I feel like a huge portion of the population is much less self-aware or not as conscious as others...

I feel like a huge portion of the population is much less self-aware or not as conscious as others. I feel like I'm "awake" and the others are just p-zombies. When I talk to those people, I think I just kind of say whatever I think they want to hear so that they'll either leave me alone or give me what I want.

What is that? Does anyone else feel this way?

I feel exactly this way. I can't explain it either.

I feel that way, it's the Aspergers.

Everybody does and feels that. Your cat or dog probably feels like that sometimes

Self-awareness comes with solipsism. You're not special

this man is wOke

man, you can't grow in to that, can you? I wasn't always this way.

most people here probably feel this way. normies just want to continue with their lives and they dont want to see shit that will pop their perfect little bubbles

Fellow aspie? I'm just now understanding myself, need a psychiatrist

I don't know about "awoke", it just feel like everyone else is fucking retarded. Everywhere you look on this planet there's shit that's stupid AF and makes no sense, and yet when you point it out people don't get it, don't fucking care, or more often both.

Just look at this fucking pic. Went to Disneyland a week ago. If you jump in the normal line, you wait 40 minutes. In full sun, 95+ degree temps, in fucking July. Or... you could walk 20 feet, get a Fastpass (which is 100% free) wait literally TWO minutes and basically WALK RIGHT ONTO THE FUCKING RIDE.


Am I fucking crazy or does this not make fucking sense? I rode that fucking ride 5 times in a row while thousands of these mouthbreathers soaked up cancer waiting to get on ONCE. How can people BE this fucking stupid? The mind recoils in horror yet it's fucking true.

>I'm just now understanding myself

Wow, yeah, that's how I feel too. Like I'm finally understanding how I feel about these things. This is Aspergers??

>yet when you point it out people don't get it, don't fucking care, or more often both.

fuuuucc, you guys are hitting the nails on the heads.

But yes seriously: shit like your Disneyland ordeal shows a marked lack of thought or internal consideration. Just doing what everybody else is doing. Almost like a shitty form of optimization.

>huge portion
>less self-aware
>I feel like I'm "awake" and the others are just p-zombies
Was it your first year of philosophy? Fuck almighty, OP. Come now. If anything, you've got sociopathic tendencies and suffer from delusions of grandeur, or you've got latent autism that prevents you from better understanding how to perform and interpret contemporary human-scope dealings.

Get a better grip on human nature. Yes, there are idiots. There are also autists.

literally been this way my entire life.

I call em sheeple. A few differences I've found is that they seem to take life at face value, and just like, accept that what is happening around them is literally what is, (and to some extent, it is) but people who aren't zombies seem to be more aware of their technical capabilities, as well as many of the accepted realities of the world (killing people is bad, stealing is wrong, ect ect) are actually just rules that other people have come up with, as opposed to these governing systems that people just assume run their lives.

Someone should write a book about how brain damaged Sup Forums makes people.

>Self-awareness comes with solipsism.

What? Solipisism is practically the exact OPPOSITE of self-awareness. A self-aware person doesn't assume the whole world thinks they way they do, they're kept up at night over the fact it fucking DOESN'T.

I can't see how it's me. The evidence is concrete that so many people are bad at learning, and are bad at taking the information they know and applying it in new ways, for example.

>A self-aware person doesn't assume
Well that's false. A self-aware person assumes that they're self-aware, for starters. Furthermore, Solipsism only arises when one garners the sense of being self-aware, to the extreme point at which it seems that no one else is, and therefore, that no one else is real or self-aware or conscious, it being that no one is even conscious or self-aware enough to be as real as the thinker who has come to believe that they are. Then a self-aware person can assume that the whole world isn't full of self-aware individuals who feel the same way, or that they are the first and only to have this ever so novel thought, and believe that they are the first to grapple with it.

A self-aware person can ever assume that their lines of reasoning are superior to the rest of the world on a case by case basis. As if their rationality is supreme. Which would be stupid because the nature of a human being is inherently anything but rational enough.

I mostly don't pay attention to the conversation other than mildly, too busy thinking about other shit, like why the car behind the person I'm talking to has a flat tire and how that building looks better with the new paint job across the street

Yes! Dumb mundane shit rather than what they're saying. When I was younger I could do that but still come away with a good understanding of what we talked about, but lately that's been getting harder.

Don't know if you did this on purpose but that is sociopathy.

>i cant believe people dont care as much about the same things i do.

Well, first off, your exact life is essentially an anecdote, and so is theirs. So trying to liken the 250 to maybe 400 people you can even know on a first name basis consecutively is nothing but trite in comparison to ~8 billion people. The concrete nature of the evidence may not even be that concrete, it might just be self-affirming, maybe even so self-serving that you fail to go the extra mile and attempt to find fault with it, let alone scrutinize it further. You suggesting that you absolutely cannot seen how it could ever possibly have anything to do with you, personally, is telling enough. Are you flawless? Have you observed every other waking moment of every of those 400 maximum people you can know about in a given moment, together, all of them behind closed doors and in their natural element?

