Now that I have your attentions
>feels thread
Am I a high-functioning sociopath?
To put things plainly, I have a beautiful girlfriend with a baby on the way. She's hurt me in the past and I've rationalized cheating on her even though I've never actually done anything to cheat. An eye for an eye so to speak. But I try and refrain and be a normal person. If I go to an animal shelter and find a cat that does nothing but hiss at other cats and claw at me when I try to pet it, I start thinking of ways to strangle the damn thing and get away with it. I'm a server at a fine dining restaurant and found ways to be superficially charming but nobody knows it's a facade. I feel as though I always have to justify myself. Antisocial behavior, sometimes I like doing shit just because I can. Borderline kleptomaniac. If I make others upset I'll say sorry just to make things easier, I'm not always actually sorry. I wonder if I can feel love, or if instead it's just attachment. Help me anons before I an hero.
>inb4 just an hero

You just described myself two years ago. How is it you found a gf and got her to stick with you long enough to get her pregnant? Maybe i was worse if we were to go into detail about ourselves?

>Am I a high-functioning sociopath?
No, you're just a cunt. A sociopath would never apologies to "make things easier" and not being actually sorry shows you're just being polite, like 99.9% of the population.

Get over yourself - you're not a special little snowflake

We just sort of work. She seemed unintelligent, unreformed, mannerless, and careless when I first met her. I pictured a blank canvas. Nowadays, she's very smart, well behaved, and a joy to be around. She doesn't judge and accepts my personality. Now if I could just get her to like my guitar playing. A lot of times I'll do some small thing that gets her ticked and I'll apologize just to nullify an argument when in reality I just wanna scream get off my back. I think that last part really seals the deal.

>Am I a high-functioning sociopath?
>To put things plainly, I have a beautiful girlfriend

you are not a high-functioning anything.

you just want attention.

Right but what about a high-functioning one? Someone who's intelligent enough to sacrifice moral obligations for the sake of the path of least resistance?

Who doesn't like attention when it's needed? But that's not why I'm here. I'm here for clarity and advice.

If the joy you feel towards her is genuine, then i think you and her are gonna be ok. You just got to keep it up. I found that if i am angry or feeling on the negative side, being aware gets rid of those feelings. Its odd that she changed her state of mind when she met you. Maybe she realized her own madness in you like what you just did on the first post of this thread; your on the right track accord to eckhart tolle. Hes changed my life

Don't kid yourself, you're neither high functioning nor that bright.

You're just another self-diagnosed, self-absorbed faggot who can't get over the fact that he's just another human like all the others and the universe doesn't revolve about him

>Don't cut yourself on that edge m8
And OP I know where you're coming from. I cheated 3x and didn't feel a fukin thing. Now I wonder if I just pretended not to feel

my dog use to lick the inside of my ears because he liked the taste of ear wax and I let him because it made my dick hard, I was 12 lol

Why do you ask armchair psychiatrists their opinions ? ASPD is a large spectrum and you show some signs of it, if you have no problems controlling your impulses id say you're fine.

You're just an asshole

And you're the one being a cunt


My docs diagnosed me with aspergers but said it was a mild form and that I was on the high functioning end of the spectrum. My therapist says I have sociopathic tendencies but no conclusive data yet to prove a diagnosis.

You actually dont know shit mate, best way to manipulate people and get something out of them is being friendly and gain their trust.
Apologizing is actually the best option in many situations

>Self-diagnosed sociopath
>accuses others of being edgy
Really? wew lad

...not once did I say I was self diagnosed...just trying to relate to op you fuckin asswipe.

All these unfeeling socipaths getting rustled in a thread on Sup Forums

oh, the irony

Nah OP, sounds normal to me.

Can confirm. This is exactly how I feel

They are commorbid disorders or at least share some symptoms. I score high on both asperger and aspd tests too itd not uncommon

>Am I a high-functioning sociopath?
There's technically no such thing as a sociopath so almost certainly not, but lets read on and find out

>She's hurt me in the past and I've rationalized cheating on her even though I've never actually done anything to cheat.
In the classic understanding of sociopathy there would be no need to rationalise guilt or the actions.

>I start thinking of ways to strangle the damn thing and get away with it.
The fact you're going at all probably illustrates you're an edgy teenager more than anything

>I'm a server at a fine dining restaurant and found ways to be superficially charming but nobody knows it's a facade.
They do, it goes with the job and everyone expects the same bullshit upbeat attitude in service jobs.

>I feel as though I always have to justify myself.
Definitely not sociopathy

>Antisocial behavior, sometimes I like doing shit just because I can
You and every other 12 year old

>If I make others upset I'll say sorry just to make things easier, I'm not always actually sorry.
Basic societal cue, not feeling genuinely sorry just means you're a bit of a dick or a bit of a cuck

tl;dr No, you're just an edgy teenager. Grow up and get over it.

