So being pro-nazi is just a meme right?

So being pro-nazi is just a meme right?

You don't actually want to eradicate an entire religion do you

Sup Forums is just satire my good friend :^) trust me

No, only the people following it.


What kind of oven do you want?


just gas my shit up

>You don't actually want to eradicate an entire religion do you
if it attempts to enforce its culture, values or ways of doing things in our lands then yes
I could care less what people do outside of our land


Nope. I just like calling people niggers



And mindless slaughtering is the way to accomplish this?

I never understood how Sup Forums can see human life as so disposable

Can't fucking believe what is written on the internet.
Especially here.
It's just satire, jokes. It helps dealing with the absurdity of real politics.


Yes, but Islam instead. I want to get rid of the Jewish ethnicity

Being pro Nazi has nothing to do with wanting to exterminate a culture.

Try harder shlomo

>You don't actually want to eradicate an entire religion do you

I want to remove it from Europe. By which means, I do not care. They can do whatever they like in their shithole sandpit countries, but I want not a single mosque to remain in Europe.

There are upwards of 7,000,000,000 people in the world.

Expendable is pretty appropriate


Pick one

Because in the grand scheme of things, life is meaningless, so for those we deem inferior(Jews, niggers, fags, etc) may as well just kill them. They're destroying any amount of good that could be in the world. You have to fight fire with fire.

I did not approve of these people coming into my country nor did any of my fellow citizens.
Obviously I would prefer democrat means if possible but that isn't always the case.
I mean ideally we could federally ban Islam and demolish all systems including the entire media system that premotes the divison of our country based on ethnicity or promotes non-American cultures (multi-cult) as if most Americans are ok with that or were ever ok with that.

Sorry but I want America to stay America and I want an end of identity politics which are all built upon racist & illogical viewpoints which only ever hurt my country and never help it.

I also don't want my land and resources being given away to foreigners so even if we had a good immigration system focused on bringing in good people who truly want to become American and emulate our culture I would still want the numbers yearly to be quite low.

It's not mindless slaughter, it's very mindful, thoughtful slaughter.

You guys have some absolutely brutal viewpoints of the world holy shit.

I dunno, I just can't help think about situations like this.
>Women born in Muslim country
>Deal with oppression and all that shit
>Wants to get away from it and move to a country where she can actually have independence.
>If these policies were in affect she would basically get a "LOL SORRY ABOUT YOUR LUCK SANDNIGGER. ENJOY BEING A CUM SLAVE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE"

I dunno, maybe I'm just to sympathetic.

How did I say that?
If she was a good person and told us that she loved American laws, values and way of life and wanted to become an American and has no desire to live in a country run under Islamic ideals then of course she'd be welcome assuming whatever quota we set had not already been reached.
And no I don't care about foreigners one bit.
Yes its a rather brutal view I suppose but even running one large country successfully is far from easy and trying to help all the ailing people around the world at the same time when we have tons of homeless, people in poverty and others struggling does not top my list.

just about everyone on Sup Forums would be happy with going back to immigration laws we had before the "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965"

>women migrating to the west
more than 70% of migrants are males of military age.

Anyway, the duty of a government is, first and foremost, to secure the wellbeing of it's own citizens. The well-being of foreigners is to be secured by their own governments. Take a look at USA, 19 trillion in debt and still giving foreign aid and accomodating migrants. Humanitarianism is good but it is also a luxury and the USA cannot afford it. When it comes to Europe, if saving a handfl of europeans means not saving thousands of foreigners then so be it. The government has no right to tell its own citizens "It doesn't matter if some of you die think of the foreigners!"

If you want to be humanitarian then good for you, but don't drag your entire country down to prop someone else up. Just fucking declare a chunk of Syria as refugee land and take it by force. Assad would not be able to complain because it's for the benefit of his people. It is to protect the well-being of Syrians, something he failed to do. There you go, you help people in need without fucking your coutnry up.

It's not a meme. You just have to understand that this is a board of half educated autists who try to find their own "special" niche, which makes them similar to liberals they despise. Yes it's mind blowing that people can waste time on stupid ideologies that nobody with the exception of those western Huns subscribed to. Just treat /pol as a way to escape the mainstream, for entertainment

Are you against those little cultural communities big cities tend to have ("Little China", "Little India") as long as they sorta keep to themselves?

I know that kinda goes against the whole "emulate our culture" thing, but sometimes people want to immigrate not to necessarily because they want to escape their cultures, sometimes it's just do to abysmal living conditions or tyrannical dictatorship. At the very least it allows for people trying to assimilate into American culture do it more easily because it essentially lessens the culture shock.

