So soon i can't wait

so soon i can't wait

It's going to be shit, she peaked at her debut.

haha ok

leak when?

She's always on some uncanny valley shit

Born to Die was great, but Ultraviolence is pretty tough competition.

she keeps getting hotter and her music keeps getting worse

Nah, she hit the wall. Agree on the music part though.

Until she finally disappears far enough into irrelevancy that waifufags will move on to the next thing? Same.


>Using a professional photoshoot which are meant to make ugly women less ugly as a way to convince people that she isn't ugly

Move along

She still looks like shit even with all the retouching too. Talk about an own goal.

>trying this hard

>Trying this hard

At what? The only person that's trying to prove anything is you.


it's pretty obvious and undeniable that lana is perfect and beautiful no need to prove it :3c

She has features of Down's Syndrome, particularly around the eyes. Nice lips, I guess.


>adjusts cargo shorts around boner
>rubs hand through neckbeard
>googles "hentai with aryan features"

She's a 5/10.

really makes me wonder where you would be then on that scale if lana's at a 5

actually, any woman is attainable with the right mixture of negging and class