Ask a gay American anything

Ask a gay American anything

Why can't you stop literally sucking cocks, op?

Send nudes?

why are you pretending to be oppressed you stupid faggot?

Can u stop using ur kinks and fetishes as an accessory to your personally and just act like a normal dude who just happens to like dicks?

Also why did u faggots steal the rainbow from everyone? And could u please give it back?

Because they feel great in my mouth, oh, and cum is the best fucking thing ever
Nah, that's gay user
I ain't oppressed, not at all, I'd call my self privileged since I have a home with electricity and a nice job. Can't say the same for every other fag in America.

I do.

And no, the rainbow is ours :^), run away goyim

And to why, no fucking clue, I think it's because sexuality is a "spectrum". These same idiots believe that there's more than two genders. (there's only 2)

By fag do you mean "nigger" because. I'm a faggot in america, i cant imagine you mean anything other than black when you say faggot

No, I'm not a dirty nigger, I'm saying that I'm not oppressed because gays like to say they're oppressed but really they're not.

U know what, ur alright. At least compared to all the other gay guys up in VT who just won't stfu about dicks in their mouths and drinking semen from wineglasses.

I hate those kinds of people who won't stfu about being gay. That just grinds my gears.

A Faggot

>Parades and flaunts his sexuality, as if it is something that should be public
>Talks of about being oppressed in a society where he has the exact same rights as someone who is straight in his country
>Uses his sexuality to blackmail other people and uses it as an excuse. e.g. "Get me a new box of donuts, or I'll tell our employer you called me a faggot."

Homosexual Man

>Keeps his sexuality to himself
>Does not talk about his sexuality unless asked about it or it is an appropriate time to talk about it
>Knows that he has the exact same rights as a straight man in his country
>Treats his sexuality the exact same way a straight person would treat his

So, OP, which one are you?

Hands down Homosexual man, faggots just piss me off

Why is there still gay pride parades. No one cares if your gay, we just wanna stop hearing about it

Sorry just don't know what you mean. What's it like to be a fag in America. I'm a fag I'm in the deep South. Its like being anyone else. I'm not black. Everything is kinda ok

doz yoo homosex?

No clue, they're just attention seeking faggots.

why did you vote for trump?

Yeah, of course. Love getting rammed.


Because I believe he would make the most change in America, I didn't want some old hag that changes her political views as soon as money gets involved to run the country. MAGA.

Thanks for not being a degenerate, and instead being a proper member of society.

Have a weiner in bed.

you like dicks in your ass. just like trump.

Thanks user. Have a one Kebab Remover voucher.

How do you feel about Christians, given that they want to kill you and anyone like you?

And what do you think of Christians' much vaunted "morality" which would allow them to kill you because of your sexuality. And they've killed a lot of people.

Who gives a shit?

Yeah, kinda obvious.
I'm neutral on Christians, met a lot of good people who were Christians, so I don't have any negative feelings on them. But to the ones that want to kill me, fuck 'em.

To me their morality is a little hypocritical in some cases, it's a double standard, "You're allowed to murder this person because of their sexuality, oh but don't kill anymore." I know I'm degenerate, but still.

I'm a pan, want to see my dick?

Didn't know kitchen appliances could type and post on Sup Forums. I guess this meme magic thing was stronger than I thought. I'll turn the offer down.