American """""""""""""""""""food""""""""""""""""""""

>American """""""""""""""""""food""""""""""""""""""""

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Amerifat food

>Japanese """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""food"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Only gays and women go to Starbucks looks like they know their customer base well

It's just a meme guys
americans aren't fa-

this is literal japan-tier though

what is it supposed to taste like anyway, I'm somewhat intrigued by it, wanna try it.

The fuck is that? Just whipped cream witj some colorant?

No shit.


>I'll have one traditional American dish, please

It's called a Unicorn Frappuccino. Decided to just look up what it tastes like.

>It is, indeed, a fearsome beast, one “made with a sweet dusting of pink powder blended into a crème Frappuccino with mango syrup, and layered with a pleasantly sour blue powder topping,” according to a Starbucks news release. It changes colors from purple to pink when you stir in “swirls of blue.”

This is something I want to taste but I probably won't be able to finish.

>japanese food

“shocking video” doesn't make these Japanese food

The OP is a literal limited time meme drink. Japan does stuff like this by default.

tgi friday's had Resident Evil 7 themed drinks in Japan, they were so fucking good

japanese sea food is top disgusting.
It's either raw & alive, fried beyond recognition or so plain you have to drown it in a fermented-soy based sauce.

I was thrown out of a hostel because I kept puking all day after eating a fried octopus snack.

>literal limited time meme drink
man, it's still fucking starbucks drink. almost all japs have no idea about frog for eating


Fucking KEK.
I was not expecting that.

>Japanese """"""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""

Thats a drink u dumb fucker

>mango flavored coffee

Fucking nasty as fuck wtf

you should have tried some vomit salads

This is how I want to live.

agreed their shits gross

well I just meant you posted an awful porn

This is cultural appropriation. Stop, Japan.

How is this porn.
It's not even sexualized.
It's just one girl puking on absolutely everything in the room.

It's not even a sub/dom thing. Even watersports and scat are more sexual than one girl who's just puking all over the place.

I don't see a problem with shooting automatic softair rifles at naked women or sticking living octupusses/insects into your rectum.

But just throwing up randomly without any sexual contact is not porn. Stick to drawing dicks on girls, some of those are really good.

I wasn't talking about the frog. I was saying you guys do stuff like what's in the OP on the regular. Just look at how many flavors of kitkat you have.


Apparently the mango is really faint.

Well, there's your problem. Boy, how am I glad that Starbucks isn't nearly as popular here as it is in the US.

this kind of video is made by porn companies and considered porn
most of them get more sexualized after puke

I'm not OP and I wasn't talking about a meme drink at first. that shit came to japan from US anyway

I want to try one of these and die from it



>that shit came to japan from US anyway
and then became japanified

>American """""""""People"""""""""

>and then became japanified
I didn't try to deny it
I guess that kind of shit is not so popular even in japan, though

Your meme food is much more memey than ours

I didn't know they made American chocolate in Japan.

Jesus, just put frozen fat in a stick and call it food


and that costs like $4 and comes with a XXL large soda

You know, for some reason it didn't process to me that RE inspired drinks doesn't sound very appetizing until I saw the purple viral one.

These famous webms aren't actually from the US

I know and some western media really like such kind of jap things


those burgers had the same effect as this new drink

I had 3 and 2, they were excellent. I wanna go back to Japan now fugg. No themed shit here.

Yea, they set up pop culture themed cafes for like 24 hours to a week at random. Pretty cool.

>those burgers had the same effect as this new drink
to japs? nah


There are many things that are awesome about japan. food isn't one of them. in a food thread, just shut the fuck up and hope no one decides to rightfully make fun of you. squid fast food. i swear to god

Nice try Nigel we eat Lay's here.

y-yeah, but still
this is not 2ch and japs are way more closed minded

I was expecting her to shove a squid in her vagina or something.


Most Americans will never see that nevermind try it. It's a very nice market.

This looks like it's from that really gross YouTube channel.


>nice market

That is Mexican, BTW

It was delicious too

I mean usually, american things aren't considered as weird shit in japan
so it will never go viral as weird shit among japs

Ahh, yes, the Hurgin. My favorite.

I had one of those today and it tasted really sour. It was awful

What's the name of that monstrosity btw

I have a horrendous sweet tooth so I will probably like it
this is disappointing