Probably not. So you can't exactly convince me beyond a doubt that many of these people are so bad at learning, that they couldn't solve abstract problems in their waking life. It might just be that they do these things out of habit, and have been otherwise conditioned to do so regardless, because it is comfortable and less threatening to their sensitive, secular, stable, slow lifestyle.

With me it happens in moments where I suddently jerk and look around and go "holy shit , I am me , that person is just a person." Lasts for about a few minutes before I shrug and let myself be distracted by the world again.
In that state even my parents faces look unfamiliar

Yes! That's how I'm feeling, except the short spans of time got longer and now it's almost all the time. Everything's the same but different, because I'm seeing it for real instead of my interpretation of it.

I feel you, or when I see something, I trail off into thoughts about my own, like finance, I see it in a show, them going over bills, and I trail off into "oh shit, my money's not growing, wat do" I also find it tough to be in a relationship, I just feel like a robot sometimes not understanding their feelings like I have no emotions

> people are bad at being human
I only can explain that circumstance, through a power, which actively tries to dumb down people and control them.
They seem to be very effective at it, but sometimes people surprise you.

Also, maybe only semi-related but, but I hate when I'm at work or with friends, and I'll say something like "I could probably write a script to do that as long as I could pick out a pattern in the filenames..." and they immediately go "Whoa whoa, well whatever you say man lol I don't know that stuff."

Like, I love to know as much as I can about things, even if they're not my direct occupation or interest. Any time anyone offers up information, I'm all ears. But people will literally cut me off because they "won't understand it." They have no interest in anything beyond the best selfie poses.

But is it better to have those spans grow longer ?
Reminds me of the movie limitless where the drug made him aware of all his memories when he first took it

Its a sort of procrastinating approach to thinking is it ? You're probably not a genius for coming up with something like that and they arent such idiots that they cant even understand it but going "Whoa whoa, well whatever you say man lol I don't know that stuff"
Is easier to say , than to think for yourself

It's alienating, really. Because I feel like I'm detached from it. Also along with that, I start paying attention to what consciousness feels like because I get all in to that "what if I'm not conscious at all" stuff and I get freaked out.

And so now you know that some people like to her themselves talk and have narcissistic tendencies. Congratulations. Maybe your interests are too dissimilar from theirs that they pull a
>not sorry
>shut up

You realize you could simply not play into the dynamic and say
>whoa whoa
>whatever you say man
>i don't know that stuff
the very same way. But if it's in your nature to perform masochism and detriment yourself for the more alpha individuals, then it's in your nature. You are the toadstool who has not learned to disassociate from basic individuals.

Same !
Its a lonely sort of feeling , you feel ......... isolated.
People seem stupid but then you question if you have a superiority complex since you arbitrarily called everyone stupid. Its weird , I make a statement and make a perfectly logical counter argument (atleast acc to me) and just sit there in a trance contemplating everything but not drawing any conclusions


>I make a statement and make a perfectly logical counter argument (atleast acc to me) and just sit there in a trance contemplating everything but not drawing any conclusions

Holy shiiit it me

Derealization disorder.

Consider that perhaps nobody has given the argument or topic any serious thought before, and might not have any input through which to draw any meaningful conclusions worth airing. They might just nod their head and agree with you because they literally have nothing else to say on the matter and agree with you, or are too anxious and afraid of voicing any dissent.

Yep, or depersonalization in some other replies

Heh, while I've being pondering. One of the solutions I came up with, was that most people around me are dumb. That sadly includes family members and close friends.
Just as you I can't/don't want to really accept it. although one of my more aware friends, encourages me to.
It's weird to look at you're doctor physicist dad and think he's not all that intelligent. I mean, I can't be right, can I?

>Consider that perhaps nobody has given the argument or topic any serious thought before

Well why not take the new information I've given you, and start trying to fill in the blanks in your understanding? Start asking questions and forming hypothesis that the other person can confirm or correct?

Instead, idle brain. Or maybe they start formulating their tweet about this situation, sculpting it for maximum likes.

>I feel like I'm "awake" and the others are just p-zombies.


>Derealization disorder.
I am so tired of this nowadays , again , not to call a majority of people I know idiots , they might have there own strenghs I dunno but they happen to just share stuff on facebook and literally form 0 arguments of there own.
I mean EACH time I happen to take em up on it they have nothing to say than to quote whatever they shared.
Creamed 6 law students because I was literally the only one referencing laws and past judgments while they would just voice an opinion and keep trying to force it on me.

