Color film is racist


Not clicking that shit but I know it's retarded based on the title. I've watched black and white film and you could always see a strong difference between whites and blacks.


>she is a coalburner
wew lad

that's not what the video's about

>Heres what it did for niggers

>Keep your eyes open and smile nigger or the audience can't see you

Yes based on their head-Form

My grandpops was a photographer... The only advice he gave me was never photograph a black wedding. I thought he was just bein an olde tyme racis but then he explained that it's almost impossible to get a good exposure that clearly shows the details of their face AND the details on the white dress. Of course this was back in the 50s so there have been advances in imaging since then... Still, solid advice tho.


WOW old shitty cameras had trouble with light and dark things in the same shot?

AND a medium that captures light will favour objects that reflect more light over things that absorb light?