How can we fix Latin America?

How can we fix Latin America?

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gib monie pls

delete sudacas.

with nukes

Junta lite?

Give us the land we will uplift you

we can't

Less corruption
More wealth distribution
Better education
Increase work productivity

>less corruption
And just like that you mysteriously disappeared

Mass suicide

>More wealth distribution

by being ourselves, lol.

>census day
>young census takers go out start at 8AM
>9AM some have already been robbed and stabbed in my city
if we are the best in LatinAmerica in safety and stuff I can't imagine the rest. I'll leave this shitty continent as fast as I finish my career and maybe go to Spain or Italy or some island like NZ.


>Less corruption
Oh, wow. Totally that easy.

>wealth distribution

Very easy. Argentina is football. And your football is run by barras bravas. So they run Argentina. Imprison their leaders and problem solved.

What's wrong with that? As long as you have a strict immigration policy to prevent gibsmedats from flooding in I don't see the problem.

Send Anglo advisers to their governments
Explain about anglo work ethics
Create anglo colleges
Enroll more people in STEM programs
Create IT start-ups
Promote business and entrepreneurship
Technology will boom

A few oligarchs literally control all the money in your countries you retards. You want commies not to have any power? Than give people a decent income and lifestyle.

>Increase work productivity
underrated comment.

replace all latinos with actually responsible and hardworking people.

I lived in Uruguay before moving to the US and it was pretty fucking good. Better then Mexico, which is where I was born and raised. Uruguay is about as good as a poor state in the US, which is pretty good.

what's going on exactly on that pic?

free tostadas

You cannot..

>Sending anglos to intervene in Latino countries
And what do you mean by creating "anglo colleges"? Make them expensive as hell? Right, they are the best in the world, but our people would never be able to pay tuition

>How can we fix Latin America?

ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip........ahhhm, I am pretty well here.

>any help is interpreted as intervention
i totally expected that answer. and i didn't even say "american". this is one of the reason nothing is not going to work out there. and no, the tuition would be obviously adjusted according to a specific market.

Perú will try their best!

how cold does it get there?

this pic is comfy as fuck
>the ocean in the window
is that a boat or a boat house?

It was a joke man.
You didn´t explain what is exacty an anglo college. A foregin model won´t adapt well here. And most colleges should remain tuition free, at least for a while, since people will get mad if they have to pay something they previously had for free.

Raise the fucking minimum wage for fucks sake, there is moeny to do that here

A palafito probably

it raises every year bud

Como 10 lucas culiao, como si ayudara mucho

>Maduro said he hopes to expand the number of civilians involved in the Bolivarian militias created by the late Hugo Chavez to 500,000, up from the current 100,000, and provide each member with a gun.

pls be ok

Stop making babys retard and you are gonna be ok.

Like two to four degrees below zero on the worst days. In winter, like nine to twelve degrees in normal days.

u cant

We bring these guys back.

Palafito house near the beach and yes, some are shit and others.....comfys as fuck.

Yo no lo digo por mí, pedazo de perkin. El mayor problema que tiene Chile hoy es la desigualdad.

legalize drugs

>just fix latin america by making latin america better
post overrated tb h

all those things already exist to some extent and they amount to very little
best response
>Less corruption
that's actually a problem to tackle not so much a solution, but solving it would greatly help

This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

the problem is que la poblacion es mayoritariamente rural basically

Kill everyone with native blood, kill all politicians, bulldiz large areas and colonize with North Western Euros. Since NW Euros are dying out that's not possible and everyone should just give up.

That's some fucking phenomenal commentary from ya, old chap. Truly elucidating. It seems so obvious now that you've said it, I can possibly imagine why no one else has thought of that before.

No, el problema es que la mayoría de la población es idiota.


the problem is that most of the population openly condones corruption and illegality as long as its convenient in the short term
you don't need to be a PhD in economics and live in a cosmopolitan city to realize the mayor taking bribes undermines the government's integrity & reliability and the trust & respect the citizenry have for its officials
our politicians did not arrive here on a space, they are us, the government draws its corrupt officials from the same pool of people complaining about corruption (because who knew rampant corruption is actually really bad in the long term)


Nah we are going to be OK.

>Kill everyone with native blood
Stop this shit we are talking seriously here

pls don't group us with commie shitholes with hiperinflation and recession like Argentina or Venezuela. we are fixing our shit.

