do NOT reply or acknowledge US flags edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for yanks are smelly
second for united ireland
really like this idea dear Ireland
only an Irish lad could come with this
also instead of the A word let us use burgers or some such
also love for Ireland
beautiful people and country
gem of an island
If everywhere becomes multicultural, will everywhere thus be monocultural?
fucking pakis I swear
What happened lad?
>sassanach i mó /éire/
*starts the American sub-thread by acknowledging your flag*
>Some of the young women in the GAA team are from Limerick
The Lord is testing me
If the cultures mix then yes
Multiculturalism is necessary if we are ever to conquer the stars.
I know a few of the women on the Limerick teams.
But you are probably from the area so it's nothing special
>All I argue for is a homeland for the Irish people. I think all peoples deserve a homeland.
>All I argue for is a general thread for the Irish people. I think all peoples deserve a general thread.
yeah nah get fucked cunt. fuck alls yous cunts.
you are wrong
this one is right
humanity would have to compress into a grey blob with a single overarching monoculture welding it together in some sort of way for that gay hippy dude weed lmao vision you have of the future, commie
top fucking kek
i am impressed
for the love of gemma atkinsons tits
there's two anglos ITT lads
>gemma atkinsons
no idea who that is
you get to choose 1 (one) culture to mix with the Irish one to make a hybrid culture
choose wisely
Northern Irish.
The Northern Irish
inb4 prussian
>just had a shower
>need a shite
all it took is one pic to explain why irish are a cancer
irish have the nerve to bitch about immigrants when their diaspora and their descendants are literally 25 times the population of the ROI
t. bruce o'neill
nice flag
name one country that got GAEL'd that wasn't fair game from the native population being exterminated by the anglo
whoops sorry, didn't notice the size of image. i'll check back in 10 minutes after it's loaded for you and see if you've replied.
How're things son? You been spreading our Gael genes?
Wouldja spare some change der luv???
But how can you call the poster who calls everything on this site reddit reddit?
because i'm the one who calls everything on Sup Forums reddit and i'm also the one who called the american spouting his "le aussie broadband speed" yamyam reddit
Conservatives up 13 points in Scotland predicted to take 5 seats from SNP
Don't think the Scots deserve independence at this rate.
Was that going to be your answer?
Near the border I assume?
>have to choose between queers and sasanaigh
sad stuff
Fuck's sake
well they have every fucking seat in the country, they can't exactly gain seats.
How come?
I don't think that independence is something you have to "deserve"
All around the border? It's irrelevant how many they get unless they get more than Labour from SNP seats, that would be a blow. SNP will probably hold most of their seats anyway.
Why not?
Why are the burgers trying so hard to "invade?"
I don't think they want it at this rate.
>Was that going to be your answer?
i think a scot indyref would pass in 2017 tb h
>they have a page about it on their website
For want of a better phrase, they seem intent on cucking themselves out of it.
Why is the rate of foreigner posting always higher at the start of a thread than at the end?
because they're all think you're ugly
they'll probably leave now
Eastern Highlands too
As in with the policies of the SNP producing this sort of shite or they feel like they can't leave due to the connection with the rest of the UK like this webm?
thoroughly embarrassed myself with that typo
Shit, meant to quote instead of
Wtf I'm about to leave now
The post in general was pretty embarrassing.
shut up
absolute state of éire
mix with korean for plastic paddy master race
Not sure why I keep watching this shite
They've wound up in yet another prison they need to break out of
>Show called Prison Break
>Complain about them breaking out of prisons
Season 1 was 12 years ago, they need to move on
What else were you expecting?
Or end the show
Not to endlessly cycle around the same plot season after season. The ISIS angle this season is interesting but it still feels like the same old.
If only they called the show something more vague like "Freedom" or some such they might not feel shackled to constantly inventing plots that involve strategically getting arrested and breaking someone out of prison.
evangelion is my favourite anime
>Not to endlessly cycle around the same plot season after season. The ISIS angle this season is interesting but it still feels like the same old.
Is it a continuous show or are they building up to something? 12 years seems like a long time for a series which is building up to some final conclusion assuming it's not cancelled and brought back.
>If only they called the show something more vague like "Freedom" or some such they might not feel shackled to constantly inventing plots that involve strategically getting arrested and breaking someone out of prison.
That just sounds like the writers are out of ideas, it's not the show's fault for being called Prison Beak, why are you letting the lazy writers off the hook because of the name of the show?
if you don't want americans in your thread, stop speaking our language.
oh whoops that's can't speak gaelic. lol
Watched the first twenty seconds of LL and stopped. Was cringing too much from all the singing and dancing. This was a year or two ago.
Should I go back and watch it?
I don't know, I've never seen it.
You should abandon anime, go out into the world get yourself a job and a girl.
>get yourself a job and a girl
Well I have one of those, so I'm halfway there.
>Should I go back and watch it?
Those things wouldn't fill the void left by anime
Why is she sweating?
2d girls don't count.
whos worse itt? brits or yanks?
How do we fix our political system?
the poles
Is there a difference? They are both Anglo scum.
Speaking of which, what was the reason behind so many flags having red or blue on them? I'm sure i read it somewhere before, but I've forgotten.
There's something about Simon Harris in that picture which is very offputting.
As for your question no more primary school teachers are allowed to be TDs, no more families of TDs either, and give regional governments proper powers, give us a federal Ireland.