Eric Andre on Sam Hyde's "stupid stunt"

>[Sam] and I always had our differences, and despite our conflicting political beliefs we have always respected each other, but his publicity stunt with Buzzfeed was just plain stupid. The network execs aren't gonna put up with his shit any longer.

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EPIC source my shitposting friend

Has Sup Forums and reddit become a power in US politics? How the fuck did this happen. Memes became reality

Stop making shit up.

good source

Learn to google, mongoloid.

>people only started caring about le wonky negro man talk show once MDE started airing

how come

haha nice dude!

> I-I'm not lying
> you have to google it, I'm not supposed to link or anything

you have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums

What "publicity stunt"?

This isn't the first time Sam has fucked with a journalist so if the execs actually cared they wouldn't have hired him in the first place

What compels you to keep making these threads?

this isn't true, they don't take politics seriously it is just a joke, I hear they get along and they are planning a collab

>How the fuck did this happen.
By living in your basement and being hopelessly out of touch with the real world?

he's either trying to make people mad or trying to invent drama, either way it's not working.

bird up threads existed profusely

Hillary gave a speech on the "alt-right"

Except it is.

Bird Up has been spammed on this board endlessly. More so than MDE's stuff.

>Eric Andre complaining about publicity stunts

Yes Yes Very impressive.

>buzzfeed journalist organizes interview with Sam Hyde for the purpose of writing a hit piece on the "alt right"
>gets labeled a Sam Hyde publicity stunt

Someone's gotta do something about these god damn kikes


no it's not

ugh, could they just NOT?

It's literally shills. The way they do it is by trying to force memes so that you can get tricked and demoralised by further pattern recognition.

Sounds pretty homophobic of Bernstein.

>implying Sam isn't the one shilling

Not everyone lives in the USA you shartmarter

Is Hyde even alt right for real? I feel like he just says what he wants and people keep saying he's alt right. Has he even said anything himself? Is his show even "alt right"?

Anyone have a link or a name I could google of that video?

Why did he retweet that?

wow, I cant believe he actually said that! This is totally real and not just shit posting!

nobody even knows what the alt right is

OP made a eric andre sam hyde pepe feels guy picture and thus feels compelled to keep making these threads while making up false stories fueled by his untreated autism

Not finding your sources for you, nig

"Gooba me Mulatto!"

Havent you heard? Its BAD and, literally totally, worse than hitler. What else do you need to know?

Beta libtard numale cucks needed something to combat BASED Sam Hyde and grabbed the closest thing.


I know you say that in a sarcastic way, but you are right about it. All the Alt-right has ever done is say all the worse parts of conservatism.

wtf when Sam interviewed him..................wasn't it Bernstain?

You can't be this new.

The alt-right isn't a real group? Wtf?!

Bird Up threads never got past 20 posts before. Suddenly all Eric Andre threads reach autosage now?

>All the Alt-right has ever done is say all the worse parts of conservatism.

this. How fucking racist and sexist it is the be against millions of fighting aged muslim men to flood into europe

>Bird Up threads never got past 20 posts before
Again, you can't be this new.
If anything Eric Andre was more popular before.

We already have a thread about al-right fags >>>/73798376

He's afraid of falling in love

Sup Forums used to dismiss [as] in general as stoner shit. You are the newfag.

Yeah we need to create a white utopia! White genocide is REAL!

Hyde, Tim Heidecker and Eric Andre are all fringe comedians, they live under 1000 shades of irony. They just like to make fun of everything and part of that is selfdeprecation and pretending they have strong views to mock those who get angry over it. Hyde thinks its funny to bait left wingers, Heideck thinks its funny to pretend hes really mad at the alt right etc.

That means jack shit, Sup Forums isn't a hive mind.
What matters is that Eric Andre thread existed before and they were more popular back then.

And Eric pretends to be funny.

> Sup Forums isn't a hive mind.

Oh sweet summer child

hahaha I know white people SUCK! They are racist. Not like cool brown people. Brown people are perfect and we need more of them in our country for reasons

Yes, the religious war mongerers are TOTALLY better than closed borders nationalists

We don't need to create it, we just need to maintain it. Your ancestors created it.

Alt-right is literally just anyone against political correctness.

Hey Hannibal

lmao at that second post

That's what I've been inclined to believe. I don't take really anything any of them have said seriously.

>White genocide is REAL!

haha this. totally bullshit thing with no basis in reality

Hahahahaha yeah only stupid racists would be opposed to importing millions of immigrants with much higher birth rates than the native population

David Wong at Cracked (yes i know) did an interesting break down of the last few mass shootings + Nice attack; tl dr is that the only actual common factor was divorced parents and the occasional Personality Disorder

there isn't any birth rate if they are all young men who send their welfare money home and then explode for their green sand god

>the only common factor among islamic terrorism is divorced parents and mental disorders

Good job.


I know this sounds like something the alt-right says about themselves, but nationalism isn't that strange outside of white countries. It's pretty common.

And, to be honest, I don't even know what you mean by "worst parts of conservatism". Most of these people believe in protectionism (not at all conservative economics) and it's not like socially they are even as conservative as evangelicals.

>that the only actual common factor was divorced parents and the occasional Personality Disorder
You mean, without the fact that they were muslim foreigners in a deeply republican (republican, as in deep republic traditions, not the american one) country?

Wait wait wait, so MDE is alt-right?

Since when?

>David Wong at Cracked

>the only actual common factor was divorced parents

So the Islam was just a statistical anomaly?

>we just need to maintain it
What is even left to maintain? Your old Churches?

what's the alt right even?

Conservative SJWs.

>What is even left to maintain? Your old Churches?
If white countries are only old churches, why do muslims come to them?


I am a Sup Forums crossposter

Roast me.

>If white countries are only old churches, why do muslims come to them?

its code for "person i dont agree with". same as liberal, lefty, sjw, etc


Here's Hilary explaining it

They have those too?!!!?!?

a new buzzword liberals use for anyone that doesnt agree with them

It's the right-wing equivalent to "sjw". Basically means "someone I don't like".


It all makes sense now

>9 ways I'll die that I won't believe

Conservatives who aren't old/visibly retarded

Only one had actual ties/connection to ISIS, and several others had been placed on and off the FBI watchlist.

You only got the old part right.

Sup Forumstards, basically

>only the people who did it are terrorists
>people in the supply net and ideological background aren't

Keep up the good work.

>Only one had actual ties/connection to ISIS

yeah, and all of them were muslims, and did these attacks in the name of Islam

>b-but they werent all part of the SAME islamic terrorist group! So this means islam dindu nuffin

Are you fucking listening to yourself? DIVORCED PARENTS?! ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID!?

Thats something you actually fucking believe? That DIVORCED PARENTS are the reason all these muslims are massacring people? Are you even trying?

What's the story behind the picture?

Remember when the media stated that its impossible for terrorists to enter europe through the refugee route?

Remember when the media stated that these terror acts are not commited by people who came through the refugee route?

Your sources lie to you every day.

All of them were Muslim.

Are you being sarcastic?

jew uses chameleon like tongue to harass native parisian who didn't want to share her apartment with twenty arab refugees

Per Wikipedia:
>The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1][2] It has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[3][4] as well as by opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[5]

>The alt-right has no official ideology, although various sources have said that it is associated with white nationalism,[5][6][7] white supremacism,[3][8][9] antisemitism,[5][7][10] right-wing populism,[6][11] nativism,[12][13] and the neoreactionary movement.[14][15]

>The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as Sup Forums.[10][16][17]

Btw this: ( is [5]

It's fucking nothing