There are many many horrible people on this planet

There are many many horrible people on this planet.
Some of them include:
> pedophiles
> animal abusers
> rapists
> terrorists
> etc.

These type of faggots do not deserve to die. Killing them, you would do THEM a favor, not the world. Putting them in prison is not enough torture these creatures deserve.

So I came with a fictional method that would clear the world of this evilness.

--- This is what I would do to them:
> have a torture robot (robotor) invented which would would torture & revive these miserable people so they wish they were never born all until they die in pain and agony

--- Setup I'd have them in:
> underground place, dark torture chamber, surrounded by worst smells people smell, non toxic ones.
> feed them shit, any kind, non toxic one.

--- Procedures I'd have a robotor do to them for the next few days:
> Remove their eyes, genitals and have vocal cords cut
> Start cutting them micro inch by micro inch until they do substantial amount of damage to their nerves.
> In case passing out, have a robotor revive them and wait their awake.

--- After this is done, they'd be moved to another torture chamber which would implement next methods:
> Removed their limbs, remove hearing
> Strap them against the table and implement Chinese water torture method until they die in agony and pain.

After ~50 years of the wold purification, the world would be a better place for all.

For people who think that these methods are cruel and inhumane (yes they are, but not for most most horrible people who deserve it) you should look in mirror and see if you belong among them.

It's time we rise and make the world a better place!

Other urls found in this thread:

Get mental help OP

Grow up you teenage fucking child

op is fag

Got one word for you Op.


Closed minded people don't usually accept change very well.

I suggest you start contributing to the world purification in any possible way SO WE can contribute in space evolution in ~50 years SO we, humans, can achieve something big!

We cant achieve anything big as long as most most horrible creatures walk on our planet Earth.

I would have supported your cause if it only targeted niggers.

You lost me at pedophiles.

No seriously, Zoloft. I prescribe it for my patients all the time. It can work for you as well.
One of the more interesting side effects is that it helps to suppress the more radical Libtardism that people suffer from.

Obvious bait, but,
saying pedophiles are monsters is like calling people who play FPS games monsters for fantasizing about the death of other people. I think you're thinking of rapists. Child molesters. People who touch kids. Equating pedophilia with child molestation is a slippery slope.

There are many many horrible people on this planet.
Some of them include:
> pedophiles
> animal abusers
> rapists
> terrorists
> You
> etc.

I taught my dog to mount me, he seems very happy

Imagine being this triggered and edgy


I am not depressed nor am I in any mental pain.
I am certainly not crazy, why would I be crazy? I am not crazy nor I every was or will be crazy. Craziness is relative.
Not bait. I have no intention of baiting anything. I just want to spread a message how should most most horrible people be dealt with.

Every pedophile might not be a child molester, but every child molester is certainly a pedophile who deserves this treatment. You got my point anyway.


I am in.

But not because I want to give justice, but because I love to torture humans. I think your methods are too mild. There are some more painful methods out there.

Yes, lets start torturing and executing people who do things we disagree with because that makes us the good guys

I hate pedophiles. They should be burned alive.

This so hard. Killing people because of a fucking fetish is the most autistic concept

This actually made me laugh how related it is to this thread. Thanks.


Shut up faggot

Hummmm......Yeah, I think we need to put you under some professional care. Mabie an evaluation and observation for medication adjustment.
What state do you live in ? I'll notify the proper authorities.

Why are you so fucking hateful? Just live life faggot.

that is the point?
morality and satisfaction is just a fleeting chemical reaction in your brain no fedora it's honestly worthless
if you're serious about eliminating degenerates then just do it in the quickest and cheapest way possible
the idea of drawing it out for some theatrical ideological reason is just kind of melodramatic and gay

>lets start torturing and executing people who do things we disagree with

That's called being human. Humans have been doing this since dawn of civilizations

You are not serious. This conversation is over.

*** what is the point? ***

Don't tell him that !
I'm in the process of getting him some help.
That's very bad user !

Op is just a lonely troll. No need of mental treatment. He needs some good spanking on ass.

Research shows most child molesters are not pedofiles, though. That was my point, and it was also my point to point out your point was off point...

No I am serious! You need help.
I think you are very angry and emotional right now.
And you may harm others.

Do you stop eating because it's just chemical reaction in your stomach? No.

Then we shouldn't stop killing criminals.

