I'm a Corrections Officer at a county jail

I'm a Corrections Officer at a county jail.

No, i'm not a "real cop". I'm not a cop at all, I can't answer any questions about why the white cop in your city shot Tyrone.

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Shameless bump because i'm bored.

Thanks for bump-- op, worst and best/funniest experiences?

Best would have to be the friendships you build with your coworkers. It's a high stress situation and spending so much time having to watch each other's backs can really make you close.
Kinda like the military without being shot at I guess.

Worse would be when we had someone snuck in some PCP somehow. That stuff makes the user superhuman and immune to most pain. It's not fun detaining them

How does it feel being a babysitter? Are you ever gonna be a real man and become a Police Officer?

I wish it were as easy as babysitting, then time outs would be viable.
Oh, and no, I'm not gonna be a real man and become a Police Officer, they don't really make much more than I do.

Do yu like interracial porn?

In the real world she gets beat up, knocked up, fucked up and locked up.

How often do prisoners hit on you?

what's the black to white ratio you've to "correct"?

It's not my favorite, but I don't hate it or refuse to watch it. You?
Never had a prisoner actually hit on me, a few mock blowing kissing just to try to intimidate guards, but no one actually hits on you
About 60% black, 20% white, 20% other

so, do you have prisoners you are kind of friendly (or at least pity or respect) with or they're all just roaches to you?

I love IR porn.

It honestly doesn't surprise me that niggers are the majority.

What county?

Ever shot one?

>i'm not a "real cop"
do the laws that apply to assaulting or disarming a police officer apply to you?

It all depends on how they act with me. If they listen and are kind I will treat them like normal people (well as normal as I can in my position), but if they are assholes I can be a jerk.
You should know I wouldn't give out that kind of specific info on here. I'll give you a hint though, it's in one of these states

Nope, we don't get guns, inmates could take them from us

you're a real cop

County jail is different from actual prison correct? How often do people really get raped

Are you a corrupt CO? If not, why?

Eh, I appreciate that I guess.

Just smaller really, same rules and stuff.
I've personally never seen or heard of someone raped, not saying it doesn't happen though

how long does it take for a straight white male to become a cum guzzling whore property of jamal?

I'd like to say i'm not corrupt. I have guidelines that I need to follow and I do my best to do that.

Racist joke, ha good one.

I was a dispatcher once and had access to the jail cams. One night cops brought in some qt drunk sluts. Booked em n shit. They stood near the glass windows and started flashing the cops n jailers. - fin

You are a poet, not a Corrections Orfficer.

Yeah that stuff happens sometimes. Makes the job a bit better
That's not OP, sorry to disappoint

Is it a decent gig? Like do you usually just get to chill? Ever beat the shit out of a scumbag just for fun?

how easy to get the job?
is the job itself easy?
how much money do you start making?

heh, no surprise lol

Being a dispatcher at 19 was a little weird. Id get 911 calls from people whose houses were being broken into and you could hear people in the back yelling GET THE FUCK DOWN to little kids calling for an ambulance and begging their older brother not to die while overdosing. That brought a tear to my eye.

Are you one of those private prison guards or a state correctional officer?

One is a shit tier mcdonalds worker with a billy club making 8.50 the other actually has a livable wage.

When it's calm, its a really chill place and the inmates can actually be decent people. Beating them for no reason would make me lose my job..so no.

When it's easy it's easy, but when problems arise it can be pretty demanding and dangerous. I started at 45k a year.

That does sound pretty rough, respect to you for being there to help them as much as you could.

It's not state level, but it is a federally funded facility

Dont dance around the question please. Private or government run?

how much homo sex have you witnessed, and what races are the most likely to engage in it?

CoreCivic or CCA

Pretty sure I just said federally funded. If that doesn't answer your question then you're out of luck.

I kinda answered this earlier, I haven't seen any.

Trick question. Same thing.