Never knew I had a disorder

It cant be true , its waaay too generalized. Hell I look super dumb to people when they just briefly make acquantance but comment that I am smarter than they initially thought. Except a few people way too deep in the flow of this thingy we snap out of occassionally I think most people are fairly ok if they would just apply themselves

I get what you mean. When I'm confronted with new information, I usually try to expand on it, using present knowledge.
Most people seem to go 'i don't know, lol'

>why not take the new information I've given you
>and start trying to fill in the blanks in your understanding
Perhaps because you have filled in all of the blanks to a previously blank slate, and given them no means or drive to want to further introspect or nuance the slate itself.

Some people simply don't wonder or are not fascinated by the molecular structure of water. The drive and interest is not of them. They might learn something if you talk about polarity and intermolecular forces, but beyond that, they simply have no care to take that thread any further. You've told them about water; now they will maybe remember that one fun fact about water when they drink water. It isn't always an idle brain. Of people I know, some you would call dense because they aren't knowledgeable about the properties of particles to the degree that I profess, are far more knowledgeable in and fascinated about topics I would never actively pursue on my own. That isn't to say that your stereotypical vapid airhead doesn't exist, no.

It's just to say that this is not an accurate representation of every human being you know, and I can guarantee this, as I could ask you to document interactions with them with the use of video, and post each video online, so that neither your bias or perception can mire the actual transpiring of events at the very least, viewable to the entire internet. And it is demonstrable that there are more than 2 kinds of people in this world, so my guarantee is a truism.

You just claimed that while they have their own strengths, every single one of them lives on Facebook and literally, literally
form 0 arguments on their own. They can't have their own strengths and yet be unable to form arguments on their own. They have to be able to form arguments that rationalize their interest, fascination, or proficiency in said places where their strengths exist.

You ask the wrong people, I feel greatly that you do. 6 law students? Wow. Why not 6 random lawyers, the kinds of law students who succeed in passing the rigorous system that trains them to be lawyers? It's as if you're looking for the lowest common denominator on purpose so as to decry the mean in a most gross way. Furthermore, yes, you might in fact have a disorder if you are experiencing what's been described in the above.

Every 14 year old feels that way, then they grow up and realize that they are just as big a piece of shit as everyone else.

I think it's mostly due to the culture. I know I sound like a new age hippy. But western capitalism forces people to act impulsively and short sighted.
Those who do not want to act that way, have to distance themselves from culture and seem disinterested or not engaged.
Coupled with a government that wants to produce adult citizen, that act and think like children.

>Some people simply don't wonder or are not fascinated by the molecular structure of water.

I agree with what you're saying, but that's really what I'm pointing out and asking why people DON'T have that drive or capability to engage their mind in new territory

You have a personality disorder called center of the universititis.

Yeah you're right there , I didnt have a better anecdote for this but well a lot people feel so 2D unless you SPEND a buttload of time with them to find out some of there strengths.
Others simply shine after a few meetings

There is a scientific name for this, it's called Chuunibyou.

As I said before, the only explanation I found was, that it seems someone is actively discouraging people from being that way. Babies and children seem to be that way, long into their school years.

The fact that this is still on tv and popular as hell is all the evidence I need. I want off this planet.

People work, are tired, lack of sleep, stress, where you want the motivation to come from

It's almost redundant to ask, though.

Follow me here.

You put 12 colored wooden blocks in front of a toddler. The toddler interacts with the blocks and forms a positive experience while experimenting and playing with the blocks. The toddler learns that you can stack the blocks, but also that if you stack too many blocks, all of the blocks will wobble and collapse. That toddler now has a predisposition to playing with things that are stackable, colorful, or otherwise something that involves problem solving, as the reward system for actively experimenting with and learning something from the open-ended problem of wooden blocks is dopamine. Any experience or scenario that involves things that are malleable, hands on, and capable of being goal-driven by the user, will be "fun" to the toddler from now on. That toddler may go on later in life to be interested in puzzles, or at least have fun doing things that require even the tiniest shred of problem solving skills.

Put a toy car in front of the toddler instead, and the outcome will be different on average. The predispositions depend on the exposure and the formative years of every person thus far. Just about everyone has the capacity to learn unless they have a condition or damage.

It's more of a want problem. It's more of a familiarity problem, of an instinctual, reactive problem. It is the drive, not the capacity. It's a habit that they simply do not possess; habits can be both hard to form and hard to break.

Think about specialists in their fields. An astrophysicist can care less about what the geologists does in their free time unless it directly correlates with what the astrophysicists are doing.

It's a first impression for a reason; it's meant to actively invite you to divest time to discover what you cannot by simply looking at them with your eyes- which produce a 2D image of the world.