When you realise blackmailing children doesnt work

When you realise blackmailing children doesnt work

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CNN is a reliable and trustworthy source for news and information.

More Americans trust CNN than they do Donald Trump

new poll from SurveyMonkey........

Fucking lol

Sure kid

>37 =/= child
Fake News
Sage goes in all fields

I never follow the news but blackmailing children seem pretty bad for me.

why CNN don't hire more black people?



CNN pushes racial propaganda, while being racist behind the scenes.

Tons o' gold


Why is everyone here claiming a 37yr old man is a 15yr old?

thats a monty python quote you dolt

Because it fits their victim narrative better. Even though the guy wished doxxing upon others. archive.is/LxvYh

Not surprising how hard these alt-right faggots are tugging each others' little dicks, is it?

hes not 15


ain't clicking that

>expecting libtards to have a sense of humor

ANTIFA faggot did somthing
They hope weaponised autism does it's thing again

It's pic related.

>make a redditer delete all of his posts
>make a redditer delete his username
>this is a bad thing

applaud CNN

they misspell half of people there
Sup Forums is really that IQ OF 100 is really showing

Just made this

He apologized, didn't he?