It was a little rough on the mind. This one time a jailer was working solo at night and was booking an inmate. They got into a struggle and I had no access to the jail cell so i couldnt do shit to help so i opened up all frequencies and alerted all of patrol what was goin on. Those cops came hauling ass and ran to the jail but by then the jailer was able to subdue the guy. That was scary. He was my friend and i couldnt do shit to help him

Does it trouble you at all that your jail is filled with people of color yet your culture and society tells you that people of color are not criminals?

Well if "federally funded" means government run then A ok. State facilities suck, state run private facilities ought to be crimes in and of themselves.

I work in the legal field. Civil more than criminal. I like to take a reformist view on the criminal penal system and you can better accomplish that through government facilities.

I've been on the receiving end of those calls, luckily i've never been the guy that needed help though.

No, at the risk of sounding like one of those cliches, I dont judge a person by their skin color. If you're cool with me, i'm cool with you.

I agree to a point. Offenders of crimes that aren't that serious should have the chance at reform, although murders and rapist can get the chair for all I care.

What race are you OP? thanks for the thread also you type fast as fuck

Meh i disagree with you to a point. Prisons should be left for the most serious offenders. The justice system hands out life and 25 year sentences like crazy.

White. I used to have an office job, typing fast was the name of the game.

I can see your point, I'd like to see a split of "need reform" and "need punishment" prisons, or at least sections of the prison.

Good luck OP. Stay safe. Thank you for the thread. Remember "correct". These people have to get back on the street eventually

I appreciate it. Thanks for being here.

What sort of games get created out of boredom?

>they don't really make much more than I do

gonna call bullshit on this one

Op u ever fuck a coworker?

OP have you ever been attacked or seen a guard be attacked?

I used to know a guy who went to prison. He said a prison guard was being rough with him so he fought the guy and broke the guard's arm.

Dunno how true his story was, it sounded bullshitty.

Just looks like resistors in a circuit to me...

Just your normal trash can basketball and stuff like that.

Call bullshit all you want. Not here to prove it to you.


Both. I was lucky enough to have another officer with me though.

Can't unsee

you got this job just like someone gets a job managing a dominos pizza, you had no other good options. no kid ever when asked what he wanted to grow up to be said "corrections officer".

Are there any ex ice cream truck drivers there?

There's one tht frequents my area well past 10pm and I suspect its more of the adult variety of treats

Yeah pretty much.

That's an interesting question. Not that I know of though.


Just let them have their moment, it won't last long.

Notice any general patterns of inmates

Recall some sociologist discovered somethng like 7 criminal thinking errors after doing a bunch of interviews

There a few things that officers know what to look for when an inmate is up to something.
Excessive scanning of the room, pacing back and forth, the same kind of stuff you'd look for as a gas station attendant really.

Ice cream truck driver floating around past 10p+ is probably slinging treats of a dubious legal origin that favors adults

Just say drug dealer

that's boring why just say that?

Makes you sound less retarded

Not having the mental capacity to process a longer sentence makes you seem more retarded.

Good one

How was the academy

youre just a gloried baby sitter on a gib program for the government...you don't even carry a gun. stop stealing taxpayers money and get a real fukken job faggot

I'm sitting the CO entrance test next week for work in Australia. Any tips/advice?

The written test wasn't bad, the physical test was a little trying, but again, not that bad all things considered.

"Look at me, i'm tough"

If it's the same there as it is here, then just use common sense, you'll be alright.

the truth hurts

>If it's the same there as it is here, then just use common sense, you'll be alright.

The test is just literacy/numeracy/IQ. What I meant was: any advice regarding the actual job (assuming I get it)?

Oh, in that case just keep a cool head. Don't let emotions take over. Assess any situation that comes up, but do it quickly. I know it's boring advice, but honestly that's the best I can give you

how many ass rapes a day are there

Please see:

Thanks m8. That's helpful.

How difficult was the physical test? Could a person who doesnt work out be able to pass?


Best of luck to you
Stay safe

Stamina is more important than raw strength
