ITT: We laugh and watch the downfall of Sup Forums. Enjoy being doxxed, fuckers

ITT: We laugh and watch the downfall of Sup Forums. Enjoy being doxxed, fuckers.
>in4b I work for CNN

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess it's better than having a job.

this is not Sup Forums, you know that right?

Yeah let's watch people's rights and freedoms get trampled on by a huge corporation...


You are posting on the wrong board idiot.
Fucking shills can't even get their boards right anymore

Where is the evidence that CNN is doing this? Did they say they were?

That first image was the perspective of a liberal artist though.

>A. this isnt Sup Forums
>B. The only CNN takes down is its own ratings
>C. Good luck doxxing me because I actually am behind 7 OpenVPN proxies and two SSH proxies
>D. ????
>E. Liberal tears

Oh fuck, dude tumblr is getting high tech this actually kinda scares me

I was doxed by Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /q/ in a multiboard collaboration to take me down. It really wasn't so bad after a few days, and was a real boon to my popularity.

like an untrained animal, or a person from india, the Sup Forumsack sees all the world as his shitting place

Wrong board you stupid shill

did they break 4chinz why cant i post on Sup Forums

>how your wife sees me
>how you see me
Gee, I wonder which one I give a fuck about...

Wrong fucking board, because of this threads there was Sup Forums introduced. But I guess, since you like trolling, you are banned there.

So companies have no law based rights? Guy was trademark infringing their logo.

CNN did say they were trying to take down Sup Forums. Wether this is a result of CNN or not I cannot say but CNN did say they would try

What a fucking dumbass. This is Sup Forums

>links a buzzfeed article written by a nobody

Liberalism operates purely on emotionalism.

Can't we just go fuck over tumblr like this so we're not the only ones dying like trash ?


You make a good point. Go record some identities and start a raid thread.

This actually works! Thanks friend!

>Source needed

Good thinking user let me know if you find any good identities

Pic related is OP

But how can you fall if you're already at the bottom?


Google fair use, then neck yourself.

Nice, I'm tracking down these cuckservatives as we speak

ITT: we trigger trumptards mentioning CNN


Based hanassholesolo was right

Did anyone find this faggot yet?

Hey! How are things at the shill office today? :)


>Thinking fair use applies to U.S. company logos
Hearty kek
>Use of a logo in a fictional work that disparages the logo owner can be ruled a trademark infringement

If you read my post, you would have seen, I didn't write copyright but trademark. Maybe learn to read.

Hey CNN :)

Yes. Sup Forums found him but mods worked overtime to 404 the threads

Shit bruh don't even attempt to suggest scary shit like that.

Here's hoping

Is this true? I need a name

Was he really german? Kek, he could go to prison for 10 years for the shit he posted.

You forgot to add in the part where this is illegal if done by a competitor in an attempt to make themselves look better. Hanassholesolo wasn't seeking any profit or gain from his work

Get this man a beer, can't wait for president Mike "like the cock, get the shock" Pence to put fags in their proper place when that happens.

One can dream...


mike like the cock

Nice keep up the good work
I'm recording some IP addresses as we speak

Fucking hell, can you really not read?!

The paragraph before was about competitors. The paragraph I cited was about using it in media. Fuck off and read it.

Use in Fiction
Portraying a logo in a fictional work, be it movie or illustrated novel, would generally not be considered an infringement as long as the use doesn’t confuse the viewer on who owns the logo’s trademark. The use of trademarks in fiction is recognized as a means for enhancing realism in a story, though the movie industry has turned that around by not only seeking permission to use logos, but selling their use to the trademark owners as product placement. Use of a logo in a fictional work that disparages the logo owner can be ruled a trademark infringement, yet use of the logo in connection with a non-fictional work of criticism is fair use.

Before shock therapy

After shock therapy

See it works. Stop complaining.

>yet use of the logo in connection with a non-fictional work of criticism is fair use.

Get rekt


So CNN members were wrestling with trump?
Can you please send me the videos and images??

Kek saved
If it were me I would gladly provoke CNN to out me. I'd love to be a martyr if it means I bring CNN down with me

Sup Forums BTFO

It's a work of criticism and CNN logo was super imposed over a non fictional event.

So if someone screams at someone else and media writes you were fistfighting it is super imposed and criticism?

No, it is no real event. A real work of criticism would be when something happened and you are mocking or reporting about exactly that incident. I.E. showing the VW logo with a car emitting black smoke.


Ok good, in NO way was that meme "disparaging" to CNN, it's called a joke..just like snl or any of the late night shows, comedy..

>non fictional event

Pick one

you'd be an internet revolutionary bro
are you the next snowden???
fuck fake news and marxism MAGA fuck PC

Who will fall after Cnn?

Fox hopefully

Funnily enough SNL gets sued every few weeks. Latest most known person was Trump himself.

SNL has a whole team of lawyers, asks for the permission to use the logos and tries to hide behind non fictional criticism.

Sued is one thing, threatening/intimidating and saying you'll release private info for any insane fucktard to use to find the guy is a completely different story altogether.

all this press covfefe

You made this thread yesterday and you literally work for CNN

This is exactly what Sup Forums wants though, they love licking boots