ASSUMPTIONS THREAD cont. Post face and anons assume things about you.
ASSUMPTIONS THREAD cont. Post face and anons assume things about you
Posts a snapchat with a meme filter every day
Straight but have a fetish for letting gay guys suck you.
Last thread was pretty funny
You get blackout drunk and smoke half a pound of weed every day, dropped out of college and rely on parents financially
You hit on 15 year old girls through dating apps
You get punched in the face a lot. One look and I want to punch you
prolly cracks cold ones
More like he pretends to be a 15 year old girl on dating apps.
Kek Never been punched in the face. Most people have gone for a nut shot because everyone that wants to fight me is a giant fag
I said something very similar last thread
Could be onto something here...
Shit on me
Skeezy dude who goes to frat parties to fuck jailbait, has anime waifu
Smokes weed erriday and is a bit slow to pick things up
Hit me with your best shot.
Wanna date
"I'm not like the other girls"
Go ahead and assume I'm on the shitter
>Pro tip: I am
I laughed out loud really hard when i saw your face.
Dont know what that means
I'm the only person I know that doesn't like weed actually, prefer coke and acid
Second part is true though
You have crippling depression and want to die
I can see why. lmao.
I'm on the left
on point
Really nice eyes.
You try being alpha by overcompensating using physical violence for small reasons
Very recently this was true
yep ella mayo
WAY off.
OP here, can confirm
Probably gay because all the girls I have every been interested in have been gay or gone gay. Awesome hair.
you hide the fact that you are gay
you still unironically listen to NOFX
Hardly so. I'm actually a very gentle person.
Judge away Sup Forums
Your friend looks like a roast chicken
What the fuck is going on in this pic
I mean, this is Sup Forums
He's ballin, don't hate
asexual actually lel
You have never seen the inside of a gym.
Handsome guy. But your tattoo looks cheap
>Coke and acid
Okay taste. I like oxys and molly myself, speedballin is good shit
No, I'm pretty sure that most people want to punch you in your scrawny, can't grow a beard, face. They probably don't because the sore knuckles aren't worth it.
I didn't know whiteboy7thst uses Sup Forums?!
So that means you do anal only right?
you were the ugly one in middleschool and you're still so self-conscious about it that you can't take a photo of yourself without pulling a dumb face and without putting the camera at an angle
No, not the dog smart asses
You own a dog
Blasts vanilla ice through headphones that do a terrible job of containing the sound
probably the most epic person i will ever see in my life
you play roblox and wear a chain in public to look hip
You seem chill af
You get really excited when someone's at the door. Your favorite pastimes include eating snacks, sleeping and playing with your balls.
Grass Probably cut a week ago
Obv extremely handsome/10 but you care waaay too much about it
you're not fucking the girl
you are reaching for a fully independent life and taking care of your self is a big deal for your humor
much appreciated
cringey tattoos. making beards as watered down as man buns became. newsfeed scrolling twink/10
Nah just iPhone games
Chain is a dog collar my gf uses to tug me around in bed
Aight ill go again
Assume me
is new
you get quite good grades and have 1 friend that you don't really like that much
you're just like all the other teens in school but only less cool
Motherfucker I'm fat as shit fym
Very round head. Higher than normal pitched voice
you were always the one who got bullied the most out of all the classmates and now you have confidence issues
support pro-women rights
you have low self steem and is hoping that this tread will cheer you up in any way or will confirm the things that you think about yourself
doesn't feel pretty without makeup
You should overdose on xanax
You've experienced a lot of loss in your life as a child and the stoic expression on your face says you're trying hard to seem impervious to it all. Also you still secretly listen to Linkin Park albums.
double dubs compliments checked
cum bucket extraordinaire
you worry that nobody will notice where your lips actually end every morning when you put on lipstick
>low self steem
>this tread
Im not a fucking vehicle
Your father is ashamed of you
you screenshotted your friend and hope Sup Forums will make a funny maymay
wearing a choker makes you stand out from the other girls because you're that special snowflake
the news said yellow lenses help with anxiety and also going to bed
You're a dude