the skin
1000 pregnancies at Aushwitz, 1000 successful deliveries
"6 million" Jews being killed ect published 50+ times decades leading to WW2

and this is just of the top of my head

>It was the single biggest crime in the history of mankind. Why Hitler and the Nazis did it, is beyond me. If he had been friendly to people and Jews and just opposed the Soviets, he might have conquered the world.

Single biggest crime? Holy fuck! the arrogance!
Soviets=Jews... Arrogant and ignorant, nice combo Hans.
