Slavic men are ug-
Other urls found in this thread:
ugly subhumans
stay sour
Shut yer mouf
lol, why does that one guy look like he's been pasted from a vidya game?
slavs are ugly subhumans
You are very attentive, cumrad. Proud of you.
lol at the butthurt Turk pretending to be Greek pretending to be German
nice twins you've found there
Turks have sex with Russian tourists every summer.
all your pic shows is that German women married to foreigners are married mostly to Turks
nothing to prove your statement
Hitler was ri-
The hot ones all look like south slavs desu
its funnier when you know that sachsen is a racist state and that most immigrants there are polaks
also more polaks than shitalians in shitmany
nah, there's plenty of pics of lighter slavs in this thread
that guy has fucking huge hands
big hands=BSC (Big Slavic Cock)
>lighter slavs
doesn't mean they're not south slavs, tard
unlike Drumpf
How do you differentiate?
Yelchin was a Zhid. Was he popular in Russia?
yeah, they don't look like your average Balkan Slav though
There is no average Balkan Slav senpai
We're literally genetic martinis
well then if there's no Balkan look, how can you claim that somebody looks Balkan/South Slav?
>Was he popular in Russia?
No, I don't think so. Why do you think he was a zhid (anyway, a handsome one)?
>His family is Jewish; in the USSR, they were subjected to religious and political oppression.[7][9][10] Yelchin had said: "My grandparents suffered in ways I can't even begin to understand under Stalin."[10] Nationally, Yelchin's parents were the third-ranked pair team; they thus qualified for the 1972 Winter Olympics, but were not permitted to participate by the Soviet authorities.[7][8] Yelchin had said the reason was unclear: "I don't exactly know what that was – because they were Jewish or because the KGB didn't want them to travel".[11]
he is an Ashkenazi, it's on his wiki
JOOOs on wiki want you to believe that he is a zhid. Don't let them fool you
post more handsome slavs
as you wish m'lord
and the greatest of all Slav men
Only Balkan slavs and Czechs/Slovaks are good looking. Rest are fucking hideous.
bend to the Wend, turkish rapebaby
> Błaszczykowski
post the hottest slav you can find
pic related
>post the hottest slav you can find
I can't :3
>pic related
after long deliberations I'm posting this
*walks towards you*
desu he looks like he was qt enough as a young man
he ages like wine
don't you mean mate?
Are all Slavs twinks?
fuck off fag
WTF, he looks like Stephen Fry.
me, I'm slav