>40,000 people reply "And me"
>Because that's all social interaction is all about
But OP and his little fluffy friends ITT think they're somehow special because they do this. Awww, bless!

Little info about myself, 22 year old, definitely not an edgy teenager. And my sis asked to go to the animal shelter. I went only so I could watch other cats fight each other and study their interactions.

>definitely not an edgy teenager
>I went only so I could watch other cats fight each other and study their interactions.

You also have no self awareness. You read like you have aspergers and are an edgy teenager. Pretty sure you have aspbergers and are an edgy 22 year old teenager

You are a teenager. Biologically 22, psychologically 15. You just need to grow up.

This guy nailed it.

A friend I know is kind of a sociopath. I know he has cheated on her ex-gf several types (only when he travelled out of town to avoid getting caught and ruin the status and confort his relationship gave him). He tried to prank his friends in elementary school by putting tiny pointy rocks on soda and tried to convince some to put their pets (hamsters or tiny cats) into his potato cannon. He does have morals, kinda, but seem very detached from what one would consider direct applications (and sometimes goes against those morals). Oh and he is a libertarian (not ancap nor ancom though).

This post

Not OP here but the guy he was responding to. Believe w/e you want, i got diagnosed by 3 different psych with always the same conclusion. You guys just have a very wrong idea of what aspd is because of all the ted bundy/Hannibal/dexter exagerated bullshit. 99% of socios arnt violent killers. The common definition of aspd is the complete lack of empathy and remorse with most of the time high impulsivity.

Make me laugh everytime when some kid who read a shitty sensationalist buzzfeed article on aspd and watched dexter act like he knows what it is about.

Truth is you dont know shit about it

This guy nailed it.

A friend I know is kind of a sociopath. I know he has cheated on her ex-gf several types (only when he travelled out of town to avoid getting caught and ruin the status and confort his relationship gave him). He tried to prank his friends in elementary school by putting tiny pointy rocks on soda and tried to convince some to put their pets (hamsters or tiny cats) into his potato cannon. He does have morals, kinda, but seem very detached from what one would consider direct applications (and sometimes goes against those morals). Oh and he is a libertarian (not ancap nor ancom though). Also lots of drug use.

That kinda supports his point though. Teenagers have poor impulse control and can be quite cruel, not unlike sociopaths.


Sauce in this goddess?

My heart is fucking hurting so much.
I thought I was the one.
But fuck me, of course I'm not.
Why the fuck is this happening to me?
I mean the guy she wants is pretty fucking similar to me.
She even said so.
Down to the voice.
So what the fuck did I do wrong?

Never claimed to be a sociopath , rn I'm just a normie telling a faggot he's a cunt

>The common definition of aspd is the complete lack of empathy and remorse with most of the time high impulsivity.
Except that's not the case. ASPD is a spectrum as much as any other emotion or facet of psychology and since behaviour and environment both affect your behaviour, some people have none of those traits and others have both in spades but all of them are subject to change.

Not him, but you also don't know shit about it. There is no black and white, behaviour and choice and emotion are multi faceted things

Nothing, she just likes someone else. Stop being a 12 year old and get over it.

>i got diagnosed by 3 different psych with always the same conclusion.
Hahahahahah. of course you did. Three eh? Just to be sure?
>You guys just have a very wrong idea of what aspd is because of all the ted bundy/Hannibal/dexter exagerated bullshit. 99% of socios arnt violent killers
I've never mentioned, psycho killers, Hannibal Lecter and his maroon eyes or Dexter. Just special little snowflakes who can't stand the thought that they are like everyone else and think everyone else is just full of fluffy, gushing feelings and bleeding hearts because that's what media portrays people as.

Get over it; most adults learn to turn off the inner child when they grown up in order to survive in the world. Just like you. Just like me. Just like the majority of humanity.

Sorry - linked to the wrong post. You and I are facing the same way with the same mission.

*grown = grow
typo that spellcheck obviously accepted

I can't help you, user. I'm the same way. I do not consider an hero to be an option, though. I've gotten very good at deception, and I want to keep improving my craft.

You don't get it. She was the only person that made me feel like I was important. Like I mattered. I know I'm probably sounding selfish, and I hate that I do. But it just hurts so much knowing that someone you seemed to be so close to just decides to fuck off to someone else.

Side note, I am slightly mad, but I don't understand why. This stuff shouldn't make me mad, just sad.