In most instances, people who molest children are only very liberal with how they get their rocks off, they do not plan to seek out a kid. There are exceptions of course, the few sick mass molesters who probably are also pedophiles. But I'd argue most pedophiles are victims of child molestation who are traumatized to be attracted to people of the age they were hurt as opposed to sexually mature adults.

What research faggot? The research your uncle did on your in childhood?

fuck he's got us boys
abandon thread

I have many pedofiles who willingly come to me for treatment.
They don't want to harm children, but they know how mainstream society will treat them.

You became the evil your tried to rid the world of.

also this research, faggot!

Yes Yes most of the pedofiles I treat come from this background.
Thank you for stating.

Too much edge for me

I was too scared to talk about it with anyone so I did som digging in myself instead, started remembering shit from my childhood that I had completely blocked out.
Yes also the research my uncle did on me in my childhood...

sorry not sorry never gonna happen

This is the most autistic method of killing someone i've ever heard.

Saw this one a long time ago,
Pretty simple but effective.
>Have a large steel room with no door just a hatch that drops down from the roof.
>only thing that isn't steel would be the floor that would be sandpaper on a conveyor belt.
>After being striped naked they would be tossed in, they would walk for MILES until they 're legs gave out, then they would proceed to be ground up at the tight corners of the room

I pretty much decided I realize where the physiological response comes from, so I don't have to feel I'm just a monster for reacting that way. I'd never hurt a kid, I'm not even worried I'd do it when dead drunk or high or whatever. I just go for the small women and it's all good ;) Do your patients actually worry they're not in control? because I usually feel I'm so "in control" (on a tight mental leash?) it's inhibiting me :(

Well done !
You are a good person, you need to know that.
I encourage you to keep talking, there are those who will help.
Even though harming a child is wrong.
I believe society will change about pedofiles one day.

You are Not a monster.

Some of the greatest protectors of children are pedophiles.
It's true !

Yeah, so instead of spending the least ammount of energy and just killing them you're going to waste precious time and energy to just torture these people, which you sometimes can't prove they did that wrong thing, people just get convinced he´s a menace.
What's the point of spending all this money on people that could be dead.

What's the point?
> set an example to others, so they know what waits them if they do something horrible

Why not record the thing and make them watch before finishing them ?

Brilliant idea

Well something changed in me after this, I might just talk to someone I know in person about it now! Thanks! :)

Truth is, who hasn't had some kind of sexual fantasy about someone who is young and under age. It's pretty natural.
Those who don't believe this are just in denial.

If you want to do this to another human being, you deserve to have the same done to you.

Not everyone on Sup Forums is a troll my friend.
Some of us do understand, and are behind you.
See ? You have friends you didn't know you had.

Works well until it's proven someone was actually innocent.

>you don't want to torture people to death therefore you are close minded
Nigger what

I'm a fan of eugenics, but what good would torturing people do, other than your personal satisfaction? If they're never going to benefit the world, why not execute the bad apples efficiently rather than spend resources on prolonging their tortured existence?

There are people I'd like to torture too, but that is entirely because of my personal desires and not the public good. If anything it's a reason I should be humanely put down too.

Better add OP to the list of horrible people. Mental autist faggot, that one. Violence and threat of death does not stop "evil", it only galvanizes the most extreme forms of it. This is just a really dumb underaged psychotic fantasy.

Crazy people don't know they're crazy.

Are you a wizard?

are you retarded?
you've got the reading comprehension of a down syndrome child
i said why draw it out and le epic toture them at taxpayers expense to fulfill some gay little fantasy about being le dark ebil torture guy
just shoot 'em and fump 'em like a man who's looking to avoid unnecessary expenses and is therefore protecting his/his children's future
god i hate morons who can't read

I wouldn't touch a creature of those specifications.
Robotor would.
Once few million robotors were made, which estimated cost is dozen billion dolars + chambers.
It's nothing since world would benefit from it.

Why "humanely" not put down? I've thought about that. They need to experience pain they've caused to other people. It's justice.

Kill all muslims and you'll get rid of all 4.

Pulling a number out of your ass is not making your point any better. If you're unfortunately not underage I would advise sticking to your living quarters indefinitely because you're a crazy person.

>I wouldn't touch a creature of those specifications. Robotor would.
Are you serious? That's like saying you had nothing to do with a man being killed when you personally bring him to a guy you know is going to kill him.

Maybe, but it's a small price to pay considering how big of a step human kind would take.

