Why are there so few Asian women in lead female roles?

Why are there so few Asian women in lead female roles?

They are massively underrepresented relative to White males' affinity for them in dating.

Priyanka Chopra

White males who date Asians aren't really men.

Why is that please explain?

Because its a writer trap.

No one cares fag.

Because gooks are ugly as fuck, right after niggers.

Cant get a white girl

Gotta getta gook


How come Asian roles are only one of the big 3?

>t. Aging white harpy

I can't think of a single field of employment where american asian women work. Whites do all the jobs blacks do all the entertainment asian men do all the computers mexicans are laborers and the women of all these groups work shitty retail or family/healthcare shit.

What the fuck do asian women do?

You answered your own question. They work retail or shitty healthcare jobs.

If a ginger and a asian have a kid, does it have minus 1 soul?

It is the hottest woman alive

>relative to White males' affinity for them in dating

you will never get laid by anyone who isn't a man pretending to be a woman

>I can't think of a single field of employment where american asian women work

Well, you'd have to have a job yourself to find out, now wouldn't you.

Nursing, cleaning, beauty.


look at that thing


Post your gf.

Ops pic is a bad representation of am actor. She can't act and she has a lazy eye.

Answered your q

Found the Virgin

Bitter white roastie

found the nig
sorry man, at least black girls prefer you guys

Agreed. so what if white women are whores with 5 kids from 3 different dads? She's a good person and you need to MAN UP!

Joe Sixpack outta nowhere.

Drag racing, greyhounds, YEEEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAATE

Ginger here, lookin to find out

Does anyone else find it difficult to get into asian cinema? It's a weird disconnect for me.

It's like watching a movie starring dogs, shot by dogs, made for dogs.

Imagine walking the streets of Manhattan and bumping into an Apache or something. Asians are savages. It's hard to imagine these people still exist in this time and space.

In their gangster/thriller films, they're wearing suits because that's what is required. But be honest, you know they get off the set, take off their shoes (cause animals don't wear shoes and these animals LOVE being barefoot), put on their kimono, sit on the floor (instead of a chair like a civilized human being), eat fish meat these freaks refuse to even cook, while using literal sticks.

Do you think these people really have anything to offer as far as insight into life, love, society, etc?


Why is Sup Forums so concerned with race ?

You guys really don't understand that it doesn't matter at all?

She a good girl dindu nuffin

Of course, all the nail salons and shit.

I knew they to dominate some industry. Every race dominates at least one.

Look at this sad, pathetic loser.

The only person you should ever listen to telling you to "man up" is your father.
If a girl ever tells you to man up its code for "do what I want you to do" and/or "take responsibility for my bad decision"

Try watching Hong Kong cinema
Some of those people are more british than brits but the cinema still has a unique style to it
Great gangster movies, even better dramas
Days of Being Wild is one of my all-time faves

Not political bait enough.

What if a girl's brother says it?

They can be teachers or actors, and most of them are very good at it

t. Chink


They're all rednecks? I've only been lurking on this board for a week but they're mostly far right.

SJW plz go

>Asian Americans are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the U.S, with Asians now making up the largest share of recent immigrants. A Pew Research survey finds Asian Americans are more satisfied than the general public with their lives, finances and the direction of the country, and they place a greater value on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success.

Celestials were not made for acting.

Unless that girl is your aunt, tell him to fuck off.

Bitter far right cheap beer drinker

t. Chink

And those Asians are indians and Muslims, not chinks.

I think racial identity is the only thing a lot of these people have to go on, so they naturally assume others put the same stock into their race as they do.

Those are Indians. Not like the pro white genocide people here believe.

That's true. Because the people they (this board) look up to are white people pretending to be comic book characters.

Yeah these guys are pretty predictable. Any personal achievement that can be attributed to them alone at not to being lucky enough to be born into a well to do socioeconomic class is rather nonexistent among them. Assuming of course they aren't the passive aggressive beta males who blame the "others" for personal failings such as not being able to access women

What's wrong with social justice?

Because the Jews fear the Hapa.

I actually kinda want to see more WMAF couples in movies. I'm normally against race-mixing, but I have a bad case of yellow fever.

Why do you have yellow fever?

>im a huge hypocrite
Everyone fears hapas because nobody wants more school shooters.

Asian women are generally shallower and easier catches, particularly Sea BRs.

Taking the easy route is not manly. There are men who can still keep wilder women in check. Obviously not ones that settle for alllooksames.


This is only the case if those men exlusively date asians. Most asian girls aren't opposed to dating whites and vice-versa so they can approach each other without regard for race.


Fuck off racist

I know you're probably being facetious but this thread is definitely full of tumblrite race mixers.

I don't know, there's just something so damn, irresistibly feminine about Asian women.

I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.

Yeah their low low standards. Cuck.

Asians are white desu senpai


arr rook same

>elite of a population go to a different country
>be surprised when they are above average in that country too

Yeah nah, the ones smart or wealthy enough to escape from the shithole they or their parents were born in are going to be smarter and have more drive than your average working class white. That doesn't mean every gook or poo in loo is a genius. Obviously if you'd been there you'd realise this.

Nope. Slavs aren't white either.

>race mixers and their mental gymnastics

Well, they're not all winners.

And don't get me wrong, I think white women are the most beautiful women in the world, and I would never have mixed kids. However, I still have the occasional craving for slanted pussy.

Butthurt weeb.