Establish Germanic breeding grounds, just as Joseph Mengele intended

>wealth distribution
Tell larin americans to start creating wealth to distribute then.

education is the main problem of LatAm. In theory, like 96% of the population is literate, but for practical purposes, 70% of it are functional iliterates. Stupid people with no political culture blaming all of their problems on "evil politicians", "the State", etc and using that as an excuse for their conformity. That's were corruption and populism is born.

and murder

Everyone hates politicians here too and we have plenty of corruption. Look at the trump administration. A bunch of shady characters involved in the secret dealings with Russia. But I really hope that the system of checks and balances will help neutralize them...
I dunno it takes time to build that...

Latin America is the most urbanized area of the World.

>That's were corruption and populism is born.
true, but public education workers have no incentive to change that since they are part of the government
mexico spends heavily on education and has some of the worst global scores on aptitude test, most of the money goes to the teachers and their union leaders to keep both sated

its not just time but also effort and a will to have a fairer society

Of course it's a simple thing. Though are you saying the people of south America are too dumb, lazy and greedy to do it? Seems like it.

>the people of south America are too dumb, lazy and greedy to do it
that's more like it

Sounds familiar

>Though are you saying the people of south America are too dumb, lazy and greedy to do it?

Come here for a week, i'm dead serious when saying africans have a superior mentality to spics.

why would you legalize murder when legalizing drugs would bring down drug related crimes including homicides?

eugenics, open markets and education

it was just a silly reference about that Electric Wizard song.

breeding a large population of ignorant oafs that are easy to manipulate and keep separate from the elite is eugenics if you are an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy

What if we, like, placed in more puppet governments, but better ones this time?

But LatAm posters here seem alright. They speak excellent English and possess enough common sense so you can reason with them and treat them as equal. Why can't more people in Latin America be like them? They just need to educate other people around them. Tell your neighbors about Sup Forums. Maybe they will learn English and become better people as well.

>As long as you have a strict immigration policy to prevent gibsmedats from flooding in I don't see the problem.
Mexico already has strict immigration policy(because of the US)and look at us, we're full of Central Americans. Mexico is richer than the other Latin Americans except by Brazil, but our biggest problem and the reason we're like this isn't immigration, it's corruption.

I would install Sup Forums posters from LatAm in their respective cunts. This user should rule in Mexico.
And this one will be the military chief in Colombia. etc

What's the difference between Paraguay and Uruguay?

>Tell your neighbors about Sup Forums
Would you tell your mother about Sup Forums?

I don't think so.

Paraguay is a Landlocked country, most of the population speak Guaraní, and are mix between amerindians and europeans.

Uruguay is country with a shore over the atlantic ocean. They speak spanish and are mostly of european descent, and a handful of africans.

No, that's a secret I am taking with me to the grave.

Thanks a lot for the explanation, Argentinian friend. I learnt new thing today.

Transform Pinochet body on an immortal android and make him the eternal dictator of these lands.

First thought was that this looks like the scene from Akira. You know the one.

>Imprison their leaders and problem solved.
New leaders will rise in their place.
If you can't get rid of corruption in the highest and most powerful offices in a country like the USA, how in the world are people going to get rid of corruption in poor shitholes?

>anglo work ethics
lol wut?

How do we fix the uneducation culture?

Uneducated fucks are the ones that keep complaining about the government not letting them set up borderline communist shit and they always complain about infrastructure projects, but when said projects actually get finished and work/look good they're the first to ruin them.

Why are wannabe commies still a plague here? Do they just not care about what's happened to Cuba and Venezuela?

>But LatAm posters here seem alright
>Tell your neighbors about Sup Forums

>How do we fix the uneducation culture?
you don't, that's why oligarchy is the best form of democracy, if you can't destroy them, join them.

It doesn't help that the right wing in Latin America is a contest of who can suck American dick the strongest before fucking off to Europe with (((offshore assets))) when their term is done.

>Send Anglo advisers to their governments
You mean like the CIA has a history of doing?

Sure why not, if done properly it could benefit both sides. Doesn't have to be CIA in this time and age.

Truth be told as much as our right-wingers suck I can't bring myself to dislike them as much as the left-wingers and their populists.

But I guess if the populism trend switched over I'd also switch my hatred to the other wing.

Import the most educated, anglophone literate and hard working CHI

PS concha tu madre Argentina.
Except Cerarti RIP

Leave it be.

They should have North Korea govern it.

perfect alignment..
looks beautiful to be honest
i would want that kind of performance for my birthday instead of a chuck-e-cheese's clown

Why would anyone celebrate your birthday?

that would be me when i was like 8
not anymore, true

funny. he is fucked.

With Algerians and blacks