For real though, a lot of people do evil shit because they are inherently malicious/ hateful / psychopathic, but I'm willing to bet that more evil is done, and more suffering is caused by people who think they are justly punishing the wicked.
Truly, irredeemably evil people should be killed in a humane way, but I wouldnt even trust any institution to be able to carry that out in an honest way.
All you lads who want to torture paedos or terrorists, you have evil inside you thats looking for an excuse to get out. You want to righteously punish someone who deserves it.You think you'd get some joy from that. Other than that what does it accomplish?

Here's an idea though, how about you dont cause any more suffering in this world than you have to?

So you would just waste more valuable resources to fulfill this "justice"? Just fucking kill them and get on with everything else. Once others see how easily they execute people for these crimes they wont be doing it. Don't overcomplicate things that don't need to be complicated. Also, kill all muslims.

Op is a hypocritical moron, why are you talking to it?

You are the reason that evil prevails. Evil only prevails while good remains silent. Besides, it's necessary to set an example. Torture a couple of pedos, murderers, rapists and kill them afterwards. We will see how many will show up after that.

But what if the killing of evil people results in less evil being done to innocents, at the price of having evil being done to evil/guilty people?

Wouldn't that be a significant net benefit for the world in terms of amount of good and bad?

Your minds going to be blown when you find some of the "horrible people" are also some of your "nicest people".

do people like this actually believe 2 dimensional pixel graphics on a screen is "abusive" in any way.

I'm not into fur/loli or any of that shit, but c'mon, who is that really hurting? Potential future crimes are not evidence. Watch minority report.

Of course I agree with OP %100 for people who actually traffic and abuse kids/animals. But not digital information displayed on a screen.

>Once others see how easily they execute people for these crimes
Sad thing is that it would probably serve to galvanize the extremists who would do it for the thrill and sake of being caught and executed in that their impulses damn them anyways. Death penalty never stopped crime, it only made the perpetrators more deadly and conniving; go big or go home in a box.

Oh, go suck yourself with that dichotomy. For a psychopath, you don't seem to understand why morals and ethics, nor examples of either, fail to stop a psychopath from killing for the thrill. It's only the aspect of getting caught that gives them pause. Not even the sad face of a child would stop them- sadness doesn't make any sense to them.

And if you're torturing someone who enjoys torture, maybe even of the self, then you've failed. Even more so if you are giving them a way out by killing them in the most spectacular show ever. Congratulations, you're criminally retarded.

Post more torture methods please.

>Death penalty never stopped crime, it only made the perpetrators more deadly and conniving; go big or go home in a box.

Didn't work on gay people, they just hid for a few centuries.

The people I know who support violence are the ones who have done the worst things. They kick of the chaos without realising that they are going to be next.

Also countries like the US and The Philippines with their tradition of settling things with violence seem pretty crappy compared to Switzerland etc.

Yea, in a perfect world where you could know with certainty who is evil and who isnt, then killing all the evil people would be the best course of action. But in our world you dont know if someone is evil/ has done evil. We have trials to determine that, but theyre not perfect. It seems to be the case in our western society that the only thing worse than letting an evil person go free is executing an innocent one.
So yea basically the reason you dont want to torture evil people is because youre bringing more evil into the world, and the reason you dont want to kill them is because you can never be truly sure of a persons guilt.

>Evil only prevails while good remains silent.

This I couldn't agree more with. It's sickening how goodness seems to be associated with passivity, and specifically *not* doing anything to put an end to evil.

But, torture most likely wouldn't do any good here. From what I've learned, the worst of humanity really don't consider the pros and cons of their actions, they're just so broken human beings that they do what they do and take the consequences as they come. Most senseless criminals sincerely don't know why they keep doing violent crimes even when there's little to no payoff for them.

I know that many of these people have become what they are because of their own tragic pasts, but in my opinion that doesn't excuse letting them spread their suffering to others. If they're evil they should be killed regardless of what they once were or what made them that way.

Duh, no shit getting caught is the ony thing that would stop them. But the probem is that the current system is way too liberal and lenient. They act on logic not morals so why would they commit a crime that would get them killed if they get caught. Atm they get years in prison, "oh no, I'll kill 72 people then spend the rest of my life in a jail such tragedy", do you see the problem? And yeah my system would do wonders.

Setting an example might work for sane, reasonable people, so I'm sure it might work to a certain extent, but do you really think the most evil of all people are sane or reasonable?
Not to mention the fact that solution to the problem of evil isnt to do more evil.