Also the thought just occurred to me, instead of blowing billions on accepting refugees, wouldn't it be much more effective to invest that money into trying to disestablish the groups of people making all these people want to leave in the first place?

your 2 questions are unrelated

there's around 10% of pol regulars who are natsoc and maybe a third of pol is some variation of white nationalist or another

From what ive seen no one wants to eradicate Islam but they want it completely out of western countries

>I dunno, I just can't help think about situations like this.
>>Women born in Muslim country
>>Deal with oppression and all that shit
>>Wants to get away from it and move to a country where she can actually have independence.
>>If these policies were in affect she would basically get a "LOL SORRY ABOUT YOUR LUCK SANDNIGGER. ENJOY BEING A CUM SLAVE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE"

They never integrate.

2nd, 3rd gens.

They never integrate, they never stop hating us.

Hindus integrate. Asians integrate. But their culture is based on expanding itself and destroying others at any cost.

Yes I care about that person, but not at the cost of my own country, my own people...

Right I get the feeling that if every little small town in the US had a mosque, my president would be very, very happy.

And 95% of Muslims may not want to kill me. But 5% probably do. And that adds up.

I know you wanna save everyone. But you can't. And it's much more contemptible that you would risk your own countrymen and family because of your god damn need to be compassionate.

That's the core of the redpill. Realizing human life is worthless. You are worthless. I am worthless. Everyone is worthless. Its basically nihilistic, informed greed. Life has one meaning. Survive and reproduce. Redpill says screw reproduction. Just survive. Don't like the system crash it into the ground.

Based fucking Mexico. Really the meat of it right here.

>Take a look at USA, 19 trillion in debt and still giving foreign aid and accomodating migrants. Humanitarianism is good but it is also a luxury and the USA cannot afford it.

Bingo. It's fucking pompous. We have our own problems. Just because everything works right -right now- doesn't mean it always will.

People had to work for the status quo and it's something that could easily go away.

It's really sweet of places like Europe and Canada to be so self-sacrificial in their lust to be kind (or at least to be pompous about how 'progressive' they are)

But cultures that don't take care of themselves and put themselves first don't fucking survive.

This whole "western culture" thing where you can do basically what you want is by no means permanent. We've built it strong but this shit chips away at it.

>Are you against those little cultural communities big cities tend to have ("Little China", "Little India") as long as they sorta keep to themselves?
Honestly they don't bother me that much (assuming they stay small/isolated and don't try to expand or influence any areas outside of their zones) but even then I debate with myself if it is ok since on a larger scale I would not be ok with it.
I feel like in the end I would be against it.
And while I understand your point about "escaping bad places" being allowed to join a great country and escape those bad things is a privilege and a great charity on our parts so asking them to assimilate doesn't seem that mean of us.

>Also the thought just occurred to me, instead of blowing billions on accepting refugees, wouldn't it be much more effective to invest that money into trying to disestablish the groups of people making all these people want to leave in the first place?
Of course that would be a much smarter solution and one I would fully support.

Thoughts like this actually keep me up at night.

Like how the sometimes the only effective solution involves killing people that don't deserve to die. How so many people are born into such desolate living situations and sometimes we have to turn our backs and say "sorry but this just isn't our problem".

I definately want a world where everyone is on even ground and have the upmost respect for each other and it genuinely breaks my heart that that will never become a reality.

>and sometimes we have to turn our backs and say "sorry but this just isn't our problem".
Sometimes you have to let people learn the hard way.
Kind of like with Black people.
We have continued feeding their victim complexes and give them more and more aid, more and more affirmative action and yet their communities get worse.
If you don't make people take personal responsibly for their own actions then you'll just end up fostering a society where people expect the state to take care and pay for them everytime they fuck up.
If some dumbass woman without a job gets pregnant the state and my tax dollars shouldn't be robbed to raise her baby and support her aswell.
I feel like just getting rid of big government and welfare programs would fix so many problems in a short amount of time.

same issues with Africa.
We spend so much money on humanitarian aid for African children for millions of people who have children without the means to support them.
All this fosters is a growing population of dependent people and who is gonna pay for them?
You and me.
We should teach people to fish (how to build successfully countries) not just hand them endless barrels of more and more fish.

>You don't actually want to eradicate an entire religion do you

You must be new here



Sup Forums is the board of peace, everyone knows that!