I don't understand all this hate towards CNN, like sometimes they exaggerated stuff but all news does...

I don't understand all this hate towards CNN, like sometimes they exaggerated stuff but all news does, it gets people watching. At least they're not racist and sexist like Fox News.


Go away CNN. You're not welcome here.

Not interested with all these shillings, it will just die off like the rest of the fads on the internet.


that's why









you are that woman shill. lets pretend that I'm russian spy and you are poor little american woman who only sucks russian dicks.





Gtfo normie










Ratings should NOT be how to handle the news, the truth should be. Local channels like FOX don't have to worry about ratings because billions of people watch them, so they can mostly speak the truth. I guess you would rather have liberal ratings than conservative truth.



Go away Sup Forums. Stop spreading half truths when it comes to the CNN story. No one likes you, go away and KYS. Also, stop freezing the boards so you can go on the few that are not frozen to post the same cancerous shit and blame CNN. No one is falling for your bullshit. You and your Russian faggots and swagfag can eat a dick. Go away. We are not playing your dumb ass game any longer. You and Trump have lost.




they are anti-white




how retarded are you actually?

















Dude CNN is just autistic, end of the story




So shills are posting pics of some random girl so this thread stays in front page. lmao you guys are so pathetic actually.



right.....just exaggeration












404 yes
