> pedo
Did someone say lolI?

So is it the younger generation being Edna Krabappel or have the oldfags become really conservative with age?

You can't kill true love user..

What if you only do it when there's absolute certainty that they're guilty of objectively evil shit?

Lile members of drug cartels or terrorist groups?
Or where there is video evidence.

Wouldn't it be better if we cleansed the world of AT LEAST those that we're sure are scumbags who make the world a worse place for everybody else?
One of many sources you can freely read, for you reading pleasure. And think about it this way; sane people respond to insane deterrents, things that are over the top.

An insane person is not sane. Thus, an insane person will commit the types of crimes that the state determines to be worthy of a death penalty, probably for the sake of being executed after committing their crime like a pariah. Self destructive behavior. I mean, really think about which crimes are ascribed the death penalty. It's not petty thievery.

>But the probem is that the current system is way too liberal and lenient
No it's not. It's just lax. Liberal would be giving each and every inmate a residence to stay in, quality food, safety from more violent criminals, and the like. Instead, they're crammed into small cells on average, given jumpers and few sets of clothing, forfeit some of their citizen rights upon being a convict, and more.

Hardly liberal. Rehabilitation is more liberal than the current penal system.

>They act on logic not morals
I don't think the serial rapist who eats dead children operates on a good form of logic.
>why would they commit a crime that would get them killed
Do you not remember how many shooters have blown their own brains out after shooting others? It's a lot. Even last month. These people are not sound or sane. There is no sound logic. There's countless issues and destructive tendencies, all kinds of things gone wrong with them. And so they commit said crimes, because that's the only path they have that gives so easily to them.

The most extreme won't care regardless of what you do to them. The average high risk individual will care if you so much as upset the life they have made for themselves when they aren't murdering or raping or whatnot.

I think people who judge others and can't keep their nose where it belongs deserves not a death or torture at all, but rather to be castrated so they can't reproduce and continue a society promoting such practices.

goat fucking muslims.
minimum wage dumb asses.
and niggers.

Sane or insane the punishment would be equal. Why would you let any type of murderer run around. Just shoot it in the head and be done with it. Ofcourse there would always be these kinds of people but it's not like we can preemptively detect them. If we could preemptively detect murderers, psycopaths then we wouldn't be having this conversation. There are no solutions other than reactive ones for now. Setting an example will at least provide a preemptive solution to the logical part of the psycopath branch.

Morality is just an opinion. Opinions change over time. Slavery use to be fine. Slaughtering indians use to be godly. Having sex with children is STILL the norm in some places.

Culture is all about having an set example. The most evil people aren't randomly divided between cultures. Some are full of serial killers, some have more murders in a day than you can read about in a lunch break, some breed some less straight forward fuckups (like Ukraine). While others are practically green rolling hills and sunshine in comparison, with events in the single digits over the whole decade, as opposed to every damn week.

The truly evil (a la comic book villain) are few and far in between.
Most people who commit evil deeds are just opportunists or grew up with bad influences (say gang members for example).

Look at documentaries filmed inside jails. They're mostly normal people woth a problem of some kind.
There are almost never people as crazy as those you're talking about.
They're such a small insignificant number that it doesn't even make sense to discuss them.

OP let us test this method on you beforehands so that we know its working.

summerfags are early this year huh

All that for animal abuse? What kind of animal abuse?

Don't forget:
People who won't move to a city for work
People who travel abroad less than once a year
Anyone living with their parents after 20
Anyone who's got a folder of green frogs

They have their own "logic" my point was that they don't have epathy or any moral standards.
Also I don't care about the ones that blow their brains out afterwards. I'm talking about the ones that will try to get away with it and commit more crimes. The ones who blow their brains out are irrelevant since they basically got rid of themselves. As I mentioned above for those the only solution would be to have a preemptive method which we don't have. Well for any criminal for that matter.

If we're talking about truly evil stuff here, things for which there are no justification, eg torture/ abuse/ that kind of thing, and it was possible to be certain of an individuals guilt, then yes, I think those people should be killed. You have to draw a very clear border though, you cant have that category of "people who deserve to die" expand, or else you've just brought a whole lot more evil into the world.
>>Lile members of drug cartels or terrorist groups?
Right away we have a problem, I dont think being a member of a group is enough is enough justification to get you killed. It should only be terrorists or cartel members who have done horrible shit, not even just killing but worse.