Northern Resistance marches through the streets:

Awesome, BASED speech by leader Magnus Soderman:

The Swedish """"media""""" is pushing the one moron that was trying to block these men from marching, with her Communist salute, as some new "Swedish" Rosa Parks figure. They are going so far as to claim that she helped create an "iconic moment" in Swedish history. The good news is that this march shows that there is hope in Sweden.


Other urls found in this thread:


So swedish neo nazis are marching while their wives is having fun with jamal?


you would know, sven

That guy is batshit insane. How many people in his cause?


They dress like their counterpart the neo nazi. I wonder why Swedish government tolerate this hatred. The more they allow right wing protesters to protest the worse it'll get and eventually we're going to end up with another hitler

Sounds like it


well it certainly took them long enough

You were better off leaving out the hitter part. Better luck next time tho

I know, who are all these faggots posting these days.
too many reddit cucks these days...

>Ut med packet!

Kill yourself.


>leaf dubs

Stop trying.

>Year 2016 of christian era
>Being le ebin neo-"nazi" when more intelligent and reasonable New Right movements exist that doesn't require you to look like a retarded common thug


Looks quite well organised. Not gonna lie.

What the fuck is this commie shit? How is this acceptable?

>No racism
>Working class against overclass

I WAS having a good day.

They are trying so hard to bait these guys to do something stupid. Now, if the bald silverback and her troop would've been the ones demonstrating, how far would the police let any "far right" protesters advance?

If you wanted that condition to remain, why did you come to /pol?

>but who cares about the global eliteclass lol

identitarians are cucked, and want to "work with" the refugees

They had dozens of policemen in riotgear just behind her so the baiting part is def true.

If the roles were reversed the Nordfront dudes would've been arrested before even entering the area.

Yes, exactly. Imagine a Northern Resistance member attempting to block a pro-refugee march as the African woman did.. He would risk a major beat-down and jail time.

100% no

>They had dozens of policemen in riotgear just behind her
Worth noting: 99% of the time it's the counter-demonstrants who get BTFO'd by the police

check out this cuck

pic 1 of 2

This is an extremely forced meme

Sweden will not be safe until SD is in power AND their main opposition is the far right

Like Hungary, where Orban's nationalist Fidesiz party is in power with a large majority, and the main opposition is Jobbik, who are ultra-nationalist

I really think it is possible for Sweden; just one more Muslim riot or terrorist attack and we'll have a situation where the only people who vote for the left are problem-glasses white people in Stockholm, and non-whites, while the center-right parties completely die and the SD becomes the majority.

pic 2 of 2

>How is this acceptable?
Because the working class these days is too pussy to beat people for impersonating them.

It's an odd situation. Violent antifa is literally funded by the government, but then they get out of hand whenever the right shows its face in Sweden and provoke the police to fight them, because they want to feel cool and "fight the racist police", so the police BTFO them. Then they feel oppressed. So retarded

I won't pretend to know much about Swedish politics. I'm just very pumped to see ANY kind of resistance to the Great Cuckening... Especially badass nords marching in unison...

That nose though.

Vera Oredsson, 88 years old, born in the Third Reich and moved to Sweden after the war. Sweden's first female political party leader and still fighting.

I think his twitter could use some attention...

NO SWEDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow the horses have riot helmets.



>Germany FINALLY creates the 4th reich

Hello toronto, don't you have a gay pride parade to attend today??

if you march against your enemies, they win

Yeah, no

They have a strange attitude; a lot of it comes from the fact that they base a lot of their identity on a smug sense of superiority to a stereotype that they have of gun-toting, violent, racist, stupid fat Americans, so they feel special if they bring in browns and have as much of a nanny-state as possible, because they are constantly imagining themselves in a symbolic war against this imaginary stereotype of this stupid, evil American. They don't understand why conservative Americans feel the way we do about certain things, and they really don't understand how unbelievably pozzed America is. To them, this imaginary enemy is still a bigger danger than the invading hordes that are right in front of their eyes.

Most Swedes are still very comfortable, and they are very conformist. They are proud of their country, but right now that pride is rooted in a sense of being this shining example against the American strawman I outlined above. As they lose comfort, the conformism will make nationalism more acceptable, and then dominant, as the imaginary Bible-and-gun American enemy recedes and they realize they're stuck with 6 million Mohametians and it's making it impossible to enjoy the great traditions of Swedish life, like skinny dipping at your summer house on an island, that come from living in a high-trust, high-IQ, rich country with very low population density.

