>black girls are ugl-
Black girls are ugl-
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Funny how they only become attractive after they've been mixed with whites.
I would never fuck a nigg...
Still ugly to me
Yea they was mixed with
That's because you're a faggot
>don't mix with nigger because your kids will be ug-
That's because you're gay.
you are worse than the guys trying to cuck the white male by bbc
white male shouldn't satisfy with anything darker than latina, even if they are mullatto
Lol. You're a loser.
deceiving trips
this one's still ugly, phuck, they couldn't bring a white parent that didn't have fucking specks on face
fucking disgusting
>So much samefag
here's your (You), jew
now go and suck a kosher bbc
Why are there so many people on Sup Forums who refuse to admit they're gay? They make all these excuses "Oh she's a nigger, oh she's too flat, oh her pussy is too beefy."
Just come out of the closet. It makes life a lot easier believe it or not.
>ywn own a qt nigger slave like this to drain your balls everyday
why live?
Internet Minstrel Show
Mammy! Oh how I love ya, how I love ya!
Never once saw a black girl in person who looked like this. Most are 100lbs overweight and can't speak english for shit, are dumb as fuck and have horrible attitudes that match their nappy ass buckwheat-hair
Metric fuckton of makeup
75% white
MOST black girls are ugly. Like 98% of them. I used to like this black girl with light skin. She was one of the hottest girls in school. The rest of the nigresses were ugly and loud.
What most niggers look like
That's the right way to treat a nigger. Bravo!
Please, by all means
An Hero
Funny how these women are the exception not the rule. They look mixed and they are cute cause they have less of the nigger faces everyone hates.
I'd impregnate them in a heartbeat
>The only attractive nigresses are the ones who try to look white or who are race mixed with whites
Top kek.
niggers are subhuman and cannot be considered anything other than "ugly"
They cute
Still monkeys thou
>cries when white girls twerk or have shitlocks
>straightens hair, lightens skin and gets nose job
muh cultural appropriation
But it's edge that is true. Never met an attractive black girl who wasn't mixed. Ever.
fat, but id still want to see how her ass jiggles when im ramming her from behind..
I would love to do some push-ups with her under me.
Someone doesn't know how to see past makeup and Photoshop
bitch get your hair done...
all nonwhites are ugly
cant disagree more. im white but i talk sooooo perverted to my 17 yr old black neighbor (lives 2 blocks away but we chat on google hang outs and she lets me degrade her and use racially charged language and she gets off to it). im 47. here is a pic and u guys should rethink these niggers....they are use to being treated like shit...soooits amazing
Someone cares too much about trivial bullshit and can't appreciate an image for what it is.
There you go op, im happy to help
Thanks for breakfast master.
post more pics or IG
literally she JUST SENT this to me...i had to talk to her after reading this thread and she proved me right again....nigger whore
>black girls are ugly
it's just a fact
IMO women with high levels of Melanin in their skin are highly ascetically acceptable to my eyes. Even as a MGTOW i can appreciate the fact that the deeper the hue the more pleasing to my eyes.
Yeah most African americans are at least partially products of rape, whitey
ITT: Upset Sup Forums cucks that were denied ass from a nigger chick. Kekekekekekek Trust me, your white worm wouldnt satisfy them any way. Go back to fucking breaking Sup Forums with swagfag and trying to blame CNN. Idiots.
no one said that black girls cant be hot, its just that.. 1 out of every 10 black chicks are decent looking or above, where 4 or more of every 10 white chicks are decent or above. imo.
Yes and yes.
the rest are hard no's
Wow... please tell me she's 18+ :)
dude she looks 30+
Damn... life really IS a Beach
Guess that means I am into older women ;P
>bish get yo hair did
SZA is a goddess
they are no "black girls",
niggers are not human, it doenst matter what "gender" they have..
We got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever you all got jungle fever we all got jungle fever
Still ugly
Not black
Only non-shit looking nigger in the thread.
I guess your standards get very low in a midlife crisis.
Even though she's SJW cancer, I still feel ashamed that I have fantasies about fucking her. Franchesca Ramsey if you didn't know. Don't Google her or you're in for cringe.