You're so full of shit it hurts. I know its a large spectrum i said it in literally all my answers ITT. Those 3 symptoms along with disregard for others and morals are textbook aspd definition

Yes, 3 because some psych/therapist refuse to work with socios because, i quote "they can't or dont want to be helped" which is more or less true

The main thing I want to change about myself is my self discipline. I give myself goals for every day that I want to realise but I always spend that time being lazy and putting it off. At the end of the day I feel guilty about it as struggle with my sleep as I feel I can't influence things, I fall into low mood and have days where doing anything at all is such a pain. Rinse and repeat. I want to fall out of this habit and I want to be stricter with myself but I'm so tired.
I think everyone needs a little attention sometimes user, if we posted without replies then what's the point in posting?

I'm full of shit because you're wrong and contradicting yourself? That's not how reality works kid. Try again.

Who gives a fuck what yoy want to change about yourself?

as Yoda might have said "Change or do not. There is no want"

I get it, we all do, because we've all lost people we cared about because we're not all 12 year olds sitting in the basement crying about our shitty lives.

You'll feel like shit for a maximum of 2 months and then you'll have forgotten about it and be back to whatever you did before. Use this shitty time and lack of caring to your advantage by taking risks on jobs or travelling or whatever.

"there are exceptions to what you're saying therefore your reasoning is wrong"

Thats how retarded you sound

>The main thing I want to change about myself is my self discipline. I give myself goals for every day that I want to realise but I always spend that time being lazy and putting it off. At the end of the day I feel guilty about it as struggle with my sleep as I feel I can't influence things, I fall into low mood and have days where doing anything at all is such a pain. Rinse and repeat. I want to fall out of this habit and I want to be stricter with myself but I'm so tired.
Classic symptoms of depression.
I went through something very similar a few years ago and radically changed my life for the better (launched two businesses, became stronger and fitter than ever in my life, have income and friends etc now).

Self discipline is key to anything difficult in life but you only develop discipline through continuous effort. Once something becomes a habit it's easier to do without thinking or suffering but until then you just have to keep trying and failing several times per day and suck it up when you fail. There is no magic pill- only continuous effort will form habit and change.

I recommend:

Regular exercise
Good diet

Those alone are enough to kick 95% of people out of depression and make enough space to leverage other goals.

Rock on

Get outta my feels thread with that attitude. I want to change therefore I'd like to know what steps to take so I can do it. I'm just looking for advice

Except you're the one talking like a retard and getting butthurt over the internet. I'm just correcting your mistakes and calling out your bullshit. Try again kid.

Thanks a lot, I'll keep it in mind. Depression sucks.

>She's hurt me in the past and I've rationalized cheating on her
You're not a sociopath, you're just bitter, which is no surprise considering where we are. A sociopath wouldn't need to rationalize anything. You can't wrong other human beings when you don't consider them people.

>and be back to whatever you were doing before

Before I was still miserable, no one saw me as anything important. I tried making friends, it works, but the friends I make either see me as not much or try to make fun of me at any point possible.

The only person who didn't do this was her, but now that she's gone I feel even worse than I was before I met her.

Maybe I'll get over her, sure, but it won't change the fact that I'll probably never find someone like her.

Butthurt ? Nah im just bored out of my mind and i guess this thread is more interesting than all the porn shitpost around here ?

Talking like a retard ? Not a native english speaker so yeah maybe. Doesnt change the fact that you're trying to argue against the general consensus most psych agree on.

No, you don't get it .

Let's put it this way. You must be really young, early 20s, been told you smart growing up or didn't have to work too hard for what you can do. You find yourself separated from those around you, like you don't quite fit in well enough to make a trusting friend, but enough so no one will call you weird.

You are normal. You are most likely working/living in an area that does not match your own income level or something along those lines, making you search for some possible explanation. High-functioning sociopath was something you heard or read about somewhere, or seems just contrarian enough to almost seem appealing, even if you don't verbally express it.

Everything you just described is not a high functioning sociopath description, not even a sociopathic one. You THINK of doing these things, but don't do them. Not impulsively, not calculated and hidden, just saying you thought about doing stuff. That does not make you "lel I must be psychopath guiseeee". It makes you an average human being who has a wide variety of emotions, of which anger seems to be your most identifiable trait you prefer. A sociopath would not be saying the things you're doing, or doing what you're doing.

Sorry kid, you're just another emotionally isolated and socially stunted millennial. But not a sociopath. If you want a more empirical and categorical answer, simply look up in the DSM for the condition you described and see how few criteria you really match. But then again, you seem particularly predisposed to confirming your own biases which you believe make you a more unique and interesting individual. Here's the thing, a lot of people have those exact thoughts. They either learn early on thats not the kind of personal expression they wish to make, in order to maintain status within their chosen social group, and thereby stay silent about such matters. Or, they use it as a quiet release of mental frustration. You are not sociopathic.

T. Psychoneuro