Good one, leaf. For once.

Wow, they are huge. Interesting.

Good to be white, no matter how things end, I will come out on top.

Nice memed cuckold

Is that a "MAGA Pizzeria" in the background?


The reason why Swedish government won't intervene is because is it a fucking female entity.
Women are the ones going on their knees as they face actual aggressive action - just like towards Islam.
Swedish government is such a fucking estrogen-van it will wait in the sidelines when the far-right movements have cleansed their country.
From that point on they will serve the nationalist cause.

>political rally
>all dressed the same

tfw when not even that allowed in my cuckistan

they look like mormons

>the horses have riot helmets.
communists fortunately do not

One got his teeth kicked in and another got hoof'd in the dick IIRC. Only luck (on their side) saved them from serious injury after 2+ charges

communism is disgusting


Swedish Law is so Tolerant and Progressive:


link please

One on the fair right looks like a young Dave Mitchell who got lost.

Middle guy with the shield looks like he's about to cry.

Just some keks this is almost inspirational, good job sweden today you wheren't cucks.

That's the best you have? Back to the drawing board buddy.

Feel free to jump off the buzzword bandwagon while you're at it

Holy shit, this is beautiful. I had no fucking clue Sweden was capable of producing such a movement. I expected them to be neo-nazi cucks rather than an actually respectable nationalist movement with order and leadership.

>They have a legal right to protest
>There are police surrounding and they obviously aren't going to start a fight
>She doesn't convince anyone of anything


>the worse it'll get and eventually we're going to end up with another hitler

I hope so, the only good liberal is a dead one. We need to purge the Trigglypuffs of the world.

Just pointing something out that amused me, need to reel that aspergers in son.

> Afro-Swedish
Disgusting. Someone shoot it.

If i recall correctly this movement is fairly hardcore, regularly practise fighting etc to fight anfita

Keep trying, you'll be cool eventually.

Only in your fantasies, Ahmed.


>the left has used the word Nazi so much that people don't care
>tfw is backfires and people start embracing the word

soon brothers

>be muslim
>hate these refugees
>can never join a group like this

Ill just vote for Trump I guess. All I can do.

I don't get why some nationalists still go for the skinhead look, it gives off a really bad impression.

you have to go back

close enough
>Have America Great Again

> caring about "impressions" has helped advance the cause

The photographer works for the leftist network Expo, he's worked with the woman pictured before. They drove to this demonstration together to stage this picture. Pure race baiting.

Wow she's so brave!

It is important to make a good impression.
The skinhead look is degenerate.

If you think otherwise then you are seriously retarded. These bumfucks can stand and scream how much as they want, they won't get nothing done. As we live in cuckistan it's more likely that the goverment will ban all kinds of "right wing"-thinking because of this march, as this march is "problematic". SD got a chance to actually change this country, because they chose to play the same game as the other parties.

the media tried to peddle that pic for weeks, no one takes it seriously

Can they recive donations from citizens of other countries?

>working class

Like any of those have work

Oh look another Canadian cuck

Extraordinary that, given the unrelenting multiculti propaganda in European media, so many are willing to stand up so openly.

>Riddaren av Ramsberg
What kind of muh heritage faggotry is this?

>Arabic in the profile name
wew lad

Removal can't come fast enough, Sweden.

>Magnus Soderman

Judging from his speech, he's probably a plant tbqhwy

any group of white men dressing in unison will give a "bad impression". The alternative is to appear a sloppy, unruly mob.

it is time to embrace the "impression" and reveal powerlevels.

As if taking pride in your ethnic background is a bad thing. Fuck off, Khan.

And it's only going to get worse from here on out. As cracking down on dissent increases, so to does the degree of dissent. There is no way to stop the people from waking up now. Pandora's Box has been opened.

>muh heritage

Look at the guys in the old SDU.
That's how you make a good impression.

Yes, my heritage. :-)

See Sup Forums

They're taking a stand against us.

That brave Afro-Swedish woman is taking a brave stance against the despicable tide of Neo-Nazism that is sweeping Europe.

YOU are the invasion, racists.

People like her are the true defenders of Europe. She is a true European.

Get out of my continent you bigot scum



>far right

What's the general attitude of the public towards all of this? Are people actually angry enough to do anything? Or are the memes true, and Sweden is pretty much on track to become a majority muslim country within the next decade?


But you're not actually a knight, so you might wanna change it to "Guy from Ramsberg"